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After all,any idiot with an internet connection can find dozens of quotes by Democrats talking about Saddams "weapons of mass destruction".Many of them from before Bush was president.Isn't it far more likley that President Bush was given wrong information? Isn't it even more likely that Saddam got rid of them during the six months we were playing with the UN?After all we know he had them at some point,he used them on the Kurds and Iranians.

2006-09-06 12:56:08 · 20 answers · asked by Michael 6 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Was the CIA in on the "lie"?Is that why Clinton, Gore, Kerry, ect LIED as well?

2006-09-06 13:44:34 · update #1

Still not one explanation as to why all of the Democrats "LIED" as well.

2006-09-06 14:42:21 · update #2

20 answers

Convenient to forget those facts. Don't some of those quotes come from John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, and the rest of the gang?

2006-09-06 13:00:59 · answer #1 · answered by Bawney 6 · 1 2

Bush had to lie in order to get Congress and the public to agree with his "decision" to go to war (he is the "decider", after all). In truth, there were only two reasons Bush illegally and unconstitutionally invaded Iraq: 1) He and his family have had a personal vendetta against Hussein since the days of Desert Storm, and 2) Cheney wants all that OIL swimming underneath Iraq's sands so that his Exxon-Mobil buddies can get richer and richer and richer.
Prediction: Bush will illegally invade Iran within ten months, or as soon as he can come up with a plausible reason for doing so ("weapons of mass destruction" won't work this time!). Why? Not because he's interested in bringing democracy to Iran, but because Cheney wants all that OIL swimming underneath Iran's sands so his Exxon-Mobil buddies can get richer and richer and richer.
Yes, Bush probably was given wrong information (Cheney's running the show, not Bush; Bush is just a 'puppet' installed to do the bidding of the nameless, faceless powers that actually control our government). Bush isn't intelligent enough to devise such brilliant strategies on his own. He simply does what his handlers tell him to do. -RKO-

2006-09-06 20:32:58 · answer #2 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 0 0

What's YOUR point? Get on Bush's hemorrhoids for being Holier Than Thou and lying his *** off like he accused Clinton and every single opponent. Oh, please, get your facts straight, OK?

Here's one for YOU to deal with before you start jumping on the EX President... (he's out of the picture, by the way... Bush ain't). Tricky Dicky was going to be impeached but the new VP he named (Agnew was forced to resign from the VP because he was so crooked that they finally got him, Republicans AND Democrats) and Ford PARDONED Tricky Dickie for spying on Americans (his opponents)... so, YOU think Bush won't do the same?

Look, he's trying to limit our rights, freedoms and liberties as guaranteed in the Constitution under the guise of "terrorist threats"... man, wake up! Bush and Cheney are just puppets for the super-rich and powerful... the super rich and powerful make money and they have us here fighting amongst ourselves over b/s... they divide us and divert us from the issues that should concern YOU AND ME. Wake up. Where's the surplus the last administration left for Social Security and Medicare? How come there are reported RECORD profits whenever there's a hurricane or some bomb or some mosquito farts and we're told that there's a gas and gasoline shortage... they post RECORD profits and people like you don't even question it?

Hey, you wanna say Slick Willy was a lying s.o.b.? OK, he was. but he ain't in the damned White House now! Get real and stop being nothing more than a pawn or one of the mindless sheep that bleeps and repeats whatever b/s propaganda is spewed by those that are getting rich at the expense of the middle class and lower classes. Man, get real!

2006-09-06 21:06:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Stop blaming Clinton, Gore and Kerry, grow up!

The real idiot here is Bush.
He bought the title of President twice.
That is an outrage!

George W. Bush is a moran. He should be impeached and executed for high treason of the United States of America.

Hes too stupid to think, he paid his way through elementry, middle, high school. and college, if not he would be stuck in the first grade!

He was never elected either time. He LOST the popular vote TWICE!

2006-09-09 18:03:56 · answer #4 · answered by Jeremy© ® ™ 5 · 0 0

Stupid at any cost is self -serving and only that. Do a search on Blair and memos and you will see from secret memos that are now public about the plots btw the two to invade Iraq. Thats why they are dumping Blair! You pinheads that suffer from hypnotism.and blind loyalty are not doing our country any special service. To be led over a cliff will not insure our future. It is our duty to see that our leadership is held accountable for their actions since they serve at our pleasure.
Bombing the world is not the answer (Mr. Olmert). And trying to force democracy thru the muzzle of a gun will not succeed either.
Our democracy was long hard work over 200 or more years and still being refined. Now after all of our effort we see the Iraqi govt holding meetings to create autonamous regions in Iraq. Oh cant you just see that! They will wish that Saddam was back before its over.

2006-09-06 20:31:04 · answer #5 · answered by worriedaboutyou 4 · 0 0

True Saddam did use those weapons on the Kurds and Iranians. It was not a threat to us? yes, it was and is. All they have to do is bring it into the US. Hard? not at all, just take it over the border in the south or the north they are not secured as yet, are they? So yes these weapons are a threat to us. A huge threat. President Bush did not lie. Read about the documents that were declassified and you will see that.

2006-09-06 20:14:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Have you ever tried to get secretly get a nuclear weapon out of an almost landlocked country? It's not that easy. The USA has the most powerful spy planes and satellites in the world. Do you honestly believe with this kind of hardware that it was just a mistake? Ask yourself why was Bush given the wrong information? isn't if far more likely that he went to war for profit? Look at the kind of people he works with, capitalists who are out for $$$!

2006-09-06 20:03:56 · answer #7 · answered by sonictransmissions2002 2 · 1 0

Good question, well the lying part. Arab leaders talked to Saddam urging him to go into exile. When Pres. Bush was questioned about Saddam going into exile; He replied " I don't care where he goes. He has to go" Leaving little doubt in many peoples' mind the invasion of Irag was to unseat Saddam. ITis unthinkable to invade a Soverign State to unseat the Head of State. That is considered an act of aggression. All other reasons were just "Window Dressing" The French, Germans' Russians. and all Arab States refused to take part in the invasion of Iraq, Could it be they were wiser than USA leadership ????

2006-09-06 20:15:36 · answer #8 · answered by longroad 5 · 1 0

The Democrats were referring to weapons that were destroyed in the First Gulf War. George Bush was talking about weapons that were supposed to pose an imminent threat to American interests.

2006-09-06 20:02:44 · answer #9 · answered by braningillespie 2 · 2 0

I agree 100# because we have actually captured government officials and high ranking officers who will testify that they have seen these WMD's with there own eyes and other people who have no alterior motives who will say the same thing. Honestly how hard would it be to Hide A few bombs in a million miles of desert possibly underground and destroy all labrotories and evidence including having the scientist he had working on them killed. Id say that was well within Sadams power.

2006-09-06 20:22:04 · answer #10 · answered by josh h 2 · 1 1

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