There are thousands upon thousands of funds to chose from. Any broker can get you started. If you wish to do this your self any online broker will due. Conduct a few internet searches and you should be able to find something you like.
Funds can be geared toward just about anything you can imagine. Funds that do not have anything to do with alcohol and tobacco. Funds that only deal in the medical industry. Funds that only deal in comodities. Funds that go mostly after one sector or another. Some deal only in blue chip stocks, the list goes on and on.
Yahoo finance can be a good source of screening tools to begin your search for a fund to start with.
you need to be aware of fees and commisions and as each fund is different, some are no load, some are front loaded some are back loaded. Don't be fooled. There really is no such thing as a no load fund. They don't manage the fund for free. Some where or another they are getting paid.
Front loaded funds take some of your money for fees and then those dollars are not available to invest and grow.
Back loaded fees take the fee out after your money has been working.
no one method is best. Its just a matter of what your looking for and what you can find.
Most of the internet brokers such as e*trade and Ameritrade have some sort of fund screening tools. I have not been on e*trade in a while but back in the day they had a great set of fund sceening tools.
e*trade also used to have a contest every month that involved paper trading. I don't know if they still do that but you may wish to look for some one who does offer paper trading tools. That way you can get some practice in before you begin trading. However the best approach in my view is to find a fund that pays regular as clock work. Buy it and set it up for automatic roll over. Let it grow and add to it from time to time. Good luck
2006-09-05 08:08:57
answer #1
answered by john d 3
Mutual funds are a pooled investment product/company.
Basically, you pool your money with other investors and hire an investment professional to manage/invest it for you.
Mutual funds are a nice way to build a diversified portfolio with relatively small sums of money.
Most mutual funds have a stated investment objective. The trick is to find a mutual fund with an investment objective that is suitable for you.
Typically, mutual funds buy stocks, bonds or cash equivalent securities (or some combination of the 3). It seems the majority of the mutual funds buy stocks.
2006-09-05 16:55:34
answer #2
answered by derek 4
There are many companies that are out there, try some trustworthy ones like SBI mutual fund,LIC mutual fund ,visit their official sites go through the fine print (they have plenty of it) after they have won any trust from you then invest in them and make profits.Ask them to send their representative to you seek answers from him when you are totally satisfied then finalize.
2006-09-05 14:57:05
answer #3
answered by Richard J 6
Great information for free is available at Particularly good for mutual funds, since rating mutual funds is Morningstar's main claim to fame.
Go to their website and scrool down until you see a topic called, "Learn". Under that, select the topic called "Funds".
2006-09-05 14:56:02
answer #4
answered by Dave 4
Mutual funds is a variety of stocks, my favorite is Fidelity midcap funds, they are currently at 19.08% for the year.
2006-09-05 14:52:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You should go to your local bank and let them know that you want to invest every penny of your savings account into whatever start-ups are available for baldness cures.
2006-09-05 14:50:21
answer #6
answered by apostate03 3
Contact any financial representative.
2006-09-05 14:48:46
answer #7
answered by hirebookkeeper 6