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Alright some time ago...i met this guy on the net..not my type in looks but his personality is great...funny truthful honest (as i thought) he tells me hes with someone but he always ends up with me on his mind...so we start talking and i hear him telling me that im like the "coolest and the best" chick...i thought this was going good...but a month later my phone had been turned off..i tried communaciting with him..but he just doesnt respond back...he made it seem like i was everything...how can someone just forget so ez when it was so great?..how am i supposed to react?>>i got over him i just dont get how guys can lie so easy..and make it harder on us to find someone else..

2006-09-05 05:20:50 · 5 answers · asked by click4twenty 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

LOL..i know what ur going to say lol

2006-09-05 05:31:56 · update #1

5 answers

Guys not only in the internet but IN GENERAL will do everything even lying just to lure you and get your trust, they'll make you see what you wanna see. But once they got what they want with you that's the time you'll find out whether or not they are sincere. So, all I can say is that good luck with your next love affair and BE CAREFUL.

2006-09-05 05:31:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Guys on the internet lie - they do it all the time. Girls do too. The internet (for the most part) is not a place to meet someone. It wasn't "so great" - it was pretend. And he was pretending with lots of people. If you want to meet someone - look at school, church, hockey rink - whatever You are into - then you'll find someone you actually have something real in common with.

2006-09-05 05:24:42 · answer #2 · answered by Susan L 3 · 0 0

Well, if this has been an online friendship/relationship, then he most likely has a girlfriend or a wife. He has just cut you off cuz he probably knew he was screwing up and was gonna get caught. Maybe he decided he wasnt in to you. I dont know, but it IS hateful how they go about it. My heart is with you. Stay strong, and forget the loser. You can do better anyway, right? You didnt find him attractive anyway.

2006-09-05 05:28:28 · answer #3 · answered by ~~ 7 · 0 0

Umm, let me start by saying.... this wasn't real. Net chatting is whatever people want it to be. You put to much into this.

You have to meet real people in real places to really get to know someone who could potentially care about you.

And he didn't technically lie about anything, (not based on the info you gave) he told you he was with someone. And just for the record, guys are either with you or they're not. And it looks like, he wasn't.

2006-09-05 05:25:15 · answer #4 · answered by Yahoo! Answers Chic 3 · 0 0

you say he said he was with someone and he would always end up with you on his mind.......this is a problem ...even if your phone had never been turned off and even if you were still together right now you would still be number two!!!!!! he told you he was with someone...why would you want to be number two for some man! you cant very well call him dishonest..... he was honest when he told you he was with someone....so if the word dishonest has to be used it can be applied to both of you..him for cheating and you for cheating with him......forget about him honey....you are better off to find a guy who will not only make you number one but the one and only

2006-09-05 05:27:08 · answer #5 · answered by kimbersweet 5 · 0 0

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