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Ive only been smoking for two years, and I would like to quit... its very hard to stop this nasty habit, Anyone have any suggestions/methods on how to quite without quitting cold turkey, or using the patch? Its way to expensive for me...
But smoking has become my biggest addiction. Im tired of spending the money on cigarrettes and polluting my body...also what can I do to get my husband to stop smoking or atleast stop smoking around me once I quit because he is hard headed..because I know if he smokes it will be to easy to give in to temptation...

2006-09-06 13:49:51 · 19 answers · asked by hearts_bleed_dark 3 in Health General Health Care Other - General Health Care

why is everyone so harsh about smoking its not like Im announcing Im a smoker and Im proud that I hurt my body... I know I cant make my husband stop smoking but it would be nice to give me some suggestions on how to talk to him about not smoking around me or something like that. Non smokers get very angry at this type of question, I know what it does to my body and my teeth and thats one of the biggest reasons I want to quit. It just seems rude to judge someone when they are trying to better themselves

2006-09-06 14:00:02 · update #1

I do appreciate the help, I just dont understand why people are using my question to harp at me about smoking when I want to stop, but for those of you who have offered some good advice I do appreciate it thanks

2006-09-06 14:03:18 · update #2

19 answers

I would try to ween yourself off of them. That way you can gradually get less and less nicotine in your system and your cravings will subside. I started by only letting myself smoke after work or on weekends, then gradually I got down to 2 a day, one a day, every other day until I really didn't feel the urge any more. The hardest part was if I had a drink, and yes I slipped a few times, but for me it never was the same after I quit. I did have the support of my husband though. Good luck to you, I have been 6.5 years without a ciggarette, and I started at 15 smoked for 6 years!

2006-09-06 13:59:56 · answer #1 · answered by switchmama 2 · 1 0

Natural Quit Smoking Magic

2016-05-17 03:52:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My partner smokes too, but i managed to quit. It did make it harder having him smoking around me but on the other hand u haven't really quit until u can handle being around other smokers n not have one. U will still want one even after u've quit though. I quit going on 3 years ago now n my lungs feel great, same as the rest of me but i still think about having 'just one' occassionally n i've been tempted to the point i've had 1 in my mouth ready to light but i stopped. Just the thought of how much better everything smells n tastes now. My perfumes actually smell right now, u know. When i first quit i used a herbal smoke the tobacconist showed me, there are a few types on the market. I gotta admit they tasted a lil funky n smelt like i was smoking tea leaves but they relieved the need for 'hand to mouth' habit. Thats what i found the hardest to get over: once u've gotten past the physical cravings for the chemicals, its the habit thats the hardest to kick. U'll find urself with alot of spare time that u used to smoke in and with ur partner still smoking n probably a few friends too, u tend to feel a lil left out. They are all outside smoking n talking as per usual n u either have to sit with em n withstand watching everyone else smoking or stay away. It sux at first but try making everyone smoke outside that way at least when the weather turns cold, its u who has the desirable spot, not shivering ur bits off outside in the cold! When its warm though, if its safe, when u reallly get itchy for a smoke n u think ur gonna give in, go for a run or a swim or some physical activity u enjoy. U'll feel better afterwards, u'll have amused ur brain until the craving went away n if u try using physical activity as ur 'distracter' then u avoid the weight gain some people experience when they quit. Which by the way, is because most use food as their 'distractor'. Good luck, i hope u succeed, but even if u give in n have to try to quit a few times, its not a failure! its another lesson closer to success!

2006-09-06 14:14:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Personally, I quite cold turkey but not everyone can do that. Try chewing gum or holding a pen in your hand. Keep yourself busy so that you're not as likely to think about having a cigarette. Finding a hobby to take the place of your habit would be rewarding.

Once you've made the choice to not smoke, politely ask your husband to respect your decision not to smoke and have him smoke outside. He will probably smoke less if he has to smoke outside and you won't be tempted by his 2nd hand smoke.

I have to give you a lot of credit for asking for suggestions and trying to go it alone when it comes to quitting. You can do it, don't give up!! ;)

2006-09-07 10:34:35 · answer #4 · answered by Healthnut 3 · 0 0

Congratulations! You can do this. Keep telling yourself that you can do it. My father quit cold turkey when I was just a baby - the story goes that he carried an open pack of cigarettes around with him for two months. Personally, I think that's tempting fate. My brother quit by going to a hypnotist (just one group session). I was skeptical, but it worked for him. He has a tape that he listens to at night. The only thing with hypnosis is if you smoke just once, you've lost the edge and are almost guaranteed to start again.

2016-03-17 09:29:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i tried everything to give up and i have smoked since i was 13 and I'm 40 now. the only thing that has worked for me is cold turkey, i tried patches, gum and hypnosis and none worked (or worked for very long)
i have now been smoke free for 2 years and went cold turkey this time the first couple of weeks was tough but if you can find a friend to quit with it helps

2006-09-06 13:58:03 · answer #6 · answered by Scott G 2 · 0 0

I stopped smoking 2 years ago, after smoking 2-3 packs a day for 27 YEARS.
I went cold turkey, and I firmly believe it is the best way to go. No cost to you--a huge savings, in fact! Keep a lot of gum, hard candy, and celery & carrots around for the oral addiction, and get some little wire tavern puzzles, click-pens, or worry stones for the hand thing. Good luck to you---save the money & reward yourselves with a vacation!

2006-09-06 13:58:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Lots of stores now have cheap patches, even walmart, at least for the first week or two they're really good. Just for a few months take every penny that you would have spent on cigarettes and buy frivolous stuff for yourself. Bubble bath and toenail polish and cappuccino coffees. Think of all the losers that you know that quit smoking, you re way better than them, right? Best of luck and I'll be thinking good thoughts to you and wishing you worlds of success.

2006-09-06 14:17:36 · answer #8 · answered by Laura B 3 · 0 0

Cold Turkey is the only way to go....But you have to plan the date and stick to it........I gave myself two months planning.....that is 8 weeks right?, plenty of time.......b/4 my date of stopping, I worked my way up to it.............It worked like a charm...................I liked my cigarette with my coffee, after a meal, while talking on the phone, when I was with my friends out for an evening or just getting together, while reading the paper,,,,,, in other words, I smoked 1 1/2 pks a day...many years...........
The first day of my plan, I smoked my cig after I ate.......did not have another one for an hour............had a cup of coffee with it........next hour had one talking on the phone., when cig gone, i hung up....next one I had while i relaxed and read some paper,
I did this hourly cigarette thing for 3 full weeks......sometimes I forgot b/cause I was busy doing something, so I waited until the next hour( I did it on the hour) easier that way....... workde real good....Forgot a lot because i kept busy doing things...
On the 4th week, I would not have one for 3 hours...worked good also.......and sometimes when I wanted one badly and almost grabbed one, I would stop myselt and do 10 sit-ups as a punishment......after a few times this worked also......(my abs were looking better) 5th week I would go 4 hours apart...6th week 1 cigarette every 6 hours...By this point in time, I felt light headed when I would have one, so didn't want one as much...Didn't think about them hardly at all...I would also start coughing sometimes too. At the end of 8 weeks I was no longer smoking and so proud.....,,....I did crave one every other day for a long time, but the thought went away quickly once I folded clothes or something.
I tried years b/4 but this time I planned it out well and it worked for me...............Also, I bought those pretend cigarettes after I quit, and I would hold them like I was smoking after I ate, and when I wanted one and I even puffed on it at times(just don't light)
It was one of the hardest/yet easier once I had a plan, things I have ever done....Now I have a plan for my weight......Good Luck to You.............Make a plan.........sorry this was so long, but it had to be...............

2006-09-06 14:18:53 · answer #9 · answered by mom of a boy and girl 5 · 0 0

there are none. just quit. people who i've thought were sucking smoke for life have done it. cold turkey. as for your husband explain your feelings and all about secondhand smoke. if he cares at all he will at least smoke outside. how about a wager with him for some nice reward? nothing to lose but a disgusting habit. I smoked for many years and couldn't believe how bad smokers smelled until i quit. cold turkey and i have no will power at all.

2006-09-06 14:00:07 · answer #10 · answered by La-z Ike 4 · 0 0

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