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Now, as gay men decide they don't like anal sex, they want to distinguish themselves into ANOTHER subculture, and deny being called 'gay' altogether?

I don't understand how this can be. Is the anus a dirty place, therefore being untouchable and unclean? For crying out loud, urine comes out of your pénis ...and less than 5% of gay men are into watersports...yet we all love the pénis. What's up, g0ys? How do you explain how to say your newfound word? "Hey, just call me 'GUH...zero...ees'?".

Come on. You're GAY...just like the rest of us ***********. Quit trying to distinguish yourself more different than you already are.

2006-09-06 08:13:10 · 15 answers · asked by Vancouver-snuggy 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

♂ Randy W. ♂, you say you're not gay, yet you exhibit homosexual tendencies (ie. playing with C0CK). You're being offensive in your stance on stereotyping being gay.

Gay does not equal anal sex. Gay does not equal effeminant mannerisms. Gay equals homosexual. If you are sexually active with the same sex, you are gay.

You know how many STDs I've gotten from being anally active in the past 13 years?


How many times have you gotten an STD from sucking your 'bud's' cock? Do you use a condom with your 'bud'?

Give me a break. [starts laughing]

Oh, and about the fighting bit...yeah I'd say you need some anger management if you're going to expect to get in fights and have your buds with you to help out. Keep your little subculture, but don't lie to yourself about being gay, because you clearly are.

2006-09-06 09:04:11 · update #1


What I'm trying to point out is that society is already starting to accept gay culture...but then there is some radical guy who - because he believes what the bible teaches - can create a new word (with a numerical value in it?!) - and try to pass as NOT being gay.

I'm open minded, when it comes to a practical sense of humanity and its complexities...but this g0y thing is downright ridiculous.

You're saying g0y is the answer to finding a 'real man'? Here's an example for you. If you walk into a 'real man' bar, say, a biker bar, and profess to be a 'g0y', you're going to get the crap kicked out of you because:

1. You've made up some silly word to describe what you are.

2. You're still gay in their eyes ("you **********"!).

Good luck with your organization.

ps - the Greeks were buttfuckers.

pps - the bible has been rewritten so many times that we don't know what the héll the original version really said.

You're gay. Deal with it. Grow up.

2006-09-06 10:32:23 · update #2

15 answers

They've been around for years...

2006-09-06 08:26:05 · answer #1 · answered by guicoder 3 · 2 3

Wow. This is interesting. I have never even heard of goys. Is it meant to be a mix of the word "gay" and "boy"? Anyway, I'm not sure I buy it, but it's interesting. I mean if your homosexual then you are. You could become celibate and still be homosexual. Who you have sex with does not determine your sexual orientation. Most homosexual's will say they knew they were homosexual before they ever had any physical sex. I knew I was. I fell head over heals in love with my best friend from high school - I knew I was homosexual. It didn't take me to have sex with him to become homosexual...I just was. I guess the "goys" want to be perceived differently from the "gays". I don't know. My life doesn't fit into any stereotypical part of "gay culture" I live in the suburbs with my partner and our son...I'm freaking June Cleaver. I really don't have time to worry about if "Larry" across the street thinks I'm a "fem" or a even a "goy" for that matter. And really I don't care what "Larry" thinks. If I must be judged by others I would rather it be on my character...not on the fact that I'm homosexual. I can't change my sexual orientation but I can change my attitude and my behavior. I dunno maybe one day we will all just like each other even though we all don't agree on everything. He can be a gay, a goy, a fem, a queen, a bear, a tranny or whatever, because none of that really matters...but is he a good person? To me that's what matters.

2006-09-06 20:03:34 · answer #2 · answered by The Tiki God 2 · 4 0

Couldn't agree with you more. G0Y = GAY. Not all gays have anal sex. Guess what, if you have big fat d!ck in your mouth you're gay. I think it's silly to come up with another word to further separate yourself from what you really are. If you were truely comfortable with yourself you would not need to come up with such terms. No one in society knows what a G0Y is anyway so everyone will still think you're a fa g anyway.

Oh, and I love the picture you have on your avatar lol

2006-09-06 22:50:51 · answer #3 · answered by JR 5 · 3 0

It is the worst and most stupid thing I have seen within the LGBT community. Really, it must be a bears and tops association who want to escape the word gay because they dont have the balls to stand up for their sexuality, they just adopt an "I like guys, but I hate queers and queens so I will just make a new word to define me, please straight people is that better for you now? Please accept me more than them" attitude. These people are worse than homo-phobics trust me on that. They are like a klan, with buddies helping each other but being men. I am GAY and I dont practice anal sex simply because I dont really like it and I feel a bit disgusted to be honest BUT it is just me. I am not a gQy now am I? So what ? Straight girls who hate sucking guys make their own group? What the fuc.k is this sh.it? Since when having anal sex, while both people enjoy it is disrespectful? Sucking on a co.ck is a bit submissive too, and there are STD's there. Anyway, let them be...they just fool themselves not anyone else. They dont even bother to answer, they just copy and paste all the time...

2006-09-06 18:24:54 · answer #4 · answered by Nostromo 5 · 3 1

Oh Puleeze. Nice bit of propaganda they put out, it's sad that they actually can't recognize it for what it is. It sounds as though they are attempting to pull the old Hyper-masculinity BS back out of the closet, repackage it, throw in some mumbo jumbo to justify discriminatory attitudes, internalized homophobia toward others and sell it to a bunch of Jocks they are attempting to seduce.
There are thousands of men who don't engage in anal sex. There are thousands of Gays who have actually come to legitimate grips with Christianity and understand both the contexts of the supposed homosexual restrictions as well as the misogynistic attitude prevelant at the time the bible was written. A masculine appearance means absolutely nothing when it comes down to violent confrontation(I've personally known drag queens with martial arts training and watched them beat down bashers in high heels while never losing their wig, at the same time I've seen big burly macho guys get their heads handed to them by effeminate guys.)

Grow up.
Get over the 'tude, you aren't any more masculine, moral, or less likely to be beaten up than the rest of "us".
Your "research" on anal sex, disease vectors and such? Care to post LEGITIMATE sources? A websight to promote your silliness isn't concidered unbiased, try actual medical texts, preferably written within the last 5 years.

And BTW, having a Bisexual relationship with another guy while having a wife is neither moral, biblical, nor kosher.

2006-09-06 16:22:57 · answer #5 · answered by IndyT- For Da Ben Dan 6 · 4 1

Agreed - especially since "Goy" is already a word meaning a non-Jewish person.

We are segmented by straight society so much as it is, why introduce more confusing terms into the mix?

If I want to know what kinds of sex you participate in, I will ask you. This is also why I agree 100% with people communicating what sex they are looking for with their speech, and not with their hankies or keys or butts, or with additional confusing terms.

2006-09-06 15:50:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The Anus is not a sexual organ too bad if that offends you it is the truth. And yes we are distinguishing ourselves from the word gay because the term gay has too much stigma associated with it. We make no apologies for our stance against anal sex or effeminate behavior. Anal sex is the leading vector of STD's and according to the latest statistics on condoms they fail a lot more than previously believed the numbers are close to 20% that is almost 1 in 5 condoms fail. So there is not any safe sex as far as I am concerned I don’t want to get a STD. You are 700% more likely to get a STD from anal sex than any other form of penetrative sex including oral. The reason their is such stigma associated with the word gay is the anal sex mind set of the world that has associated the word gay with assphuking. We don't do that so therefore we want no one to associate us with that. G0ys is pronounced goy and we follow biblical principles in our relationships with our buds. That means we do not do effeminate behaviors or immoral ones either. We are men and we want those around us to remember that. I don’t care what anyone does who calls himself gay he can do what ever he wants because it is no skin off my nose I am not gay. G0ys have a strict code of ethics we live by when you say g0y you know what you are getting a guy not a queen or an assphuker. You also know he is a guy you can count on in a fight or to be there if you need him. We are the Kosher catches of the homosexual community and proud of that fact.

Again I do not care what a person does in the privacy of his own bedroom. And I have lots of gay friends who engage in anal sex and it is not my wish to offend them but I do defend my stance on g0ys.

2006-09-06 15:50:42 · answer #7 · answered by ♂ Randy W. ♂ 6 · 3 6

The G0YZ is neither gay nor straight but an international group of men who for the most part live their lives on biblical principals. From my readings; they have assisted many men who would otherwise be on a self-destructive path: drugs, alcohol, anonymous sexual encounters.

Yes indeed they do not engage in anal sex; and yes many homosexual men share the same vector. I'm inclined to be point to one singular difference between the two groups. Gays tend to find a justification in their lives by humanistic logic. G0YZ, believe their lifestyle or desires are based upon Biblical foundation; deeply rooted in the word of God. It’s not the twisted, bigoted version that many of us have been indoctrinated with; making us feel less than normal in societies eyes.

Another distinct difference is that G0YZ; threat their buds with the ultimate respect, and find doing harm to their buds sinfully wrong. I know from first hand that the gay movement suffers a huge setback; when there is such division among the ranks because of lack of respect and accountability towards humanistic values.

However; Happy Scrappy question is a walking oxymoronic opinion of self determination. How can you ever expect anyone to take you serious about respecting your values, beliefs, concepts, and when you limit your ability to show the same courtesy to others? Just like bigots may not like, nor understand your life; you still want to choose what's best for yourself.

In regards to your illustrated statement: "How do you explain how to say your newfound word?” well here is your answer. While you and others were sleep not studying historical facts, G0YZ continue to thrive and integrate them in society from the craddle of civilization. In fact many of their values were/are regarded as honorable in society.

Note: G0YS.org targets men who tend to be critical thinkers & are not easily swayed by peer pressure or mass media. This group of men stays true to their natural, instinctive core values & is cautious of acts that involve others & might bring harm or disrespect onto them or their peers.
Unlike many 'male-bonding' groups, G0YS simply admit to what we know happens so often among buddies: (We discretely hook up with each other & occasionally share a mutual teeth clenching, lung emptying, toe curling climax.) However - nobody gets buttphuck'd (plays the *****)! G0YS know that arsesex is wrong. This is why we don't fit into 'gAy male" social circles (a gender-bending morass of self-loathing & disrespect toward core masculinity).
While we admit that it's common to have buddies that we love to the centre of their being - even in all aspects of the term; -- G0YS know that it's wrong to treat a bro like a woman, - & acts that feign such treatment are degrading to basic manhood.
G0YS draw on a principle immortalized in ancient Greek art: Male/Male friendships can & often do become so close that sensuality enters the picture. In Greece, such close friendships were well respected; & analsex was illegal - named as a form of moral turpitude!
This posturing is very different than "gAy" culture in the present day - which extols the Greeks for their openness, - while violating the masculine spirit of such Greek laws.
G0YS embrace the Greek Model in which masculine affection is never confused or muddied in gender-bending.

Finally, the only individuals who really have problems with G0YZ are people who have personal limitation to accept others; because they haven't yet accepted themselves. After all, how many of you guys (gays) have ask or heard someone say they want a real man? And what's up with the fantasy of sleeping with a straight guy? Yet when gather amongist ourselves; we hear your boos, and jeers.

2006-09-06 16:58:54 · answer #8 · answered by Swordfish 6 · 1 4

I couldn't agree more with you...and IF you were to really get down to it, all these "Goys" are no different than all these "tops." Legs fly up faster than a sting ray's barb! Sorry to be so graphic, but let's get real. What is up with all this denial? Bottom or top, doesn't really matter...neither position is butch or fem...just sex. Good luck and thanks for the reminder.

2006-09-06 15:16:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

I'm with you as well, I don't get it either. I've tried to be opened minded about it, but it just ends up bothering me that they can't seem to come to grips. We so don't need another sub-culture.

2006-09-06 15:25:52 · answer #10 · answered by buldawg 5 · 3 1

I am just plane gay - but I did have a very interesting conversation with a GOy guy (R.W.) on here and he has very strong feelings about his life style...so I respect his opinions!

2006-09-06 15:24:44 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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