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Or is it because it will grow anywhere and be hard to regulate? Not that it isn't something that impairs people, most say not as bad as booze. I mean, apparently you can't brew more than a certain amount of alcohol per year, from what I've heard, in this state. I mean, it grows fast and doesn't need to be potent. It isn't a killer. Narcotics apparently have no long term affect of people other than social and psychological affects. I also realize it would be another party thing people would do out of control like alcohol, but people say they'd drink less. The age of 21 doesn't stop kids from drinking and what, it's 18 to go launch a rocket for the country.... just ponder this is my miniscule brain someties.

2006-09-06 04:24:23 · 10 answers · asked by IronRhino 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

but see... I don't care about the getting 'baked' aspect, although I actually do, really but what I'm meaing....

U can brew beer, but a certain amount and I assume can't sell it with a license, regulations for everything these days, tought of small business.. so but I mean in regards to the amounts of paper it yields, benefits, etc... Why is it not legal? I think it's just that people would grow their own and they couldn't regulate it. That or scientific study I guess, I have a much open mind now though.. and have for the past 20 years. Possible because it is an alcohol catylist.

2006-09-06 04:39:35 · update #1

wow, well, Jarhead I 've been familiar with the 'subject' for 20 years and it I still remember telephone numbers from 6th grade.

Is it worse that tobacco? is it so bad?

anyway the question has nothing to do with your small minded friends and their experiences with pcp laced city garbage or whatever you do, it's all about money aint it??

2006-09-06 04:51:44 · update #2

10 answers

It is illegal to keep the prisons full. It is not socially illegal. The government does a lot of things, like welfare and social security, which are questionable constitutionally (where does the power come from?) but which are certainly good for society. if they think they don't have to obey the law to the letter when no harm is done, even when they can change it, what gives them the power to ask us to?

except the guns, of course

About comparing marijuana to tobacco, look it up and you'll find that marijuana is not linked to cancer. It does contain tar, but the effect of THC actually reduces the cells' risk of forming cancer, to put it simply

2006-09-06 04:29:18 · answer #1 · answered by Aleksandr 4 · 0 0

Firstly, I think your question is far too accepting of the government's power (not authorized in the constitution, mind you) to regulate human behavior and human consumption. The idea that Big Brother is our friend, and passes laws to keep us from hurting ourselves is nothing more than slave-prograganda to keep people hooked on the government providing for us, and keep is placated and comforted that government "really cares". In a free society, people should be allowed to do what they wish their own bodies, so long as it doesn't affect the rights of others. That being said, there is absolutely no reason why pot should be illegal.

The war on drugs, a failed and costly war, loves to promote outright lies about marijuana. They falsely claim it's a stepping stone drug, when it is not. They falsely claim it supports terrorism, but this bogus notion makes me laugh most of all. They falsely claim it's harmful, addicting, or causes brain damage--none of this is supported by any evidence whatsoever. The marijuana plant has a plethera of excellent uses beyond a drug, as well, which they desperately try to cover up. The truth of course is that the government wants marijuana to be illegal to keep drug czars in power in Central and South America. If the world's largest illegal drug market (the United States) were to suddenly legalize pot, the prices would sink to pennies on the dollar, and kingpins would lose their power and control over developing nations. This is not in the United States or the CIA's best interests.

Couple the government's interests with that of organizations like MAAD and other lobyists like the Christian coalition who believe the government should regulate morality, and you've got the majority of citizens drinking this kool-aid. There simply isn't much of a voice for the other side, and when you do hear it, they are quickly shot to pieces even before uncle sam has a chance to spread the seeds of lies on it.

2006-09-06 04:36:22 · answer #2 · answered by surfinthedesert 5 · 2 0

I don't think marijuana will be legalized anytime soon because so many people are still so against it. Also like you said it will grow anywhere and be hard to regulate. If it is legalized why wouldn't people just grow their own instead of going out and buying it at the store and paying taxes on it. I for one don't have anything against marijuana. I mean the world would probably be a better place if more people smoked it. It relaxes people and makes them less violent. Alcohol is much worse than marijuana. More people die in relation to alcohol than marijuana. You cannot overdose on marijuana (simply not possible). Marijuana is even beneficial used for medical purposes. More people should quit criticizing people for smoking pot and realize that it isn't that bad. Yes I understand it is illegal where alcohol isn't.

2006-09-06 04:36:02 · answer #3 · answered by Kelli 3 · 1 0

The largest grower of Marijuana in the American Continent is the US Military. The hemp is used by the Navy for anchor lines. It is the conservate religious extremist who see Medical Marijuana as a harmful narcotic and not as a medical herb which helps others. Until they get cancer or another severly painful disease, they don't care how you or anyone else is suffering. Remember that the next time you step into church.

2006-09-06 04:41:18 · answer #4 · answered by rab2344 4 · 0 0

It may be true that your brain is minuscule, but that is neither here nor there. The Weed is bad news and anyone who tells you that it does not have any long term effects, they are just trying to sell you on the idea that it is harmless.

I have known long term users that could not remember a phone number long enough to dial it. It destroys depth perception and sense of time. That makes it every bit as dangerous as alcohol, which is an addictive drug for 20 percent of the population.

Anything that you put into your body that destroys brain cells, is to be avoided by anyone who has sense enough to come in out of the rain.

The brain is not equipped with pain sensors. You can drive a knife into your brain and all that will happen is a series of wild images.

That is what causes the "Trips" enjoyed by users of the so called mind changing drugs. Yea, Long Die Timothy Leary. That drug cuts through the brain like a knife and destroys brain cells, that is what peyote does, as well as LSD.

You people who consider any type of drug, harmless, should wake up to the fact that it is all a matter of money. Be cool man; shoot up.
Might as well tell you to shoot yourself down.
Talk about stupidity:


2006-09-06 04:37:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

It is not legal because of lies and misconceptions that were used to make it illegal in the 1930s. Its illegal status is a result of a few lunatics who thought themselves elitist saviors of a public that they thought of as unable to think for itself. These leftist elitists thought they would protect the public from evil, all the while not realizing that they, were the evil from which the public should have been protected.

2006-09-06 04:37:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I say legalize it. If we can fight for our country at 18, but can't drink....wtf kind of logic is that. I say, if more people smoked weed and stopped drinking alcohol, drunk driving accidents would go way down. People swear pot is sooo unmotivating, I say, not me! When I smoke, I am creative, and I do a lot of things. People that are anti-weed, obviously haven't tried it, or they would shut up!

2006-09-06 04:32:53 · answer #7 · answered by kimmypoo 4 · 2 0

I think it should be legalized once you're 20. its less dangerous than alcohol and you wouldnt smoke and wake up next to a fat chick the next day.

2006-09-08 09:27:09 · answer #8 · answered by verbumheros 2 · 0 0

the only reason it hasn't been made legal yet , because the dumb cops haven't figured out how to grow a descent crop yet.

2006-09-06 04:30:23 · answer #9 · answered by Roxy 5 · 1 0

Here is the whole kicker to it, anyone who wants it legalized-do you vote? if not then sit down and shut up.

2006-09-06 05:03:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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