i have been nice to people most of my life & have found people just take you for a c#*tl! By being nice i mean i help people out when in trouble stick up for my mates not be a bastard unless it's been done to me im polite curtious well manard but that seems to be of yester year. i control my anger even when at boiling point maybe i should just let it explode & kick off
9 answers
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Family & Relationships
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cheers everyone it's helped alot knowing there's other people out there like me!!
00:56:05 ·
update #1
it is alright to be nice to people. as we all know people will take your kindness for weakness. be more assertive and don't be afraid to tell people "no".
2006-09-05 06:34:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I know just what you mean. I think I'm like you. And it's great to be with others who respond to stressful incidents in the same way. In fact - you can almost get off on it! The problem is when you meet someone who doesn't! When someone gives out a really bad vibe... yes - I could have murderous thoughts. I'm just so incensed that they can't meet me half or even a quarter of the way. More importantly - they can't see that I'm not a a******e like them. I think some controlled anger on such occasions is a good thing. Let them know that you can only take so much s**t - and that when folk overstep the mark with you - there are no holes barred and the anger is absolutely for real - and not the childish tantrum that they might be exhibiting. And they need to watch out next time. In my experience. They usually do.
2006-09-05 14:16:15
answer #2
answered by ? 2
Been there! I have stuck up for and bent myself backwards for people and they still seemed to have stabbed me in the back! It hurts and I was raised to always be kind and helpful to my friends and family! I bite my tongue a lot! I have actually had it out with my stepmother because of this. She uses people and used me. When it came time for me to want something from her she would say can't or that she doesn't have the time. So honey your not alone! It is a part of life! People love to take but never give back in time.
2006-09-05 13:36:29
answer #3
answered by kolowski4 3
It is a LAW of nature . What ever Karma you exude always comes back to you . It might not come from where you expect it but as I said it is a LAW of nature . Stay on the track you are on and , perhaps you could get some good books to read . For instance ... Wisdom of the ages or any others by Wayne Dyer . They help me immensely.
2006-09-05 13:42:11
answer #4
answered by Geedebb 6
yeah, being nice doesnt get any one anywhere. I'm a nice person, and I can't help it, I try to be mean, but I'm not any good at it. As a result people, mainly my family, walk all over me and don't care how I feel about anything. If you are going to try being mean, good luck, some of us just don't have it in us.
2006-09-05 13:38:25
answer #5
answered by tricksy 4
i refuse to change the fact im a nice person who cares about others feelings just because theres people out there who are happy to take advantage.
im nice to everyone i meet but if they treat me bad i know longer have them in my life, it's as simple as that. x
2006-09-08 12:41:22
answer #6
answered by Girl From Mars 3
being nice does work remember at least you can sleep easy knowing your not a bastard.
2006-09-05 13:42:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
perhaps you should try being nasty for a day or so , that way people might really appreciate your niceness when you revert to normal.
2006-09-05 13:36:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Maybe you should be yourself and choose your friends with more care. Choose those worthy of your kindness.
2006-09-05 13:34:30
answer #9
answered by Nicola H 4