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If the reason we went into Iraq was to find those blasted weapons, capture Saddam and kill his sons, why are we still there? Does anyone remember Osama? Here comes the second coming of the Taliban.

2006-09-06 13:52:07 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

21 answers

You have a very special way of asking a question, and it always makes me think, that I wish I had your understanding on all political issues and just a good all around etude, we could really use more people like your self on this site. I love hearing educated people talk, It really is refreshing. Thank you for helping with my understanding

===Peace And Love ========= Not War And Hate ===

2006-09-06 14:14:00 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I hate to seem to be repeating a lot of things but: Blame bush and this war is for oil (haha).
1. Blame Bush- There doesn't seem to be a clear objective because this war was so poorly planned and executed. Nobody thought about occupying and "securing iraq". If anybody else remembers, George Bush was on the U.S.S Abraham Lincoln, in a fancy flight suit, with a backdrop of "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" painted on the side of the carrier. This obviously shows a lack of foresight. This lack of foresight means that we went in with no true objective and we're scrambling to find a clear objective. First it was the WMDs and Saddam, then its to bring stability to the region (not really working), and now its to give "security" and democracy to the Iraqi people whose secctarian violence we pretty much caused.
2. The oil thing- Haha, to bring up another point: If we were truly in Iraq to alleviate the suffering of people, why aren't we in Africa helping out? Genocide occurs every day in Africa, yet we do nothing to stop it. In the interests of humanity, it would have been more helpful if we invaded Darfur. So saving other human beings really isn't in the picture. If we were in Iraq to bring stability to the region, it would have made more sense to invade Iran. After all, Saddam didn't threaten to "wipe isreal off the map" and develop nuclear weapons at the same time.

2006-09-06 14:02:03 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Its a war for te Israeli lobby:
The Israeli government prayed for the attack on Iraq, which has eliminated the strategic threat posed by Iraq. America was pushed into the war by a group of Neo-Conservatives, almost all of them Jews, who had a huge influence on the White House. In the past, some of them had acted as advisers to Binyamin Netanyahuwww.

2006-09-07 10:02:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The only reason we are there is for profit. The war machine needs feeding and the major manufacturers of war goods is thriving. Oil companys hit it big because we caused so much turmoil in the mid east that the price of oil went through the roof. The president wants to keep us there so that he can personally profit from all of this. In other words there is no good reason to still be there.

2006-09-06 14:04:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

To get out of Iraq we need to put more men there and clean the place up once and for all. Search every sq foot and get rid of the weapons buried all over. Start at one place and do a continuous expansion until the whole country is covered. No person or thing enters the cleared area without being fully inspected. Then we can get out with dignity. Forget about the Iraqui government or religions involved. Search it, clear it and then leave it. Period.

2006-09-06 13:59:29 · answer #5 · answered by hardnose 5 · 0 3

Well, our current objective is to develop a democratic Iraq that can defend itself. The military problem with that objective is that it is not something whose execution is up to us. Military objectives have to be attainable by the assigned unit. The US military cannot achieve the goal of "make Iraq democratic and self-defending." Only the Iraqi people can do that. All the US military can do is SUPPORT the Iraqi goal/objective. So if our military mission really should be: Support the Iraqi transition to democracy and self-defense," I say - Mission complete, we've done that mission for over 3 years - Let's go home!

2006-09-06 13:56:55 · answer #6 · answered by Charles D 5 · 3 2

Stupid, the clear objection is you future, your son's future, your daughters future, your grand children's future....look to the future of this country damn it!!!!!! Iraq is in the heart of the middle east why do you think Iran wants it so bad, it's strategic.....duuuuuuh! and the Taliban will be dealt with, a war cannot be won in a couple of years, these are not regular military fighters but are stinking cockroaches, and we are adapting and becoming the same kind of fighters Vietnam will not be repeated.

2006-09-06 14:27:52 · answer #7 · answered by anthony p 3 · 0 2

Where have you been for the past few years?

The President has stated the objectives too many times to count - are you listening??

Does the phrase, "War on Terror" ring a bell?

Have you not heard that the Islamic terrorists want to kill the infidels (that's you and me and our families and loved ones)??

Try hard to imagine, for a moment, that the terrorists are not going to go away if we resume our old policies of negotiation, diplomacy, apathy and a no response agenda.

2006-09-06 14:04:39 · answer #8 · answered by LeAnne 7 · 0 3

We gotta reform the Country, can't just leave with all the terrorist groups trying to take over or we'll have a brand new Sadamm in charge. We make a mess, we have to clean it up. This may not be the greatest example, but here goes anyway. "You can't just lock up the abusive parents and say ok kids your on your own." I don't know.............ok, they need guidance.

2006-09-06 13:59:11 · answer #9 · answered by TheMightyOne 3 · 0 3

Bush has no exit plan. There's no reason for us to be there and continue to lose American lives.

2006-09-06 15:52:19 · answer #10 · answered by Tara662 7 · 1 0

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