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When are we English going to understand that sex is a natural part of life - recently a mother organised a prostitute for her son on his sixteenth birthday - there was uproar - why ?

Also, It is common knowledge that one of mens' most favourite fantasies is to have more than one woman at once - fine - but if you suggest that a lot of women fantasise about being taken by force - you will get so much abuse - you won't believe it - but the fact is it is true ! I remember an episode of Jeremy Springer where this was posed and the mostly female audience when mad with anger - but they won't admit it in public but in private it is a different story - when are we English going to realise that sex is about something that is instinctive and that to suppress it in this country is damaging to our youth - it should be taught properly in school - I remember my sex education classes were pathetic with embarrased form teachers attempting to pass on the information ?

2006-09-06 01:49:08 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Sociology

Sex Education should be taught in school by specialist teachers that can cope with the obviously embarrasing questions from students that the classes are likely to provoke - then you might not have so many young mothers with children from different men - usually absent - there should be a government programme to help our young adults use prostitutes to show them the do's and don'ts and techniques from pleasing a woman - because most men don't have a clue to begin with - instead of which prostitutes are shunned and despised in this country and this strange when you remember it is the oldest profession. That mother was right and I hope many mothers will follow suit - especially with boys - because if their heads are full up with unfufilled sex how can they possibly get on with their studies - this is why I think girls are ahead of boys at schools statistically !

2006-09-06 01:54:17 · update #1

And talking of school when are they going to start teaching kids not just in England but everywhere - subjects like how to argue properly and effectively, about ethics and what is culturally exceptable and what is not - because something is going wrong somewhere with the amount of elderly people being attacked.
Why don't we teach subjects at school like becoming an entrepreneur and why is it such a sin in England to make a lot of money - why is the country, especially the BBC obsessed with charity all the time what about encouraging people to become something as apposed to constantly doing good all the time which doesn't actully produce anything and just delays the enevitable.

2006-09-06 02:04:32 · update #2

19 answers

I am going to approach this one statement at a time.
I will agree with you that alot of women do fantasise about being taken by force but only by someone they know. I think women that have been raped by unknown perps would most definately disagree with you and, if they had that fantasy to begin with, would no longer fantasise about being taken by force. (Also, never put any stock into anything you ever see on Jerry Springer, he sucks.)

I could not agree more with you on the in-school sex education. I was one of the lucky few to have had a mum that worked for an Obstetrician and Gynecology doctor, so I was taught at a very early age about sex. I am not completely conviced about the prostitute issue though. These same techniques could be taught in a different manner I am sure, other than paying for your son to have sexual intercourse with a woman most likely to be a drug addict or carrying a fatal disease. Then that leaves the question about the females: Should there be men to teach the girls? Men have special spots too and they like certain things as well. Maybe we should give each of them a banana or cucumber to orally practice with?

Boys are not just statistically slower than girls in school once their hormones kick in. Your remedy may work for junior high and high school, but not for elementary ages. We can work on this one later.

As for the argumentative course, you are right on with that one. Children are prone to arguing with their parents but have no idea of making a valid arguement when it comes to serious issues involving themselves or the world at large.

Which brings me to your final statement. On this one, I will disagree. All people should be taught how to give whether it be through charity or selflessness to their neighbour. That is one of the problems with the world today...Everyone is so self-absorbed and self-centered that they believe the world revolves around them and no one else matters. If more people took others into consideration, then maybe we could do away with religion and all the fanatics that think their way is the only right way.

However, I do agree that people should be more self-sufficient, and not usurp the governments money and the money of those that are tending to the welfare of all that refuse to take care of their own.

2006-09-06 03:30:37 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

I have some of your answers and I hope you will be able to understand them. The prudishness you are referring to is a cultural thing rather than a racial thing. We Americans inherited quite a lot of English culture- chips/fries- who cares? we eat fried potatoes. Does it sound surprising to say that Americans are prudes? Our country was founded by religious English people, many known as "Puritans" and there is a very good reason that they were called that. Do you realize that in many parts of the US, men can no longer remove their shirts in public on a hot day because exposing a male chest could lead to such offensive behavior as mothers breast-feeding their babies? We are sick.
Sexual repression does lead to an unhealthy attitude toward sex and that can manifest as rape fantasies and worse.
And repressed teachers trying to teach a sex education class? There is no better definition of the word "counter-productive." I read about fornication and adultery in the Bible when I was a child, had no idea what these things meant, asked my father who told me that it meant having intercourse with some woman, looked up "intercourse" in the dictionary, found that it meant relations including conversation and spent the next six months avoiding talking to females because I was sure that I would burn in hell if I did.
What was the question?
Oh yes. The English are repressed. Our media would like to paint a different picture, but Americans are repressed, too. Unfortunately, the attempts at ending sexual repression as a cultural phenomenon are mostly carried out by people who sell pornography which causes the pendulum to swing too far in the other direction and then we go right back where we started from if not worse. It's either never talk about or depict sexual activity in any way or it's talk about and show any and every kind of sexual activity in all types of media everywhere and the cultural attitude swings from one extreme to the other.
My advice to all human beings over the age of thirteen years: Go to a private place where you won't be seen or disturbed. Take all your clothes off. Look at the place between your legs. It is a very special place. Now realize that every human being has a special place just like you do. Every one of them. They come in two major varieties and each one is slightly different from all the others. This special place makes a few major products. One of those products is strong feelings of pleasure. The other major product is produced when a male special place goes into a female special place. That can make a baby. It is where all human beings come from. Everyone's parents had sex.
Continue breathing normally.

2006-09-06 10:07:30 · answer #2 · answered by anyone 5 · 1 0

Why was there an uproar about the mother organising a prostitute for her 16-year-old son? Because prostitution is illegal, and even though all prostitutes supposedly use condoms, you can still get a bunch of STDs from them. Plus, by taking her son to a prostitute at such a young age the mother was teaching him that women are sex objects to be bought and that they are not real people with feelings. Right away she was teaching him that sex is purely physical and does not have any emotional value. BAD move.

2006-09-06 08:58:43 · answer #3 · answered by Double 709 5 · 2 0

I have to look at this from a different viewpoint. I am the mother of a 14 year old here in the U.S. Here, the girls feel they need to be "Hot" and "sexy" IN JUNIOR HIGH!!!! The girls feel that if they don't put out, they will not get a boyfriend.

I just don't see losing your virginity before you are out of high school as a big achievement. WIth the risk of pregnancy, STDs, and the emotional entanglements associated with being friends with benefits (friends who have sex but are not romantically involved) and the problems that come from jumping into bed with a partner you are not seriously committed to, I cannot see any possible benefit in getting teens to want to have sex???!!!

Please tell me in the additional details, how having sex as teenagers is beneficial. Because as a mother, I just don't see the logical reason for this.

2006-09-06 08:54:22 · answer #4 · answered by Searcher 7 · 2 0

When Harry becomes king and announces that people don't need to keep their heads up their asses to impress some silly old bat that they will never meet. Honestly if I were English I would leave the country just to be able to disown the queen, she is so bloody prudish it is not at all funny.
Tell me this, why do so many people listen to her. You have just summed up my thoughts perfectly with the outlook on sex.

Glad to hear there is some common sense floating around over there cause I didn't find much in my visit to the UK.

2006-09-06 08:55:20 · answer #5 · answered by CLOCKWORK 6 · 0 1

I don't know. I think it has nothing to do with race. I depends on how you grew up. The English were always known for being prudish. That's just a fact.

2006-09-06 08:51:32 · answer #6 · answered by Pamela N 4 · 0 0

I don¸t think that is the case.I found while living in Britain people very promiscuous,girls especially.
And what you are suggesting in the second part is called raping.It is definitely not my fantasy!

2006-09-06 09:06:09 · answer #7 · answered by sanja77 4 · 2 0

Check out your peaple that have moved abroad.examples.New Zealand and Austraila.Your peaple are not prudish just stuck up.They think about what eveybody else is thinking about them.GO TRAVEL!!BE FREE MY BRIT.BE FREE!!!lol

2006-09-11 03:32:38 · answer #8 · answered by rozerred 1 · 0 0

Parents should education their children about sex, not the State...otherwise you'll get polygamists, bigamists, gays/lesbians, pedophiles, transgenders and other similar types teaching our kids.

2006-09-06 08:55:35 · answer #9 · answered by Answers1 6 · 2 0

On a whole Europe is very liberal, but I must agree, Uk is filled with to many taboo's.
That's why the teen pregnancy rate is the highest in Europe.

2006-09-06 08:55:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anria A 5 · 0 1

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