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.......when I see a pretty girl.....is the feeling I get love or envy. I'd always assumed it was love, but maybe its just envy ( and always was ). Maybe I'd be so much happier if I was a woman ( I've always had a desire to wear womens clothes, and feel feminine, for kicks? ).

2006-09-05 06:29:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

4 answers

Itz probably neither it most likely is infatuation or maybe u could be envious of the guys shes with!!Unless u think your going bi or something!!(Not trying to be rude just trying to help!!!)

2006-09-05 06:35:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

U may be gay...
but I advise against it.


don't be all transvestiteish. Iz bad. Don't ever question why you look at girls.

sorta sounds like you need to get laid. Go out and find yourself a fine piece of girlie butt!!!


(Ur e-mail isn't working, so I Had 2 answer u here)

suggestion: GET UR MAIL WORKING. Oh, and if u want to wear feminine clothing, stick 2 silk shirts and slacks that r made 4 men. Very sexy. If u desperately want to wear a skirt, then get a kilt.

2006-09-05 13:33:03 · answer #2 · answered by Lady Irene 2 · 1 0

If you want to talk then just email me at etxyellowrose@yahoo.com

But it is gonna cost you another 10 pts......lol

Seriously, if you need to talk you I will try to help.

Be who you want to be and be proud of it.
I would suggest thou that you dress feminine when alone for awhile to get the feel of it, try different things, find what makes YOU happy, see if this is what you really want to do.
If you live in a large city then find out where transvestites/cross dressers hang out, talk to some of them to seek your answers.
Then...make your decisions about what makes YOU happy and to hell with what anyone else says or does. This is YOUR life and you need to make YOU happy.
Good luck, I hope you find what your looking for, I hope you can find yourself. Because only YOU can make you happy.

I don't know if you are gay, you haven't stated that one way or the other. Just your desire to be feminine and dress feminine. But do not let anyone tell you to stay in the closet or to be ashamed of who you are. People will except you for who you are if they are worth being around. They will love you for who you are if they are worth loving.
Hiding in the closet will only make you miserable and make you think that something is wrong with you, that others will not love you, that is no way to live. Be who you are and be proud. If people don't like it then to hell with them.

2006-09-06 20:54:34 · answer #3 · answered by ETxYellowRose 5 · 1 0

My first reaction is to tell you it is hornyness, but after reading your question furthur with the cross dressing bit I am not so sure that hornyness is the right word here. Good Luck.

2006-09-05 13:33:05 · answer #4 · answered by Jewells 5 · 0 0

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