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Maybe I'm just not listening, but I never seem to hear Democrats give solutions to:

The War in Iraq
The War on Terrorists
Illegal Immigration
Social Security

Please enlighten me.

2006-09-06 04:20:41 · 21 answers · asked by sacolunga 5 in Politics & Government Politics

21 answers

The democrats' solution is "We're not Bush."

They haven't figured out there's more to be done then pointing out what's wrong, as though that will magically fix the problem.

2006-09-06 04:28:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

I will go with dstr's answer ....

But ... Iraq? Gee, how about we let the Iraqis deal with Iraq? Interesting concept, huh?

War on Terrorism? Like the War on Poverty, and the War on Drugs? Seems to me MI5 did more to halt the Terrorist then Bush has; perchance the solution is there. Address it as a crime issue. Oh, again, too deep for the GOP?

Illegal Immigration? Ah ... let me think ... didn't the Regan administration address that? Something to do with cracking down on the businesses exploiting the Illegals? Or was that in a different universe?

Social Security? Well, let me think .... it is not broken, so why fix it? Now, just for argument's sake, if it is broken, what has BushCo done to fix it? Nada! Privatization? Oh, gee. Have you ever read anything about the market crash of 1929?

Now you are enlightened ... not that you like the answers you get.

2006-09-06 11:36:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Well, lets see.

Republicans only started the war in Iraq because they failed at negociations with Saddam Hussein. Over 2500 Americans dead because of that Republican failure.

Republicans appeasing terrorists was a failure.

Republicans granted amnesty to illegal immegrants.

Republicans dipping into the Social Security monies and squandering it for their pet pork belly projects has ruined Social Security.

What is the Republican plan again?

Enlightened enough?

2006-09-06 11:57:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I too wish I would have heard definitive plans from the democrats during the last election. All I heard was criticism with no definitive plans on how to correct things.

I switched party's a few years ago, but I do not vote a party ticket. I vote for who I feel will do the better job regardless of party.

I wish our elected officials would leave their party agenda at the doors and do what is right for our country and it's citizens.

I am not happy with either party's agenda with regard to illegal immigration.. they both seem to want the borders open and unprotected. I will not vote for anyone that will not STOP THE INVASION

2006-09-06 11:30:24 · answer #4 · answered by j H 6 · 2 1

Funny how you asked a great question and got nothing even close to solutions. Instead once again people blamed Bush or stated some sort of double talk. When ever I answer questions I try to be striaght forward. I am very intregued by your question and will look up the answers. Because really I haven't heard or read anything on what the Democrats would do to solve these important issues. I am sad to read Jim W's response, I really thought he was better than that.

2006-09-06 11:35:56 · answer #5 · answered by Mark S 3 · 0 3

Its funny how all the Liberals seem to ignore the question and go after President Bush. As usual they have no answers and waste your time with a load of "neocon " this and that garbage.. I thought Jim W was supposed to be one of the Dem's great Yahoo people -- So , wheres all this wisdom???

2006-09-06 12:14:19 · answer #6 · answered by bereal1 6 · 0 2

democrats are interested in only one thing, primarily. that is to throw a monkey wrench into the gears of every republican(conservative,is a better term)effort to better this nation. i'll grant that there are some republicans who aren"t much better. but they all had better start co-operating because this country has some urgent issues to deal with. we are not going to solve them by murdering babies and keeping murderers on death row for thirty years and feeding, them housing them,and even paying them to be there. not only murdererss but other dregs of society.
as far as the war in iraq and on terrorism goes, the enemy is only going to be encouraged by our divisiveness.
as for illegal immigration, it is just over my head why they are handling it as they are. what kind of mushy leadership do we have. did not the dems take the same oath to protect and defend the constitution as the republicans? explain to me how they are doing this by letting our borders be overrun by illegal foreigners who are over two million strong. if they were an army there would be enough of them here to win a war simply by attrition. this lack of co-operation is extremely foolish. FOOLISH.
social security. bush had a plan. democrats,monkey wrenches.the social security plan in this country is virtually non existent. we would all be better off to put our money in a coffee can and bury it in our backyards.
the elected ones had better get their heads out of their pocketbooks and start doing what they were elected to do or we will not only have no social security, we will have NO security at all

2006-09-06 11:58:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Maybe you're just not listening is right.What do YOU know about the Republicans solutions?

You may want to brush up on the Republican agenda just a bit before you ask that.

Please enlighten me.

What will the remaining Republicans DO in 2007 and 2008?

2006-09-06 11:24:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 7

I am conservative and I know what I stand for.

Liberals only want to give government money to freeloaders, kill babies, and save the whales. They have no plans or solutions. That is why they can only HATE what we are doing to the best of our ability (Republicans).
Liberals - go make peace - no one said YOU can't TRY...but remember, terrorists WANT to die so they are not reasonable (just thought you'd like a "heads up" on that one).

2006-09-06 11:30:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

They have no viable solutions, they will say one thing, then tax your azz, then do another thing... as long as they can spend other people's money, they will be grinning.

Well, lies and half-truths..... weaken the military.

Appogize to the Muslim Terrorists.

Delete the Border Patrol and open the gates.

Continue to warp SS and steal it away from the people.

There is no enlightenment possible from the left.

2006-09-06 11:26:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 6

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