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I have known about it for months but not said anything, i love my partner and ive known my friend since i was 4. My friend is now pregnant and she hasnt got a botfriend she said its a one night stand. Could it be my parners? Im pregnant aswll from my partner?? Im confused as i dont wanna lose either of them

2006-09-06 02:14:49 · 48 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

48 answers

Look forward to a lovely day out all 3 of you at Mothercare.

2006-09-06 02:16:40 · answer #1 · answered by Pete T 3 · 0 1

I think you all need to sit down and talk about it before the babies come along so everyone knows where they stand. Your friend isn't much of a friend if she has been sleeping with you partner, that is unacceptable behaviour and there is no excuse for doing it, regardless of how long you have known her. Your partner is also in the wrong too and although you may love him it is probably best to just walk away from him, staying with him for the sake of the child is the wrong and won't hide the fact that he has slept with your friend. It will be difficult to put your trust in them again after what they have done!!

2006-09-07 03:04:35 · answer #2 · answered by emmalp75 3 · 0 0

Well maybe your friend isn't sure who the father is and she's hoping it's someone else being that you two are close friends and she's embarrassed to admit that it could be your partners baby. She probably has a lot of guilt.
You both are gonna be parents and both need to handle the situation like adults. The fact is, you knew it was going on and didn't say anything, so you need to deal with the consequences of their actions just like they should.
My opinion is you all need to sit down and figure out the possibilities (maybe you and her should talk one on one first and be supportive, don't get angry allthough that may be hard to do but be understanding and get her to talk to you) she needs to open up about the possibilities of who could be the father. This has been your friend for sooo long, you can choose to keep her or dumb her as your friend but I would be understanding about the fact she is pregnant and may be extremely emotional about all of what she did and probably really confused and could use a friend to help her through this.
As far as the man, I would get rid of him, he will probably continue this behavior and cause you a lot of emotional stress which you don't need. It may on the other hand work out and everything will be okay. But the three of you need to sit and talk about what your plans are for the future and how all this will work out. If you don't want to loose either one of them then i would just remember to be understanding and get them both to open up about the situation and there should be a lot more relief.
And just remember as soon as her baby is born she needs to have paternity done in the hospital.

2006-09-06 03:28:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think it would have been a good idea to have said something about it when you found out, but it's too late for that now. YOu have to think what is going to be best for both of the coming children. They are going to be pretty confused about their dad either way. It could easily be your partner's child. Was your child planned or accidental? You shouldn't have planned a child with someone you know was unfaithful so I'm guessing it was accidental. In which case you all need to get some tests for STDs as unfortunately for you neither your friend or 'partner' seems that reliable. What is your friend's attitude about all of this?

2006-09-06 02:19:28 · answer #4 · answered by sminter2nd 2 · 0 1

I hate to say it but I agree with some of the other responses...you have already lost them. You will never be able to trust either of them again. They have not been good to you. In fact they have been down right selfish. I would confront them and tell them both where to go. If you don't you will just be prolonging a lot of pain and it will hurt your self esteem. You will find sooner than later that you no longer respect either of them. It's more difficult to be surrounded by people that you have no respect for. Respect yourself and your baby and confront them.

I do want to add that I'm so sorry that has to be very painful. You and your child deserve better people in your life.

2006-09-06 02:25:56 · answer #5 · answered by 10 pts for me? 4 · 0 0

♥ I'm sorry for your situation. Yes of course it could be your partner. Why didn't you say anything sooner. It is very possible that if your partner finds out she is pregnant, he may leave you, or her. The best thing you can do for your baby is to stop sleeping with him, if he is sleeping around you may have a std. Also if she was really a good friend she wouldn't be sleeping with her pregnant friends boyfriend.

2006-09-08 07:37:30 · answer #6 · answered by Tina 3 · 0 0

What a mess. Maybe some of you women need to stop settling for this trash. Your partner? Your partner has no obligation to you he isn't married to you and obviously that wasn't a priority. You can be one big happy family now. How gross.

You don't want to lose a so called friend that had sex with your partner and you don't to lose your partner that cheated on you? Sounds like you suffer from low self esteem!

2006-09-06 03:20:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's a bit late to be confused I would say...
You are pregnant...
Your friend is pregnant...
Your so-called partner (must be new unmarried term) seems to be the master Poppa...
All three of you should sit down and discuss in detail the reality of the future... There will be two new innocent babies brought into this world... and nobody knows who's on first...

2006-09-06 03:42:01 · answer #8 · answered by deakjone 4 · 0 0

I am very sorry to hear this sweetie! I can understnad why you have hide it and don't wnat to let them know that you know. You sound like a very specail person and it sounds like you care very much for both of them. I hate to say it but, yes it is very possible that your friend could be pregnant with your partners baby. It would all depend on how far along she is and if they were messing around at the time she would have gtten pregnant. I would be honest with both of them and ask them both someone wehre together with you (your home would most liekly be the best place for this, as you don't know what their reaction will be to this), I would calmly talk to both of them and let them know that you know what is going on or has been going on, tell your friend that you would really like to know if she knows if the baby is your partners. I think you could most likely fogrgive your parnter and friend for the simple fact that you pretty much have already excepted what they have done. Remind them that you care about them both and don't want to lose either of them but that things need to come to an end and then your partner needs to pick who he wants to be with. I will also make sure that your partner and friend now that if she is indeed pregnant with his baby that you are willing to let your partner support her through her pregnancy and support their baby. And that you will not be upset if he wants to be a part of the babies life. I would make it clear to both of them that you can not trust them right now but you are willing to let them gain back their trust. I would also make sure that you are with your partner anytime they will be together. I hope I gave you some good advice and if you need someone to talk to this more about please feel free to email me. Good Luck Sweetie!

2006-09-06 03:06:35 · answer #9 · answered by awesomemommy05 2 · 0 0

Get yourself on the blower to Trisha, in fact give that Jeremy Kyle a a call as would most probably take your eejit of a boyfriend to town. What a b*astard pair, your pal and your partner. I take it you have some kind of evidence of your friend and partner sleeping together by the way? Confront your partner if you have and cut your pal out of your life. Why don't you want to lose them after what they have done to you?? Get shot and look after yourself well. Get a family member or another pal to support you.

2006-09-06 02:55:19 · answer #10 · answered by rondavous 4 · 0 0

there are no words that can describe the pain you must feel. i am very sad to read this. i always think that it is best to speak ur mind. don't keep this inside of you because it will eat you up inside. in fact, it is eating at you now or you wouldn't be asking what to do. i think that you should confront them both with proof of you assumptions. I use the word assumptions because that it what they r going to say u r doing. take to note you may loose one or both them. but you can't sit there an say nothing. tell them to hear you out and give them the chance to explain themselves. let it be known that this is the only chance that they will have have to come clean if not then you will need to let them go because you wanted to save the friendship and lover. i doubt u will save either.
i doubt they will be truthful but more so deny what they have done especially i f you don';t have hard evidence to back up ur facts. in all honesty i would actually leave them both alone. i put him out and send her own her way as well. facing a pregnancy alone is far from the worse thing that could ever happen to you and plenty of women do it every day, but i understand that is not where you r trying to go. remember if you r going to start with confronting them then you must try to remain calm. the baby is more important than either of them and doesn't need the stress.
your family and friends will support and back you up if you need to find strength and moral support. keep ur head up and once again my heart goes out you. i hope what i typed help you out in some way. think real hard about what you r about to do and ask ur self is all this really worth the mental and physical health of you and ur child. if the other child is his deal with it after u know your baby is strong and healthydeal with one issues at a time.
congratulation on your pregnancy!
be strong the lord will take care of you.
Carma will take care of them.

2006-09-06 02:49:05 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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