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Everyday the Dems tell a lie just to make President Bush look bad and his administration look bad.........it is a real shame that these politicians who have all been elected to office at one time or another cannot agree that there have not been any more attacks since 911 !!!! But the fact that as a seperate political party, they feel that they have to be the opposite of Pres. Bush no matter what he says or does.......Don't we all want the same thing for our country?????????Don't YOU????I mean get real already....Politicians shouldn't think about their party only...They should think about the people that make up this country and have a say....They are not listening....We are at War...Get use to it!
Now get on board and help to keep your country free.. Imagine what we all can do if all Dems., and republicans got together and cared about eachother and our future generations....!!We could have this over b/4 you knew it........Unless they are for the terrorists.....They feel sorry 4/them

2006-09-06 12:47:39 · 28 answers · asked by mom of a boy and girl 5 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

28 answers

It isn't all Democrats. It's the Liberal Democrats. They are undermining the system with negativity. They use scare tactics in every election. Every Presidential election I can remember since I was a child.....the first thing the Democrats say is...."The Republicans are going to take away the Senior Citizen Benefits". You don't have to go back further than John Kerry to see it either.

They are also very good for taking both sides of an issue, just incase one of them goes bad. Again, you don't have to look further than John Kerry. "He voted for it, before he voted against it."

Look at the war in Iraq. All but 1 Democrat voted (based on the information they were given...which was the same information the President had) to support invading Iraq independent of any United Nations actions. As soon as a few months went by and they realized no WMD's were going to be found....and the war's popularity went down....off the bandwagon and onto the "We were lied to!!" wagon. They were not lied to. They had the same exact information the President had. The President did not create this intelligence (and if he did...then impeach him). It's all about popularity and votes to them...to heck with the American People.

2006-09-06 12:54:33 · answer #1 · answered by tjjone 5 · 0 1

Let us not delve into the realms of the ridiculous! When we are headed over a cliff we should be good little robots and fall over in order to show that we love our country?
When we see that things are drastically wrong it is our duty as true Americans to speak out especially when we dont see our leaders taking the initiatives to correct the course.
It doesnt serve anyone to massage your ego to make you feel good about the choices that you have made and have no one minding the store. War at any cost is unacceptable and you need to get use to that! We've taken a bad situation and made it worse! Besides not having a justification for invading Iraq,since they did nothing to us. Now we have created a magnet for terrorists to bed down in Iraq where before they had no refuge.
England is dumping that DoDo Blair for his bad judgement . At least they are not in denial. What you need to see is the British govt memos on the net that were secret btwn Blair and Bush inventing a reason to invade Iraq. Meanwhile Bin Laden is still sipping tea and having sex.

2006-09-06 20:19:19 · answer #2 · answered by worriedaboutyou 4 · 0 0

Since when is it unpatriotic to question your leaders' motives, Democratic or Republican? That is the legal foundation for our entire constitution and Bill of Rights.

The Bush Administration uses very simplistic but effective propaganda techniques to try to control the American people: you're either with us or you're with the terrorists, you're either with Bush or you're against Bush. That is called a false choice, because it is only two sided. Since when do people who think and reflect only think in terms of black and white? They are many shades of gray.

I don't support Bush, but I don't disagree with everything he's done. I supported Clinton, but I didn't agree with everything he did.

Yes, we are at war. And I will find it very interesting if a Democrat is elected the next president how people who feel like you do politically feel about patriotism then.

2006-09-06 20:08:42 · answer #3 · answered by Shelley 3 · 0 0

Thats the great thing about being an American, we can deisagree! We have freedom of speech. I don't think the war is right, I think bush had made lots of bad decisions, i don't support him, simple as that. You say that we haven't had any major terrorist attacks, but we also didn't have any during the clinton era. Being a true american is speaking up for what you believe, not blindly agreeing with whoever is in power!!!

2006-09-06 23:39:12 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's politics get over it. All politicians lie. I hope the next president is going to be democratic. Let's give them a chance, we need a president to come up with a plan to make gas cheaper and get out of the war in iraq. We need a president who cares about the people, not a redneck that cares about companies and help making them make money. There is a huge divide between social classes. The poorer are getting poorer and the richer are getting richer, and middle class keeps getting screwed.

2006-09-06 20:57:40 · answer #5 · answered by Christine 2 · 0 0

if there were more people like you around in the mid-1700s... we would still be an English colony... that's really American...

you only talk in generalities about freedom and patriotism... how are Bush's actions keeping us "free"? If you knew that, you would have already said...

you have no facts, besides we haven't been attacked again... and you have no evidence to back up that we had anything to do with that...

all you can do is call people who don't agree with you terrorists... you can't defend your argument with facts or statistics... this is a lame excuse for a question...

2006-09-06 19:57:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You state problems apparent on both sides. First of all, do Democrats tell lies? Most, if not all, of these "lies" are supported by "facts." We do not oppose President Bush's politics because he's President Bush. We oppose him because he's ruining our standing abroad, our economy, environmental protection laws, basic human rights, and just about everything else our founding fathers set in place. We are true Americans; we debate, think freely, and are loyal to the country's values, not the big-wigs that hold the power.

We keep our country free.

2006-09-06 20:01:34 · answer #7 · answered by El Aaron 2 · 0 0

what "lies" have Democrats told that made Bush look bad? Are they anything like the lies he told to get in Iraq and wage an unnecessary war? Yes, we as Americans, all want the same thing-an honest administration would be a nice place to start, but obviously, you don't always get what you want. I agree we need to put differences aside and come to mutually positive resolutions. I'm not for terrorist or for war. So now what to do? Looking forward to your country-saving response......

2006-09-06 19:57:16 · answer #8 · answered by baybeegrl5 4 · 0 0

If you look at history, foreign terrorist attacks against US forces or on US soil usually occur evern 7-9 years, going back decades. So, the fact that we haven't been attacked in 5 years is just as likely to be based on decades of consistent activity, as anything else.

And no, I don't think everyone wants the same thing. Many people want equal rights, and many others want to impose their personal beliefs on others. Many people respect the law, and many others feel free to break the law whenever they feel like it.

Blindly opposing a political official for being a different party is just as fatal and closed-minded as blindly supporting a political official regardless of what they've done. If our elected officials cannot be held accountable for their criminal actions, then we've already lost.

2006-09-06 19:55:16 · answer #9 · answered by coragryph 7 · 3 0

Iraq did not fly planes into the world trade center. Osama Bin Laden is still free. He was not hiding in Iraq so why are we there?
We go out of our way to make sure Iraqi citizens here in the united states could vote but did not do the same for residents of New Orleans that have been displaced. We send money to Lebanon to help rebuild after Isreal bombed them even though we had nothing to do with it but we still have areas on the Gulf coast that are in shambles. I think the entire congress, house, supreme court and the president should be fired and everything started over. Voting themselves pay raises, retiring with full pensions after serving one term . It goes on and on. Democrats or Republicans. They all suck.

2006-09-06 20:00:07 · answer #10 · answered by d b 3 · 0 0

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