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We have our 3 year grandaughter from Friday morning 6:00 until Monday morning 8:00. Do not get me wrong , she is our world. Her single mother works a 12 hour 3 day weekend. On Friday morning we are at her house 20 miles away to take the little one to school and wait until she is done at 11. We then bring her to our house and bring her to school Monday morning and then her mom gets her. We have asked her mother to come and get her Sunday evening at 7:00 when she gets out of work but she says she is too tired , we should bring her home . Now our daughter is dating , she is going out Weds nights and is bringing our grandchild, and we will take her to school Thrusday. Do you think it would be wrong as a grandparent to say look we need one weekend off a month or at least every other Sunday. And if you want to go out and have a social life during the week, you really need to find a babysitter to come to the house.

2006-09-05 06:35:13 · 5 answers · asked by vivib 6 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

5 answers

Wow! You have really taken on a lot of responsibility for your grandchild. That's awesome. I hate leaving my kids with anyone, but sometimes my mom offers to watch my girls. You may be offering a little too much of your time. I could understand if she is working or if she was sick or something, but for a social life, I would say no. I mean, it's just not right. Every now and then would be okay, I guess, but not as often as you say. It's kind of selfish for her to ask that much of you guys. That's just my opinion.

2006-09-05 06:39:28 · answer #1 · answered by Littlemissy 4 · 1 0

It wouldn't be wrong at all. You are still going to be there for your grandchild, but every time you babysit, you are doing a favor for your child. After all, you need to have your own lives too! Don't feel guilty about saying "no" sometimes. My grandmother went and lived in another state. THen she never remembered how old I was when we visited her, and we only visited her once a year. We were there for her when she had surgery, but all she ever did was order us around. You are doing ten times more. Your child should be grateful.

2006-09-05 06:48:52 · answer #2 · answered by Bookgal 3 · 0 0

Everyone need some time off.She need to think about other ways of doing things if she want to date and want you all to keep the baby.Some time people will take advance of your goodness cause i been thru what you going thru.U love you grandchild but you need to have a life out sometime.Good luck

2006-09-05 06:46:03 · answer #3 · answered by Happy 5 · 0 0

Hmmm, this may well be a stable question. nicely, i think of this is amazingly an understood element that kin does not frequently can charge to babysit, quite grandparents. this is why a good number of folk choose for to stay on the fringe of their kin, so as that they are able to have somebody to help out with the youngsters extremely of having to pay a babysitter. My question is, is your mom quite charging you, or is it your selection to grant her money for gazing your toddler? i think of it additionally relies upon on your financial situation. in case you and your husband are making greater suitable than sufficient money to stay with ease, it won't be one in each and every of those massive deal to pay her for gazing the toddler. in spite of the incontrovertible fact that, elevating a toddler isn't inexpensive, so your husband may well be precise in this one. He may well be checking out to your little kin and your financial situation and sees his aunt as a greater physically powerful selection. In my case, our kin ought to quite no longer do devoid of $2 hundred money a month, or greater suitable than that for that remember this is why i'm a SAHM. That being mentioned, i think of that however if his aunt watches the toddler, it would nonetheless be thoughtful to grant her some money now and lower back, only like it would be thoughtful to your mom besides. in case you're offering each and every little thing established, which in the initiating is only breastmilk/formula, diapers, wipes and a metamorphosis of clothing, they actually do no longer could desire to spend any money while gazing your toddler. So in case you pay the two one in each and every of them, you will possibly purely be procuring their centers and because you rejoice with them helping you out, this is a tremendous help pondering what daycare expenditures these days. the two way, i actually desire which you and your hubby can come to an contract on childcare. Congratulations on the toddler.

2016-12-14 18:42:58 · answer #4 · answered by rivalee 3 · 0 0

There's nothing wrong with that at all. You already HAD your babies and raised them. You seem to help with babysitting an awful lot and go out of your way to do it as it is. But you have a life, too.

2006-09-05 06:39:31 · answer #5 · answered by Avid 5 · 0 1

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