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My foot is killing me!

2006-09-06 07:33:47 · 13 answers · asked by mercury 1 in Health Alternative Medicine

13 answers

According to the Patients individual symptoms the following remedies are subscribed in Homeopathy :-

Pain knee joints,worse by movements;better initial movements,continuous pain in joints,worse while rising from seat;pain in heels,worse by movements. Cassia Sophera 30 4 hourly

Acute attack of gout of joints of the feet.Pain with bright red swelling Aconite nap 200 2 hourly

Pain with inflammation,worse by movements. Bryonia alb 200 or 1M 6 hourly

Complaints worse after rest and exposure to cold Rhus tox 200 or 1M 4 hourly

Complaints worse during menstruation;beginning at the time of menopause;more in hands and feet Caulophyllum 30 4 hourly

When the origin of complaints is gonorrhoeal;worse during day time. Medorrhinum 1M fortnightly(3)

When the origin of complaints is tubercular Tuberculinum k.1M fortnightly(3)

Complaints of small joints with red or pale swelling;tenderness and shifting pains;worse by motion.Main remedy for gout during cold weather Colchicum 30 4 hourly

When Rhus tox cease to work;pain is worse in cold damp weather and better by movements Calcarea carb 200 or 1M 6 hourly(6)

Nodosities in the joints with gastric complaints.At last nodules become painless(Rheumatoid Arthritis).Tongue whitish thickly coated Antim-crud 30 or 200 6 hourly

Complaints of feets and ankles;stiffness Drosera 200 fortnightly(3)

Complaints of long bones;contraction of ligaments Causticum 30 or 200 4 hourly

Pain worse at night;in wet weather;Rheumatism of large muscles Cimicifuga 30 4 hourly

Rheumatism;worse in damp cold weather.Gout.Pain in limbs and hip joints Natrum sulph 30 or 200 4 hourly

Pain travels downwards affecting the large part of a limb and passes through quickly along course of nerve Kalmia lat 30 or 200 6 hourly

Pains worse during rest,night and warmth,better by cold,open air and movements Pulsatilla 30 or 200 4 hourly

Pain - violent;bruised or as if sprained ;cannot bear touch,feels somebody coming near him may touch him and hit the affected part Arnica mont.200 4 hourly

Gout of great toe and joints with swelling;soreness and drawing pain on stepping;worse in warmth,pressure and motion.Pain travels upwards;better cold compresses Ledum pal 200 4 hourly

Gouty nodosities of joints;tearing pain and extremities and contraction of the muscles Guaiacum 30 4 hourly
Chronic nodosities of joints;hands twisted,out of shape due to deposits of water of soda Ammonium phos.6 or 30 4 hourly

Gouty complaints with offensive urine Acid-benz 6 or 30 4 hourly

When there is red sand in urine in gouty patients Lycopodium 30 4 hourly

Severe pain with enlargement of the joints;worse during rest and when storm approaches Rhododendron 200 or 1M 10 min(3)

Almost a specific for gout(to drain out uric acid and urates) Urtica u.Q 4 hourly,8 -10 drops in hot water

Arthritic deformans(chronic rheumatoid,particularly of fingers) Picric acid 30 4 hourly

Rheumatic pains or arthritis after checked diarrhoea Abrotanum 30 or 200 4 hourly(6)

Specific for pain with numbness;Pain so severe patient says that he would prefer death than the pain Chamomilla 200 or 1M 1/2 hourly(3)

Pain appear diagonally as right arm and left leg with sensation of cold,numbness and tingling Agaricus mus.30 or 200 4 hourly

In weak persons;burning pain with chilliness,feels better by heat,while eating,and worse in cold open air Capsicum 30 or 200 4 hourly

Unbearable pain;rigidity and stiffness.Superiority/inferiority complex Platina 1M weekly(3)

Pain flies like electric shock;due to exposurse of damp cold weather.Better by warmth and rest Phytolacca 30 or 200 4 hourly

Rheumatic pain,worse after washing clothes,doing laundry work Sepia 30 or 200 4 hourly

Pain in long bones;may be due to injury or rheumatism Ruta g.200 6 hourly

Pain worse on slightest touch specially after loss of vital fluids like excessive bleeding,diarrhoea,vomiting China off.6 or 30 3 hourly

Pain in the small joints of extremities with swelling.Backache,worse in the morning before rising Staphysagria 30 or 200 4 hourly

Pain heels; better by putting most of the weight on them Berb-vul Q 4 hourly,8 - 10 drops

Stiffing pain in all parts of the body;worse by movement Stellaria Q 4 hourly, 8-10 drops in warm water

Rheumatic pain without swelling;pain joints;worse at night Iodium 30 4 hourly

Osteo-arthritis of large joints with degeneration.Pain,swelling,stiffness and tenderness of joints;worse by motion(cracking joints) and cold ;better by warmth O.A.Nosode 1M weekly(6)

Chronic muscular rheumatism of back and neck.Intense pain along with sciatic nerve.Numbness alternates with pain Gnaphalium 30 or 200 4 hourly

Muscular atrophy;rigidity and stiffness Strychninum 3X or 6X 4 hourly

Rheumatism accompained with skin ailments and itiching;cannot walk erect Sulpher 200 10 min(3)

Rheumatism of knee joint;with round worms Natrum phos.6X or 30 4 hourly

For defective bony growth;better by warmth and worse by cold Calcarea flour.12X or 30 4 hourly
I hope the information contained helps you out. If you need any more help you can email me with your complete symptoms and conditions.
Take Care and God Bless you !

2006-09-06 21:32:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0


2016-09-17 03:31:16 · answer #2 · answered by Cheryl 3 · 0 0

Now for the first time there is a natural herbal patch called ProSero which can remedy gout in just 15 minutes

check out these sites, they may be helpful.

2006-09-06 07:44:33 · answer #3 · answered by ~Shelly~ 3 · 1 0

I've had gout for 20 years. It sucks. When I was first diagnosed, the doctors believed it was all related to diet. Those doctors recommended never eating another sinew of meat. In the intervening years medical science has begun to accept that it is caused by an overproduction of uric acid in your blood which forms crystals that get trapped in your tissues. According to my current doctor, the overproduction of uric acid is probably genetic.

Although you can take herbal remedies and drink unsweetened cherry juice, the best relief will come from a prescription for allopurinol or cholchesine (I don't know how to spell that one). Once you get through the acute phase (with all the pain), the meds will help your body regulate the uric acid.

If you are dead set on natural/herbal/homeopathic remedies you might consult a book called the "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" (Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 3rd ed) by Phyllis Balch and James Balch. It is available on amazon and probably at your local library. It has a good section on gout, which I recommend to be used in conjunction with treatment from a doctor.

The other thing you can do is to drink a ton of water. By keeping well-hydrated, this will help you flush out the tissues of your body.

Best of luck.

2006-09-06 07:44:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Gout is a condition where uric acid crystals build up in the body.
This can happen in the area of the big toe and cause a lot of pain.
Our foods contain purines; some foods are higher in this than others.
The doctor may place you on a lower purine diet (of which they will usually provide you a list of foods to avoid. There is also medications that can lower the uric acid in the blood
Here an alternative way to cure gout?

2016-05-14 14:40:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A lot of my clients use a product called UltraInflamX by UltraBalance Medical Foods. A doctor recommended this to me when my Mom was having serious attacks of gout. Everybody seems to benefit from it -- in fact, whenever Jim sees me, he always lets me know he's stayed gout-free.

2006-09-06 07:42:23 · answer #6 · answered by ohio healer 5 · 4 0

A friend of mine found great relief by taking Alfalfa Complex. It's a natural anti-inflammatory, produces alkaline reaction in the blood and excellent source of potassium.

Other supplements that would be helpful:

Vita-C: lowers serum uric acid
B-Complex: essential for improved metabolism
Zinc: critical for protein metabolism and tissue repair

Hope this is helpful and for the brand and website, feel free to contact me.

2006-09-06 08:25:48 · answer #7 · answered by JustMe 6 · 1 0

Hi !
Gout is caused by an accumulation of uric acid . It is not only caused by boose but by a diet that is too rich. It is the result of abusing too many good things too often… Or a case of too much accumulation and too little elimination. Homeopathy can help you, during an attack by alleviating your symptoms. Gout is also to a certain degree hereditary.

I could try to help you over the net if you would kindly send me your symptoms to my email, you could also tell me where you live and I could indicate where you could find remedies that could help you, depending on your symptoms.
Marie J

2006-09-06 07:56:16 · answer #8 · answered by marie J 6 · 3 2

There is some anecdotal evidence that essiac tea helps with gout, probably due to the burdock ingredient.

2006-09-06 07:42:30 · answer #9 · answered by Lisa D 2 · 2 0

I've heard that eating cherries helps. I've also heard that drinking 4 oz of real cherry juice twice a day will help get rid of your gout. It has to be real cherry juice, of course, not just cherry-flavored apple and grape juice.

2006-09-06 12:31:47 · answer #10 · answered by thejanith 7 · 0 1

first, dont eat foods with purines bologna and most meat contain purines try eating fresh not canned cherries your health food store should carry something for gout

2006-09-06 13:25:50 · answer #11 · answered by launchpad 2 · 0 1

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