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& he read and found out a lot of personal information that was in it.

2006-09-05 05:29:14 · 18 answers · asked by No way! 2 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

18 answers

Find out what he was doing in there in the first place. Was he snooping? Is he jealous? Is he stealing? Was he looking for something he needed? If it's the latter, tell him to ask you first because you don't appreciate him going in your purse. If it's any of the other ones STILL tell him you don't appreciate him going in your purse. If he raises a big stink, stand your ground and then keep your purse with you at all times. He might try to make you feel bad about doing this, but ignore all that. It's gonna send him a real msg that your purse is off limits! My husband took some money out of my purse without asking. Generally, no prob. we share our money. But he didn't tell me. When I get in the checkout line, no money! I was pissed. When I told him about it he got pissed and acted like I had no right to tell him to stay out of my purse. Like I'm the one that's crazy! Well, I meant what I said. Needless to say, years later (10 yrs.) if he wants something in my purse, he'll bring the whole purse to me! You have to keep your purse private because it is. That's like a guy trying to tell you what feminine products you should use!! That's none of his business like your purse!!!

2006-09-05 05:45:50 · answer #1 · answered by meillee44 2 · 0 0

Put your foot down. Make it known that your purse is "off limits". Can't do much about the info he saw. Its too late. Maybe you need to find a new hiding space for the personal stuff. Get my drift?

2006-09-05 09:25:17 · answer #2 · answered by wenonah 3 · 0 0

Baby, your man has some serious insecurity issues! Men have gotten killed for that! You might want to rethink this boyfriend thing. If you don't nip this **** in the bud, it will get way worse before it gets better. Next thing you know, it'll be your phone voice mail, call list, e-mails, and the list could go on and on. Get to the bottom of it. NOW! Good Luck!

2006-09-05 05:35:08 · answer #3 · answered by dct1218 4 · 0 0

The lost city of Atlantis, LOL. Honey, you will not locate lots thinking maximum women folk human beings's purses are a significant, uncharted territory no guy could evaluate going into on my own. the female who owns it is frequently the only one that could locate something in it. yet once you're thinking approximately dealing with your women folk' handbag, please DO ask her permission first, and robust success :)

2016-10-01 08:27:04 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

You should ask him why he went through your purse. Does he not trust you? Tell him that if he wants to know something about you, he should ask instead of being sneaky. You need to base a relationship on trust and openness.

2006-09-05 05:33:27 · answer #5 · answered by zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 2 · 0 0

My babys father did that yesterday! I was like, what are you doing fool! I would just tell him to mind his own business and stay out of your purse. Now you know not to keep any personal info in it huh?!

2006-09-05 05:31:19 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i'd burn his fingers and tell him his a naughty boy. only joking, this is innappropriate behaviour, you should talk to your noyfriend and explain that this situation is unacceptable, when dealing with family relatives you should thread carefully but hopefully your bf will understand and takes matter seriously maybe talk to his dad because thats just disrespectful and out of order if he cant respect you privacy then he needs a good telling off and if his son wont do it then maybe you should

2006-09-05 05:33:59 · answer #7 · answered by Emiliana 3 · 0 0

I guess I would be mad. My husband gets in my purse all the time, but he tells me first.

2006-09-05 05:31:46 · answer #8 · answered by AsianPersuasion :) 7 · 0 0

That is an invasion of privacy. Tell him that is wrong. Let him know that you share everything with him that concerns him but he does not have the right to invade your privacy. Men do what you allow them to do. Stop it now!

2006-09-05 05:31:40 · answer #9 · answered by SEXY 818 2 · 0 0

Pop him upside his funky head! My husband respects my space. He won't even go in my purse if his bank card is in there!!!

2006-09-05 05:31:28 · answer #10 · answered by mcnees79 3 · 1 0

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