Money is not going to bring your father back,of course I'm sure you know that. So why fight over something that you wouldn't have gotten in the first place if your mother hadn't filed this suit. You didn't give a lot of detail about the suit. I say let by gones be by gones. Don't fight over money.
2006-09-05 06:44:07
answer #1
answered by Backwoods Barbie 7
Call the CPS - Child Protective Services... Explain the situation to them and ask them to investigate... They'll either get to the bottom of the situation or point you to where you need to go... Have a pen and paper ready when you call... You'll probably have to take down a few names and contact numbers...
Trust funds should've been set up for you and your brother with the proper amount being deposited from each check... The investigation should be able to determine the amount due you and your brother...
Hope this helps...
2006-09-05 06:48:56
answer #2
answered by KnowhereMan 6
If the checks are written to her then there is little you can do. If the checks are written to her written to you but sent to her in care of you then you can call her and ask her if she knows where the checks are and when you can expect to see your share.
It sounds like they are written to her though, so the best you can do is ask her about them. if the will says you are to get a share of them then you can go to those who are written the checks and let them know that they are not being appropriately split.
If you find she has been taking them all for herself then let her know how important it is for you to receive your share of the checks. If she is unwilling to cooperate, then you have a dead beat mother who has no respect for you.
Perhaps you should consider telling her that you do not appreciate her dishonesty, and lack of respect for you. Let her know that when she wants to show you some respect and honesty to call you, until then you will not be in communication with her.
2006-09-05 06:53:05
answer #3
answered by aiji.tenchijin 2
I would call the insurance company's or who ever the checks are from and find out if they were sent out. If your father had a will or something that states you and your brother are supposed to get a portion of what ever he had then you need to contact a lawyer and find out what you need to do to get any other info on this!!
2006-09-05 06:44:24
answer #4
answered by kolowski4 3
yeah go to court to get that straightened out.
There IS a way to tell how many checks she has gotten. Go to the life insurance company or call them and tell them whats going on. Or tell a lawyer.
2006-09-05 06:47:57
answer #5
answered by Eternal Sunshine 3
D R A M A, honey I say go on to the courts and get a copy of the record they have archived and make sure you have all the information on hand then mention it to her as well as a copy of all the paper work you will file if she doesn't tell you what's going on with your portion or your siblings portion!
2006-09-05 06:45:28
answer #6
answered by souljagirpart2 3
Contact the authorities. But first, are the any outstanding bills that your dad left that she needs the money for? Before you do anything speak with your mom. What we see in black and white as children often adds color as we grow up.
2006-09-05 06:45:01
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Wow thats a bad deal. That totally sucks. Confront her about it and take this to a court. Its not right and you're father is no doubt prolly turning in his grave about this.
Good luck and Im sorry =~
2006-09-05 06:43:00
answer #8
answered by Boricua 2
The Law You have to go to them
2006-09-05 06:42:01
answer #9
answered by thecharleslloyd 7
The court judgement should be public record. Get a copy of it.
2006-09-05 06:42:10
answer #10
answered by ♥monamarie♥ 5