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moment with your inlaws or your boyfriend's parents.....

2006-09-05 05:08:53 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

4 answers

His mother thought I was hitting on his 14 year old nephew!

I have a sense of humour similar to that of an 8th graders' and get bored with sitting around watching television.... so I went out to the back yard and played some basket ball and joked around with his nephew. When we came back in, laughing like idiots, his mother was very disapproving.

Luckily my boyfriend covered for me by passing me some tylenol and telling her that I'd forgotten to take my ADHD meds that day! lol (just easier than explaining that I absolutely hate television, can't stand to sit still on a beautiful day, and thought that his family was utterly boring).

It was still embarassing, since I had in no way meant to give that type of impression the first time I met her!

2006-09-05 05:15:55 · answer #1 · answered by Jessie 5 · 0 0

His parents and I have no love for each other at all. A few months back they came for a visit and his father yelled at me to look at him. I refused, said I only look at people that I respect and he told me to F off! lol I cursed back, and it was embarrassing because I promised my husband I would TRY not to let it get that far.

2006-09-05 12:20:56 · answer #2 · answered by AsianPersuasion :) 7 · 0 0

to be honest my frist awkward moment was before i even meet her!
she gave me a x-mas gift! and i just started dating her boy at the start of december! so i was a little freaked out! 2nd time is when she said she loved me wasn't really awkward but it made me smile and felt welcomed!!
Mad luv

2006-09-05 12:13:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

they caught me borrow her panties

2006-09-05 12:11:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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