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Also if anybody knows about the Green Party Or Socialist Party or even Progressive party, I'm about to be 18 and I want to know what Party I should stand for, or am naturally... thank you for any help...

2006-09-06 10:38:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

9 answers

I apologize for pasting but I have answered this question so many times that I saved the answer.

I am liberal not a moderate democrat but here is why:

- I believe in war as a last resort or unless we or an ally have been attacked. IEs, Gulf War and Pearl Harbor
- I believe in UN support and if the UN is corrupt, instead of bailing on them, fix it.
- I believe we have a duty to pay our elderly social security because they paid those funds when they were working. That is like robbing them if we do not pay it back.
- I do not believe trickle down economics of Reagan, Bush Sr, and Bush Jr works. It never works. I believe in Clinton's economic system that is commonly referred to as Pay-As-You-Go.
- I believe in FDR's New Deal that the republican party has been trying to destroy piece by piece.
- I believe our social programs that keep families from living under bridges prevent us from becoming a 3rd world country.
- I believe in welfare but I also believe in Clinton's welfare reform where it is limited to 2 to 3 years in a lifetime. This prevents ppl from living on it their entire life; thereby, prevents welfare abuse.
- I believe in universal healthcare because a healthy nation is a powerful nation and also the pharmcy/insurance companies are corrupt.
- I believe in government regulation of monopolies such as power/energy, cable and telephone companies. Everytime the government deregulates these industries, they promise the price will go down but it never does... it always increases thereby increases the cost of living.
- I do not believe in making laws that violate constiutional rights... such as the Patriot Act or even seatbelt laws.
- I do not believe in making new laws everytime a problem arises; but rather, to fix the problem.
- I believe in gay marriage because gay ppl pay taxes too and heteorsexual couples should not be given special rights by the states just because they are straight. Otherwise take away those special rights and don't allow the state to recognize anyone's marriage.
- I believe in a woman's right to choose because just as the Supreme Court has ruled, a woman has a constitutional right to privacy over what happens to her body.
- I believe in the right to own a gun because it is a constitutional right.
- I believe in the constitution 110% and the liberties it allows each citizen.
- I am anti-illegal immigration because simply, they break the law by entering illegally.
- I believe in complete separation of church and state per the constitution and as interpreted by Thomas Jefferson who stated, "thus building a wall of separation between Church and State"
- I believe in SMALL GOVERNMENT in terms of big brother staying the hell out of my business. I've never participated in a census and refuse to. I am a LIBERAL and believe government has NO RIGHT to stick its nose in my business.

2006-09-10 10:04:33 · answer #1 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 0 0

As Ralph Nader put it " The only difference between the Rep. & Dem. is the velocity at which their knees hit the floor when the corporations knock on the floor." Sadly, neither party works for the people. We, here in Canada have a Socialist Party (NDP), which I support & they act as the conscience of the Gov't. It was through their efforts that we have Universal Health Care & many other benefits. I think in in the US most people confuse Socialist with Communist and are afraid to give it a try. I agree with a lot of the "Green Party's" agenda, but , both our countries need a gov't that will be active in politics & I believe the environment is important but cannot take prioity right now. While I'm typing this, the repatriation service for 5 more Canadian solders killed in Afghanistan is being televised. Your gov't does not permit this ceremony to be shown in your country, I feel it is important to allow the people to grieve with the families. Sorry, but that is something to think about. You have a gov't that forbids this to happen in your country. Freedom of the press???
Anyway good luck in making your decision. BUT VOTE

2006-09-06 11:07:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

while you're talking approximately Republikkkan and Democrat leaders, the main distinction is that Democrat leaders pay lip provider to worrying appropriate to the adverse, working class and midsection clase, yet that they had in no way actually do something to upset the stranglehold company u.s. has on government contained in the U. S.. jointly as Republikkkan leaders unabashedly and unapologetically sell the hobbies of firms and the wealthy elite, jointly as brazenly exhibiting contempt for the poorest and maximum vunerable segments of the U. S. inhabitants; all the jointly as hypocritically thumping a bible. while you're talking appropriate to the version between the Republikkkan and Democrat political consituencies: Republikkkans has a tendency to be racist, bigoted, willfully ignorant, violent, psuedo-"Christians," chicken hawks who stay to lick the boots of company u.s.. Democrats extraordinarily much all and sundry else who votes.

2016-09-30 10:02:47 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I will let the others give you the slant on the parties and what they are "supposed" to stand for.

Try taking these tests, and then decide for yourself. I hope we end up being on the same team.

2006-09-07 15:23:00 · answer #4 · answered by rmagedon 6 · 0 0

Each of the major political parties focuses on different aspects of the Constitution as most important. In the Preamble to the Constitution, there are five goals (values) of the US government: "establish Justice, to ensure domestic Tranquility, to provide for the common Defense, to promote the general Welfare, and secure the blessings of Liberty"

Conservatives think the most important are "to ensure domestic Tranquility" (meaning to promote conformity with 'traditional' ways) and to "provide for the Common Defense". Most conservatives are Republicans, who (nowadays) want group rights (conformity with 'traditional' values) and a large government to ensure domestic tranquility (by enforcing those conservative majority beliefs). Moderate republicans (originally called fiscal conservatives) want a small government, just large enough to provide for the common Defense.

Liberals think it's more important to "promote the general Welfare, and ensure the blessings of Liberty". Most liberals are Democrats, who want individual rights and a large government to promote the general welfare. Moderate democrats don't want a lot of wasteful spending, and want to achieve their goals without causing too many problems. Democrats do have a Conservative wing, which focuses on better ethical leadership and greater protection for both groups and individuals. The main difference is that conservative democrats still don't believe in enforcing their views on the minority, even if their own personal choices would be the same as what conservative republicans would make.

The concept of promoting Justice is important to both camps, but their idea of justice differs. Most camps of the liberal parties believe ensuring Justice requires favoring defendants, preferring the guilty to go free rather than sending the innocent to prison. Republicans and conservatives believe the promoting Justice requires being harsh to those accused, even if that occasionally inflicts sentences on the innocent.

Interestingly, the spectrum is not linear, and has more than one dimension. There are other political parties who focus on different combinations of those values. For example, Libertarians want a small government (no wasteful spending) and very little Welfare (few if any entitlements), but strong on Defense. Libertarians also want lots of protection for individual civil rights, to secure the blessings of Liberty. They feel that Tranquility will take care of itself, and doesn’t need government enforcement of morality. As such, they are moderate about most issues, except for being adamant that the majority should not impose its beliefs on the minority, as part of their way to promote Justice.

So, it basically comes down to which sets of Constitutional values each group thinks are most important.

2006-09-06 10:42:28 · answer #5 · answered by coragryph 7 · 2 3

Oppions on issues.
For Gay Marriage-democrats
For Abortion-democrats
For Raising Taxes-democrats

Against all of the above-Republicans

Below is a link about each party.

2006-09-06 10:50:14 · answer #6 · answered by Questions&Answers 4 · 0 3

Quick and easy
Democrats believe in a handouts.
Republicans believe in a hand up.

2006-09-06 11:57:20 · answer #7 · answered by Larry V 3 · 0 1


There is a test you take and they tell you where you are on the political spectrum. Good luck!

2006-09-06 10:39:56 · answer #8 · answered by Salem 5 · 1 1

Conservatives have ethics and morales. Liberals have none.

2006-09-06 10:42:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 6

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