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Is a ferret really a good pet to have? And is it really hard to keep one? At a regular pet shop, how much would one cost? I've been thinking about getting one. =]

2006-09-05 15:38:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Other - Pets

21 answers

honestly even after they have been descented they kind of stink. but they are playful and very charismatic. fun little guys but they are a lot of work to keep smelling pretty.

2006-09-05 15:41:15 · answer #1 · answered by gsschulte 6 · 0 0

A ferret for a 5 year old is probably not the best idea unless you are ready for alto of work and expense. Most ferrets don't bit or nip like alto of people think but the upkeep with them is tremendous. I am a stay at home wife with two dogs and got two ferrets and ALL the good stuff to go with them including the huge cage etc etc. I just didn't have the energy to deal with them all of the time. And when all I have to do is take care of a home husband and a few pets that's saying alto They do litter train very easy usually two days and they have figured it out completely but that dosent mean that play time isn't in the litter box either.. Also their box will stink if you do not A. clean it daily and B. us marshals ferret waste deodorizer that is the only way to keep the smell down the waste deodorizer is a clear tasteless thing to put in their water and it really does work to keep their feces and urine from smelling. But whenever they are out of their cage most like to run and not really be held and wallerd around either. So the only time to hold them is when they are sleeping ( which is 80% of the day ) All in all I would say having a 5 puppy's would compare to having only one ferret just because it lives in a cage dosent make them easy to care for But as stated in the above answer people are uneducated who think ferrets are "dangerous" are just ridiculous.

2016-03-26 23:46:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well they are a big responsibility. They use the cat box so you have to clean it. They also get into everything. I love them though. I have two and am so glad. They are one of the most popular pets under cats and dogs. I love to lay on my bed after a long day and they will come and either want to play or will just lay down next to me and sleep. If you only get one though, you will have to play with it a lot. They are use to being around animals and are use to having them to play with. I will always recommending getting ferrets because they are so awesome. In fact talking about them makes me want to see them. Oh the cost varies. You have to buy a cage which can be a couple hundred. You can either buy a ferret or try to find a place like SAFE (like animal defense league but for ferrets) Thats where I got one of my ferrets. We got her for free but I gave a donation. Im sure there is an organization like them near you. I hope you make the right decision.

2006-09-06 14:07:31 · answer #3 · answered by A* 4 · 0 0

Here we go all the negative feed back about ferrets. I maintain from 3-6 in my home at any given time, and to walk in and see a cage that is 5 foot high and wonder what is in there? My ferrets are bathed about every 6 weeks, bedding changed every other day, litter boxes attended to 2 sometimes 3 x a day, their room is clean every evening(playroom-easy chair ,carpeting and zillion toys), but all this does require a bit of effort and in the long run i am well rewarded from my ferrets!

2006-09-06 06:37:27 · answer #4 · answered by matt 5 · 0 0

I have 3, and they are a riot! Started with one, but then I read that they do better in pairs, then about 2 months after that, a friend of a friend found one-walked right into his house. They are fun to watch, but they do smell. You'll have to clean the cage at the VERY least, every other day for 1 ferret. When they're real young, like at most pet stores, they do bite and you have to correct them of that, otherwise it gets worse. And you have to have enough time for them. They need at least 1 hour a day outside of their cage to run around. AND you have to surpervise them, they love to go for electrical cords. I bought a book, Ferrets for Dummies, very good book, lots and lots of info on everything to do with ferrets. Pet shop, you're looking at at least 100., look in the newspaper people usually have them with a cage for the same price. Also check your area for ferret shelters.

2006-09-05 16:03:18 · answer #5 · answered by tikitiki 7 · 0 0

Ferrets are nocturnal by nature so if you are a night person then great! they are freindly but can bite. they can sqeeze into VERY small spaces so be sure all vents etc are covered. They can have a musky smell but overall are very good pets. some cities have laws about what kind of pets you own so be sure to check that out.
The cost depends on where you live, but generally around $100 or less but a decent cage and stuff can also run about that as well.

2006-09-05 15:45:40 · answer #6 · answered by rwl_is_taken 5 · 1 1

Ferrets are fun to have as pets my older bro had 2 (one died after eating fabric). Go to a store that specializes in ferrets. I am not sure how much they cost like I said they were my older bro's pets and he was living on his own when he gotten both. they love to exercise and bite the heck out of you if you roughhouse with it. Most Ferrets that are bought from pet stores are spayed or neutered.

2006-09-05 16:13:33 · answer #7 · answered by teri81979_2000 3 · 0 0

Misinformation is a scary thing, and there's way too much of it in the posts above.
First, ferrets are NOT rodents! They are carnivores just like a dog, cat, or tiger. Goodness, I can't stand it when people say that!
Second, ferrets are NOT nocturnal! They are diurnal meaning they will adapt to your schedule. They sleep 18+ hours a day so whenever you want to schedule playtime is fine with them.
Next, bathing ferrets daily is really going to make them stink! The more you bathe a ferret, the more they are going to stink. Bathing strips necessary oils from the ferrets skin and then the body works overtime to replace them. Thus you have a stinkier ferret. Only bathe your ferret if you absolutley have to. No more than a couple of times a year.
A ferret could be the perfect pet for you or they could be the worst possible one. I don't know what I would do without mine, they are absolutley wonderful for me. But it all depends on the individual. They are very needy pets with specific needs that have to be met. They need to be let out to play in a ferret proofed room for at least 4 hours every day. You have to keep their ears clean, nails clipped, give them ferret lax and duck soup (a highly nutritious soupy treat you make with chicken and other ingrediants) and be always ferret proofing. They really keep you on your toes. Plus you have to be willing to take them to the vet for vaccinations and in the case of an emergency. They are prone to a few diseases, mainly adrenal gland disease and insulinoma. You will also have to research food brands and decide what's best for your ferret. Oh, and you'll have a lesson in ferret math sooner or later. Hehehe.
But in my opinion they are totally worth it. You couldn't ask for a more playful and entertaining pet. They are like a mix between a puppy and kitten that never grows up. You'll never tire of their antics and will be watching them more than the tv. Plus they have so many little quirks and oddities that make them so unique.
Most petstores sell them for between $100 and $200 each. But that's just the cost of the ferret. You will easily spend over $400 on the initial set-up cost. A large ferret cage is a must (ferrets are like potato chips, you can't have just one!). Then there is the food, litter, litter boxes, food and water bowls, hammocks, toys, harness and leash, ear cleaner, nail clippers, styptic powder, ferret lax, ingrediants for duck soup, treats, cost for first vet visit, etc...They are very expensive pets.
If you can, find out if their is a ferret rescue near you. Volunteer there, it would be the best way to find out if a ferret is right for you. Plus you could adopt a ferret or two instead of purchasing them at a petstore.
If you are still interested in them then I highly suggest you pick up a copy of "Ferrets for Dummies" by Kim Schilling. It's the best ferret book out there.
Here is some info about duck soup: http://www.ferretfacts.com/k1dusoreimof.html
And please feel absolutely free to contact me if you have any more questions!

2006-09-05 16:08:24 · answer #8 · answered by Em 4 · 2 0

Honestly, they are not very good pets. I have had 4 ferrets and they are little devils! I have 2 right now that you can have it you want :)
If you are thinking of getting one you have to completely ferret-proof your house. They can get into tiny places and they can get lost. They can easily sneek out the door if you're not careful which has happened to me several times. They poop and pee in all corners of the house. They do stink pretty badly, but if you give them a bath once a week its not so bad. They steal everything they can sink their little teeth into- remotes, socks, dog treats, cookies, underwear, pencils... anything they can get a hold of.
You should do more research on them before you get any (you are not supposed to get only one, they need a companion). You can get them at most pet stores and they can cost you anywhere from $110-$150. Good luck--you'll need it!!

2006-09-05 15:52:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I would suggest getting rats, they're extremely intelligent, friendly, clean, and social with each other and with people, and they don't bite.

My sister has ferrets and the entire house smells like sweet corn poop and ammonia, they poop everywhere. They are hard to keep because they need a lot of attention. I would just hate for them to be in a cage most of their lives.

I'd suggest doing some research before making a final decision

2006-09-05 17:38:45 · answer #10 · answered by AXeBaBe 2 · 0 0

i bought my ex a ferret. Even if they ar descented. They smell! We gave him a bath every day but it would not elminate the odor. The ferret as a pet was ok. Always scared it was going to bite me though. They look at you mean. I see some people who love their ferrets. If an animal that small can take down a full grown cow and kill it.. then that animal is not for me. (they eat the ankles, till the cow falls and then goes for the throat). Pretty bad.
I wouldnt get another one but some do love theirs.

2006-09-05 15:42:13 · answer #11 · answered by Keith Perry 6 · 0 1

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