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11 answers

It is not going to be resolved in any of our lifetimes. They both want the same piece of land, the world body gave it to Israel. If it is returned to Palestine what do you do with Israel, they would likely retaliate as Palestine has.

2006-09-06 09:34:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think its ridiculous. I think the Israelis like feeling persecuted. Murderous terrorist thugs is what they are. They lived dispersed through the arab nations for centuries peacefully, because uh shocking eh! they are arabs too, they arent special as much as theyd like to be. The sooner they get over themselves and realize that being " Gods chosen people" doesnt mean **** they will be alot better off. Palestinians however are a people and were in that land for centuries before they were brutally removed by the "Israelis" In the US its all to easy to forgive Israel any atrocity they commit because the attacking person must be doing it because they hate Israel. Tell me if another people invaded here and forced you from your home at gunpoint would you also hate them? If they murdered your people wouldnt you hate them? I already know conservative kool aid drinkers will say this is lies and I dont care because you are mistaken.Learn world history.Israel is an evil country that does horrible things to the palestinians.They want palestine gone! They consider them dogs, they dont even respect them as people, so why should they be respected. If Israel didnt have nukes they would have been wiped out long ago. Its ridiculous the way the US backs them at all costs.They had religious freedom in the arab countries and would have it again, if Israel were disbanded and the land given back to its rightful owners.Israel is the source of all middle east conflict, which wow Israel was formed right around the time that oil production was getting under way in the middle east, do you think there is a connection there? Use your heads and think and open your eyes and see that your US government isnt always right and makes mistakes.Instead of doing what they say and believing them, try to change it, leave the world a better place instead of worse off.

2006-09-06 17:07:13 · answer #2 · answered by stephaniemariewalksonwater 5 · 0 0

This conflict is millenia old. Arab nations do not trust or like Israel, or Jews in general. The Islam religion basically assigns them a sub-human status (although not explictly).

Palestine was overwhelming Arab 100 years ago. Some would claim that Zionism rooted out the Arab legacy of the Holy Lands and converted by force, these lands, into an Israeli state. The truth is, much of that land was acquired by Jews through PURCHASE not confiscation (although post-1948, much confiscation, at gunpoint, took place).

Palestine has been given authority and autonomy over the West Bank and Gaza. What did Palestinians do then? Elect a terrorist organization to speak for it on the global and domestic stage. This is just another example of the failure, globally, of Arabs and Muslims to GRASP what is asked of them and required of them as global citizens. EVEN if Canada and Mexico were mortal enemies of the U.S., our INTERESTS would be best served by conducting the most normalized diplomatic and economic relationship possible, to avoid detrimental and socially devastating conflict. The public would demand as such. In Palestine, conflict and retribution is a lifestyle, it seems, and there is much more tolerance of death and destruction and continual conflict, and as long as that tolerance is there, the death, destruction and conflict will NOT abate.

Palestinian leadership from the Fatah/Christian faction is much more reasonable and understands this to be a GOLDEN opportunity to get the Palestinians out of their refugee-based psychological existence. They see that Jordan and Egypt and Turkey are Muslim nations that have been able to co-exist and prosper with reasonable relationships with Israel. But the people have not caught up to the diplomatic and economic reality. They are perennially thinking of themselves as victims with a vendetta, and that mentality is crippling to the next 10 generations unless someone wises up and grabs control of these lands and through force and politics, steers Palestinians AWAY from their traditional sponsors like Hamas, Hezbollah and the Saudis.

I hope the Palestinian Authority succeeds in this long-overdue wake up call, and can bring some legitimate co-existence with Israel into reality. This would then neutralize the 'raison d'etre' of many terrorist organizations. It is a far-fetched fantasy, but without hope, there is only a guarantee of death.

2006-09-06 16:57:24 · answer #3 · answered by rohannesian 4 · 0 0

It's only a matter of time before the fighting starts again, Hezbollah are ignoring the UN and playing like they won the war. The danger is the increase in military capability, these terrorist orginizations grow stronger all the time. Israel is a democratic nation like the US trying to live peacefully, but their chances of getting blown off the map increase daily as more nuclear capability filters into the region. The attacked lebanon because the threat was too great to ignore, has the threat gone away? No.

2006-09-06 16:39:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


This entire thing has become clear to me. 911 was about the COMPLETE obliteration of the Republic philosophy. The Republican Party is just a loosely tied "thing" that sounds bad now, after what Bush has done to the USA. It works to their favor if you think about it.

Anyway, 911, Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, and now Iran. All about completely destroying the Republic, for which it stands.

Think about it. A Republic guarantees people freedom and power over government and what government does. A Democracy grants government complete control disguised as the will of the people.

Yep, 911 was an inside job, but the target was never oil. It is the complete annihilation of "The Republic, for which it stands."

2006-09-06 16:38:22 · answer #5 · answered by InternetPosterChild 2 · 0 1

I think the countries that keep attacking Israel and losing should shut up, execpt the fact that they lost, and make the best of it.

Or keep fighting, at which point the rest of the world needs to stay out of it until the conflict is resolved locally one way or the other.

2006-09-06 16:47:43 · answer #6 · answered by coragryph 7 · 0 0

It is all false

Just like the moon landing

The world round world theory

And what's up with the Earth orbiting the Sun? You can tell the Sun orbits the Earth just by watching the sunrise.

Go big Red Go

2006-09-06 17:09:38 · answer #7 · answered by 43 5 · 0 0

All are at fault. No one side is right. It will only end when all the countries decide to sit and forgive the past and start fresh through dialogue. Until then, the killing will continue and go on and on and on and on.....

2006-09-06 16:37:43 · answer #8 · answered by rab2344 4 · 0 0

Honestly, I stopped listening. There is always conflict in that region of the world and nothing we do can stop it.

2006-09-06 16:35:37 · answer #9 · answered by Salem 5 · 0 1

I don't like Israel being pushed around by the world.

2006-09-06 16:37:14 · answer #10 · answered by Zen 4 · 1 0

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