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my question is this ladies and gents.....there are far too many idiots out there who get full of drink and drugs and try staring fights with people for no reason what so ever......so that they feel hard. Now if someone was giving you grief and trying to start something with you, what would you do? A - walk away B - fight

please give reasons for your choice.....and be honest and reflect upon the consequences of your choice, thanks.

2006-09-06 09:49:06 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

36 answers

to be totally honest youll find that the majority of people who take drugs(apart from cocaine) are most likely not to have a fight compared to an inebriated drunk.
In my experience when I was younger, being from Liverpool and looking like a nice lad, I was partial to getting involved in trouble, basically because I was young and skinny I would be picked on.But my problem was that because I was young and skinny I also knew how to answer back(also groin up with two brothers!), this was a big problem and lead to many fights, the majority of which i lost.
These days I have learned my lesson, I tend not to encounter trouble as much these days although I dont know whether I have learned to keep my mouth shut or that I have grown older and dont look as vunerable as I once did.
My advice would be not to get bladdered...if your more drunk than your sparring partner, you can be Tyson himslf and you would still lose! Also, if you can avoid it at all cost although NEVER say anything like, "calm down mate" or "im not out for trouble" this only shows a weaknes which they will exploit, keep silent and if the aggressor is drunk they wont be able to keep up without a reply! If the fight looks like its is becoming inevitable then strike first, suprise is the element of attack! And if you can, fight dirty, a fight is a fight and there are never morals involved when people are drunk......bleive me I let a guy get up once and didnt want to hurt him when he was on the ground, he got up....then pounded me everywhere!!!!

2006-09-06 10:16:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I find it amusing that anybody would let another intimidate you to the point of running away or getting in a physical fight for no reason, I have a gift of verbally destroying people, don't ask me how, I just do, the last time someone tried to give me grief they crawled away with there heads shoved firmly up there backside!

Never allow anyone to interfere in your space and your time when all they want is a reason to abuse and harm you!
I tend to use reason with logic on this and usually I do it loud enough so that people can hear whats happening, not only does it embarrass the culprit but usually sends them crawling!

After all why lower yourself to their level when they are drunk and annoying, a good mental slap will always work!

2006-09-06 10:26:58 · answer #2 · answered by celtic_colieen 4 · 0 0

I am a 4th Duan Wei Master of Chen Taijiquan. I have studied with Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei, Grandmaster Gou Kongjie, Master Liming Yue, Master Liu Yong and once with Master Zhang Dongwu.

I would walk away, because he is upsetting the universal peace, and by doing so, I have won already. I would walk away, because unlike him, I know the consequence of my actions.

My thoughts on defending yourself.......

One day a famous martial artist was asked to train the emperor's fighting rooster. After many months of waiting, the emperor grew impatient... "Why have you not trained my cockrel for fighting?"

"Give me a week, and he will be ready," replied the martial artist.

A week passed, and the emperor knocked on his door. The martial artist beckoned him in. As the emperor walked through the door, he saw his cockrel, but he did not recognise it at first.

The cockrel stood in the middle of the room, looking straight ahead, not moving a muscle. It was an eerie sight.

"I wanted you to make my cockrel invincible, and what do i get? A statue!!!" the emperor cried.

"Aahh," replied the master, "Do you see how still he is? Now, all of the other birds are too scared to go anywhere near him!"

2006-09-06 10:08:31 · answer #3 · answered by Rich N 3 · 0 0

Most buzz heads have nothing to lose, talking from my experience as the aggressor walk away and if possible find the culprit/s when their sober or on a downer and then confront the cowardley loser/s watch there faces drop before you pummel their decrepid little torsos in half.Violence doesnt solve anything but it makes you feel a whole lot better.

2006-09-06 12:41:33 · answer #4 · answered by dave c 1 · 0 0

I love a drink or a few, I don't smoke or do drugs, but I like a few drinkies. But I don't get stupid and show my self up I just get tired and want to go home. If confronted i would try to walk away. Easier said than done sometimes cause most are just out to cause trouble and won't back down.I don't get involved, i would get away from the situation, not that i'm chicken, i'm just not a stupid p.i.s.s head

2006-09-06 09:59:29 · answer #5 · answered by Jeanette 7 · 0 0

A - Walk away,
This happened to me, i was in a pub (not a very nice one) with my fiance and his friend, we were playing pool at lunchtime (BTW my fiance and his friend both look very inoffensive - ie they are not typical larger louts they are smart professionals) there were 2 other guys playing pool next to us one of them walked past and on his way back chucked £30 on the floor right in front of us and sat back down by his pool table, (this was no accident he sort of threw it out of his pocket accidentally on purpose), my fiance his friend and i all saw this happen, i stood up and picked up the cash walked over to him and handed him the money back i said "excuse me you dropped this" (i thought it would avoid any conflict if i handed it back rather than a bloke taking it over) anyhow the money dropper just sort of said "uh oh yeah thanks" (he was not drunk) i thought this was strange because if someone was honest enough to give me money back that i dropped i would be very grateful, my fiance and his friend believed that they did this thinking that we would take the money and not give it back in order to start a fight, after i realised that this was probably the case, i was even worried afterwards that they could have said that i handed them less back (i was lucky) - What a couple of LOSERS!!!

2006-09-06 10:03:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would simply walk away, because I simply don't like picking fights unnecessarily and fighting with a junkie would be really stupid idea.... i mean the junkie would be out of his mind coz he is on drugs or whatever why should I too behave like him?

2006-09-06 09:53:50 · answer #7 · answered by skepty 3 · 1 0

This has happened to me and I did my best to ignore it for as long as I could then she backed me into a corner and I came out swinging. If you're going to pick a fight with someone, you better know for a fact that you can win. She didn't......

It happened on my friends birthday. I'm usually always the quiet one, the one who avoids confrontation and hangs back while she gets rowdy. We went to a club to see another friends band play for her b-day and this chic was trying to start a mosh pit. It was a small club and no one else was interested in starting one but she kept on bouncing off people and specifically elbowing me in the ribs. I told her to quit and tried to ignore her but she got in my face saying that if I couldn't take it to get out of her way (cussing like a sailor of course). I looked around and everyone had had just about enough of this chic. She hit me again even harder and all I remember after that is handing my friend my beer (BTW I wasn't drunk, that was only my first one). Later she told me that at that point my face had totally changed like I was a different person. The rest is what I've pieced together from my friends account of the fight and my fuzzy memory of it. I saw the girls long hair out of the corner of my eye as she went to elbow me again. I caught her by the hair and drove her face into one of the speakers at the front of the stage then held her down against it with one hand while punching the side of her face with the other. I have no idea how many times i hit her. Someone pulled me off of her and led me away to cool off. I remember the guy saying that I was one strong chic as he held me in a full nelson and that if i didn't calm down I'd be thrown out then he let me go. We went back stage after the show and even the band and the roadies were like, "We knew you were about to snap we could see it in you face. It's like you just went dead or something." Next thing she comes running back stage all swollen, red faced and crying standing right infront of me saying that she had been assaulted unfairly and if she found the chic that hit her she would Fk her up. I was standing there with the lead singers arm around me trying really hard not to laugh. We all were looking around in disbelief. This chic had no clue that I was the one who had hit her. The next day I had bruises all up the side of my ribs where she had been elbowing me. My friend said it was the best b-day gift ever. In all the years of our friendship she had never seen me lose my temper.

I was a different person back then.

2006-09-06 10:10:31 · answer #8 · answered by PaganPoetess 5 · 0 0

I will climb to the highest place of the room and then will start to talk with this person about the scientific things that he will not understand. As this person will be drunk then soon after he will fall asleep then I will just go away :)

2006-09-06 10:45:03 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It depends on the person/situation etc- generally I try to walk away, but if you make yourself look like an easy target they're more likely to attack.

In my experience drunk people looking for a "fight" are actually looking for some one weaker than them to beat up on - so if you stand your ground and send the message "I don't want to fight you, but if you push my I will, and I'll win" they always back down. (so far!!)

2006-09-06 09:56:26 · answer #10 · answered by board-stupid 3 · 0 0

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