If its going nowhere and you are not happy then you should leave. You can find happiness out there.. Good Luck
2006-09-05 06:46:21
answer #1
answered by momof3isme 2
To funny, I just ended that relationship of 2 yrs with a guy about a month ago. I did not do intentionally but it happen and I am so happy now. It started out with him coming to me, we met in church and eventually it grew into a relationship. He was coming out of his marriage which ended in a divorce and we started talking. Thing progress slowly. He has his own business which most of the time kept him pretty busy, I dealt with that for a while, but there where times when I wanted to be with him and spend some quality time with him and he would have excuses that he had to work. I pushed away after the first 8 months because he kept putting me on the back burner. After her realize I was not calling he came back and things started working out okay. But just his past month July 06 my sister in law passed and he was around and then he disapperaed I did not here from him for a while. I met and old friend of mines that we were very close, because he was going through a divorce when we last talked and he was not for sure he wanted to stay are leave so when just build up a close relationship. Anyway, he started back calling nothing behind it, and one day he asked could he visit? I did not see any harm in it so he stop by, Why for almost a month I have not heard from my ex he decided to call and wanted to come over, I told him I was busy he showed up unannounce and too his surprise my friend was sitting there, he took it as if I had been seeing this guy, when my friend left. He told me I was weong for having him there.
Scenairo of this while he is cheating someone else will do what he is not doing. Let him continue doing what he is doing, what goes around comes around. And when you loose something that loves you and care about you it is hard to gain there trust because of your sillyness
2006-09-05 14:09:01
answer #2
answered by Chiefs Girl 1
You should leave. If you gave him another chance after he cheated on you and he still cheated again then cut him loose. He's obviously not making you happy. You recognize that the relationship is going nowhere so end it.
2006-09-05 13:48:41
answer #3
answered by NyteWing 5
The fact that you are asking that question is your answer. You say yourself that it is going nowhere AND he has cheated. Don´t waste your time. The faster you get out and get on with your life the better. You will be asking yourself why you even stayed that long.
2006-09-05 13:50:18
answer #4
answered by forallitsworth 2
If you want to continue going no where by all means stay. If on the other hand you want more out of life than to be with a cheater then move on and find someone who will appreciate you.
2006-09-05 13:46:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Obviously you have to make that choice for yourself. The only thing I can say is that if the relationship isn't meeting or exceeding your expectations, then you should stop selling yourself short and move on.
2006-09-05 13:46:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
well u like him cheating on u and u say ur in a relationship that's the first well its u not me but if i knew he has cheating on me u have lost ur mind get rid of him a/s/a/p ur not getting anywhere with him that's my thought
2006-09-05 13:48:12
answer #7
answered by Jonny 2
It sounds like you already know the answer, it is time move on! It is kind of exciting you will be opening a new chapter in your book of life !!! Good luck with your new story line!!!!
2006-09-05 13:47:00
answer #8
answered by hillbilly wife 3
Leave for good. It is a dead end . He truely cares only about his Penis and you need better then that
2006-09-05 13:51:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
You no longer trust him, don't want to be with him & know its already over. Why drag things on, Let it go!
2006-09-05 13:46:08
answer #10
answered by lostintheclover 5