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As you all know elections are right around the corner. Both sides are bitterly clashing with the other side. But I feel like basing the Dems today. (Which by the way I find exciting) Anyways the first thing. The economy.
Boy were you guys wrong. You say that Americans can't find jobs. Funny but the news reports an increase in the employment level. And we are sitting at around a 4% unemployment rate. Which is damn good. The way you guys talk it's like Bush caused people to lose jobs. Once again need I remind you that there was also times when Clinton was in office, that there were unemployment. And it was also around 4% when Clinton was in office. So "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU CRYING FOR!"
Second, Dems say gas is high. That is a bunch of BS and you know it. You call gas around $2.40 in many parts of the country high? I mean i know gas used to be around $2 but, still you guys should be happy this adminstration brought the gas level down. Gas is never ever going to be the price it was

2006-09-06 03:45:58 · 16 answers · asked by TJ 4 in Politics & Government Politics

before until we stop are dependence for foreign oil. We could stop these "high" gas prices if certain individuals(not giving any names) were to let us drill for are own oil until we are able to create a new alternative fuel.

2006-09-06 03:47:53 · update #1

And also it seems some of you guys tend to forget that if terrorism is ignore and we don't stop it, then there will be no economy. terrorist will be attacking the places we live, where we work, even where we go for fun. And what will that do to the economy if people are afraid to leave their homes. Sure you can buy stuff over the Internet but, that requires it to be delivered and that would work if there is no one employed to delievred.

2006-09-06 03:50:05 · update #2

There are 300 million citizens living in the US. How many of those are among the poor? Only 30 Million. Now I'm not saying that we should forget about the poor but really do these guys really stimulate the economy. No!! Now of the 300 million left how many are among the middle class? About 250 million are. And the rich are left.
So who really controls the economy in a big way? the Middle class.

2006-09-06 03:52:55 · update #3

Hey Jim W seriously think for once. We have had a deficit for ages. Have we ever paid any of that back? No. Does it and will it ever matter. No. If you think about wars then it is going to be expensive. Yes i did say that I believe that we should change are plan in Iraq but, I did not say that we messed up. Think back to WW2. Do you really want another WW b/c we sat back on our asses and din't nothing until the last minute?

2006-09-06 03:59:57 · update #4

But hey rock on GOP!!!! And don't expect the DNC to take majority of the house or senate anytime soon.

2006-09-06 04:01:39 · update #5

And i don't know what I'm talking about edaem. Get off your *** and look around. Jobs are hiring everywhere.

2006-09-06 04:20:02 · update #6

16 answers

TJ - all excellent and valid points with one exception - The Bush administration does not control WORLD gas prices. Supply and demand does. Currently the supply is more than the demand and that has lowered prices. I agree that we need to extensively explore for new oil reserves. Did you hear that there was a new reserve discovered in the gulf this week? Below is the link!

2006-09-06 04:01:35 · answer #1 · answered by therandman 5 · 0 1

1. Once again I will say it is NOT the government who is controlling the gas prices. It is the globalist group that are causing and useing the unstableness of the middle east to create a false fear that there will be a shortage so to protect profits the traders trade the price of crude up to unrealistic prices causing the record profits.

2. As for your comments about only 300million being poor.. Now you are full of SHIZNIT! Because it seems that you look at poor people with a emphasis on almost homeless. Poor means under the poverty level and about 20-30% of the U.S. lives at or just below that level fighting to make ends meat. Which is now harder than ever because of the rise in everything because of the price of oil now. Also it does not help that alot of those large companys employ illegals which cause what used to be high paying jobs down to paying nothing. The tax levels should be higher for the rich and less on the poor so that everything would start to become more equal and our economy would prosper.

2006-09-06 12:45:12 · answer #2 · answered by trl_666 4 · 0 0

The unemployment rate may be up, but where are people finding employment...McDonalds? What good does that do? Please provide statistics that include what type of jobs are on the rise. I would bet they would be minimum (or close to) wage jobs. Also, a lot of average Americans have to work more than one job recently to keep their families afloat.

Secondly, did you ever think that lowering the gas prices around election time may be another ploy from the Republicans so that people like you will believe that they are paying good prices for gas and vote them in again? Don't you know that the current administration are all part of the oil industry and can influence the price of oil whenever it suits them?

2006-09-06 10:54:52 · answer #3 · answered by CharlieB 2 · 2 0

I know that you are trying to come off as though you know what you are talking about but you dont. BTW, I think you may have meant "bashing" Dems not "basing".

The unemployment figures have NEVER been reported correctly by this administration. I am a perfect example of this. I was unemployed for 2 years (like a large segment of people here in Austin), not collecting unemployment benefits, and therefore not included in the stats that he talks about. If you aren't getting unemployment benefits, not registered with the labor department for work, or no longer eligible for unemployment benefits, you are included as EMPLOYED. 4% would not be a bad number if in fact it were a true representation of the the stats. Most people, like myself who have gone back to work have had to take jobs that pay MUCH less or are now working in fields where there is no real pay growth. I now make one third of what I earned in 2004. Second, gas prices are higher because Bush and company are major stockholders in the companies and they supported his candidacy. With CEO's earning ridiculous sums of money and oil companies reaping record profits because the price at the pump is so high and there is no end in sight, you better believe that under Bush this will not change.

For your own sake, please read a book other than "My Pet Goat". A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

2006-09-06 11:18:04 · answer #4 · answered by edaem 4 · 1 1

"But I feel like basing the Dems today. (Which by the way I find exciting)"-TJ

A most intelligent,informative,and thoroughly sophisticated comment to tackle the pressing political issues of our time.NOT!

Here are some real things I have a problem with:

-Bush's intusion into Terru Schaivo's personal life andwasting her last days for political gain.

-A horrible response to Hurricane Katrina that envelops many issues.

-A failed "Federal marriage Ban" that failed several times 10 years AFTER the Republicans wanted States Rights.Which was a diversion tatic that a lot of people saw through immediately.

-NO Plan for Iraq except "stay the course",which is an admittance of clulessness.You yourself TJ ADMITTED "we messed up on Iraq". It's not enough to ignore now.

-Bush has taken this country from being the worlds largest vreditor to largest debtor.My grandkids will be paying and paying
for Bush's blunder on Iraq.

-projected 12 TRILLION deficit estimated in the next ten years.Bush is NOT a conservative!

You ask what the hell I'm crying for.Does any of the above give you a clue?

2006-09-06 10:55:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Two Dem answers and both refuse to address the issues. The deficit is high because 8 years of high taxes under the Clinton administration combined with a Dem house and senate incited the ability for that administration to spend within its capital gains. G.W. put cash back into your pocket and is correcting the ill gotten gains of the Clinton Admin yet you ***** while your mouth is full.

Jobs are in demand because the G.W. policy on Small Business invigorates local economies. Gas is at $2.40 due to economic demand; stop driving your SUV and walk or ride your hippie bike someplace if you don't like paying for it. Pressure your local legislature to buy more ethanol and bio-diesel; which by the way, California is not doing because it is enamored with the compressed natural gas myths.

A Democrat is a liberal until they have to get a job and support someone.

2006-09-06 10:58:22 · answer #6 · answered by Jim from the Midwest 3 · 0 2

Now with that said do you feel any better? I have recently graduated college and have yet to find a job in that field (Administrative Assistant). Unemployment is real high here. I guess when you go by national guidelines it doesn't look so bad. Of course I don't blame Bush for all of this, most of the time when a president is in office the former administrations bills and such are in effect until after the next president is out of office.

2006-09-06 10:55:26 · answer #7 · answered by flip103158 4 · 1 1

Yes unemployment is down, the jobs that have been created though aren't high paying jobs, they are usually jobs such as cashiers, tellers and such. Second, there was never a gas shortage, just a scam to raise gas prices, and since it is election time, why am I not surprised that gas prices have gone down. If Republicans stay in office or control the Govt. you bet your behind gas prices will increase after the elections.

2006-09-06 11:01:30 · answer #8 · answered by Dubya & The Brain 1 · 1 1

I lost the question in all that verbosity.

Or maybe I'm just stuck on the FACT that among the post-World War II presidents, Bush ranks as the highest in average tax burden on workers, and as the highest in national debt accumulation.

2006-09-06 10:51:42 · answer #9 · answered by Pitchow! 7 · 1 0

Instead of fighting terrorists, Bush preferred to play games in Iraq. Bush had nothing to do with bringing gas prices down.

2006-09-06 10:53:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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