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I tried to ask this yesterday, but I forgot a what, so it was deleted.

I am not interested in hearing from liberals on this one. DO NOT ANSWER.

The lies I refer to come from the media, entertainment industry, government schools, and politicans.

Some starting points:

1. Global warming definitely exists.
2. Global warming is caused by humans, and not natural temperature fluctations.
3. Government schools fail because they need more money
4. Cutting taxes brings in less money into the treasury.

You can comment on these or add some of your own. I am looking for specifc details. If you say something is a lie, back it up.

I am looking to hear from some like minded people. I have to listen to negativity all day.

2006-09-06 12:29:10 · 10 answers · asked by Chainsaw 6 in Politics & Government Politics

Andy_G, your taxes are 50%. How about all the taxes paid by your employer for the priviledge to hire you. Those are the hidden costs of business. This is why most people do not understand the Fair Tax. Most people believe that if they cannot see the taxes personally, they are not there.

2006-09-06 12:46:05 · update #1

OH my fellow racist, sexist, biggoted, homophobes, I need more lies. Please bring me more of the force fed stuff.

2006-09-06 12:51:16 · update #2

Steve brings a good point up. President Bush is not a traditional conservative. I suspect that he does not want the fight after saying global warming is a fraud.

2006-09-06 13:02:18 · update #3

Amazing, only 1 liberal managed to not read my question. I specifically wrote that this question was for conservatives only.

2006-09-06 13:42:59 · update #4

Andy G, I own my own business. I get creamed on regulations and taxes more than most realize.

2006-09-07 16:54:58 · update #5

10 answers

Global warming is a theory with limited basis in fact. The Earth has gone through periods of warming and cooling since it began.The problem may or may not be made worse by man. It has not been proven.

Government schools could use more money but not for what you think. Schools need to have still smaller class sizes and we need more to pay bilingual teachers.

Schools and other public services would be better served if we just kept all the illegals. Schools are overcrowded now and have so many children that can not speak English that they are holding back the education of children who do speak English

My favorite liberal lie. Right now with President Bush's tax cuts we have more money going into the treasury than we have had in years. This is because people invested their money and companies were able to hire more people and more people making money means more people paying taxes.

Tax cuts are for the rich. I guess this is only a lie if you consider the fact that most liberals think you are rich if you make more than $50,000 per year. The facts are that the top 50% of income earners pay 95% of the taxes, That leaves the bottom 50% paying 5% of the taxes. So it is only right that the ones paying the most should get the most relief from the taxman.

2006-09-06 12:50:10 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Alright, I'll take the bait.

1. Global warming definitely exists.

Yes, nobody is denying it exists. The arguement goes back and forth about the actual damage caused by it. So far, little has been actually proven. There is MUCH speculation about it, but when the latest reports were released (Democratically funded and done) they were inconclusive. They did inform us that Cow Flatulence was causing the majority of it though....Where's the Beef?

2. Global warming is caused by humans, and not natural temperature fluctations.

Again, not proven. I wouldn't disagree with it though. Man is nature's natural enemy and the ultimate cause of everything, but why start with Global Warming....isn't general polution causing more damage to nature? And that is everyone's problem? The Republicans have at least tried to establish more guidelines for the LandFill industries. The Democrats have, of course, opposed it all.

3. Government schools fail because they need more money.

That's not a Republican/Democrat problem. That is an everyone problem as well. Those problems, in many cases, can be solved at the local levels by putting the right people in charge of School Boards and local governments. My wife just finished a class for her Masters and it was basically studying various reasons school districts fail. I found it interesting that the schools that received the most federal/state money were the ones that were performing the worst. Specifically looking at the districts, she found that these areas weren't places people wanted to work. Again, reflective of the area and local governments. Who wants to work in a slum? Dirty mouth...clean it up.

4. Cutting taxes brings in less money into the treasury.

That isn't true at all. Lowering taxes creates jobs and increases spending on all levels. If I have $150 in my wallet I'm going to spend it. If I have $250 in my wallet...I'm going to spend it. Taking money from people's pockets doesn't energize an economy. If the people don't have any money to spend, then less revenue is generated through other areas and fewer jobs are needed...as fewer people need services. If the government raised taxes to 50% of your paycheck (everyone's paycheck), the treasury would be overflowing with money, the deficit paid off and we'd have BIG Government and BIG Spending running rampant. The people would be scrounging for jobs, food, and business would be closing left and right. The economy would die. Just think of money as the life blood or oxygen of the people. Without it they die. The government needs to be efficient in spending and take as little from the people as possible.

2006-09-06 19:48:56 · answer #2 · answered by tjjone 5 · 2 2

I don't need a starting point. I keep hearing lies from conservowackos like you, so I will start with conservative lies.

Lie: Bush is responsible

Lie: Bush is the smartest man in the GOP
Truth: Dan Quayle is the smartest main the GOP, it used to be Jeffords, but Jeffords wised up.

Lie: Conservatives want lower taxes.
Truth: Conservatives have collected more taxes in the last 6 years than all previous administrations combined. Conservatives want to tax more Americans, Increase taxes for the poor and middle class, and lower taxes only for the extremely rich. Conservatives only say they want to lower taxes to get elected.

Lie: A flat tax is better and fairer.
Truth: A flat tax is a tax increase for the poor and middle class, and a tax cut only for the extremely wealthy. A flat tax would tax gains from tax free municipal bonds, which are exempt from taxes per the constitution.

Lie: Conservatives are Good
Truth: Famous conservatives, Tim McVeigh, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and his Republican Guard and conservative Baath party.

Lie: Bush is conservative
Truth: Bush is very liberal, he took out that far right wing conservative Saddam Hussein and his Republican Guard and Republican Palace and conservative Baath Party so that Iraq could have a good decent liberal Democratic Party like the USA has, instead of just a conservative Baath party.

COMMENT: Oh, sorry, I thought you only wanted to hear the truth about conservatives! I misunderstood your question, but you can take advantage of my truthful answers anyway. No extra charge from Yahoo!

2006-09-06 20:30:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

1. Yes Global warming does exist. Nobody disputes that.
2. The experts mostly believe global warming is caused due to climatic changes.
3. Public schools do not need more money, they need to manage what they have better. A raise never ever made an employee better. It's proven. Teachers need to prove they are qualified to teach the children and then we'll talk compensation.
4. Tax cuts have been proven to generate more revenue. Do your homework, its been proven time and time again.

2006-09-06 19:48:23 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

where is Al's proof of global lying!!!! It is a THEORY
Throwing money does not fix problems it makes them worse for example welfare and food stamps
Raising taxes when I already pay more than 1/4(more like 34%) of my check is a very bad idea.

By your reply you don't have a job!!! I am tired of the damnocrats wanting to raising taxes when the party that wants to raise them has a large voting base on welfare and food stamps and cries about not having a job. I worked up to where I am at today and I will be damned, if I can anybody can!!!

2006-09-06 19:35:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

You have a very special way of asking a question, and it always makes me think, that I wish I had your understanding on all political issues and just a good all around etude, we could really use more people like your self on this site. I love hearing educated people talk, It really is refreshing. Thank you for helping with my understanding

===Peace And Love ========= Not War And Hate ===

2006-09-06 19:47:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

All 4 are lies, plus the 9/11 conspiracy nutjobs and the
misinformation on the war in Iraq and a whole of others that I don't have time to list. You keep up the good job that you're doing.

2006-09-06 19:42:24 · answer #7 · answered by Vagabond5879 7 · 1 2

Bush believes lies #1, #2, and #3, apparently - given his statements and his policies.

2006-09-06 19:56:01 · answer #8 · answered by Steve 6 · 1 1

global warming does not exist, it has been proven its a bunch of hubbub. especially cause not too long back, they were scared of global freezing? whatever, the freakin environmentalists need to chill out. number four is also totally false. i would also like to add that you hear of republicans doing little nit-picky things, as opposed to the libs who dont get any recognition for bad things.
when i say this i refer to ted kennedy vs. dick cheney. ted kennedy killed a woman driving off a bridge drunk. while dick cheney accidentally shot a man, who is fine might i mind. good enough?

2006-09-06 19:35:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

OH come on... can't I at least watch the rhetoric fly.... lol

2006-09-06 19:31:07 · answer #10 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 0 7

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