Here we go, something of substance!!
I am a hardcore liberal, I want to marry Bill Maher, Mud Wrestle Ann Coulter and I would do anything to go face to face with Dubya!
I lived in Southern Missouri for 3 years, during the campaign and I campused the whole state educating people on the good of the democratic party. I know that questionable things have happened during the Clinton adminstration, but, it was ORAL SEX!!! Hilary chose to stand by her man, and I chose to stand by the one man who could command an audience, didn't need a speech writer and could balance the budget to the point of a surplus, that not only help those in the higher classes, but students, those who are union workers, single mom's trying to make it and those trying to rebuild there lives.
What do you think 3 TRILLION dollars could have done for the Hurrican Katrina victims??
The "War" in Iraq has cost that much, and who is paying for it? Us! My children and grandchildren will not have social security, and I lost someone that I went to high school with this week, and his family is suffering just like so many others who have lost loved once for this foolish cause that the repulicans decided to use to win over the Nascar Dads and those "Christians" who think they were doing the right thing.
Just so those of you who bring up 9/11 when people like me rant on about the corruption of this administration, Sadam and Iraq had nothing to do with Al-Qauda, and there were NO WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION!!!
Clinton was an amazing man who does what many men do everyday, but, because they are not the president, they are not run threw the mud!! Hilary is the only person who could "punish" Bill for his actions, and it should have stayed in their home, between them, even if it was the White House!!
Say what you want, but, Billy C. would have been in New Orleans in Hours and not days, because he cared about all races, not just those whom he thought would vote for him!~
Just like Kanye said, Dubya doesn't care about black people, especially poor black people!
Oh Yeah, I would have to I would pick Clinton...............................
2006-09-05 15:15:04
answer #1
answered by WeloveSteveandTerri 1
Clinton may have not been the best president of all time but hes not as physco as bush and didn't send our men over to fight a war that didn't need to be fought. So I say go clinton!
2006-09-05 16:08:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous