Professional girl gamers' link below.
Is it okay? It is hot, HOT, HAWT!!!
Makes me wish I had hand-eye coordination and fast reflexes. My current girlfriend doesn't play. She prefers to run multiple real businesses for fun instead. When she comes home, she beats me without prior practice, after I put in hours of practice. She cheers me up afterwards by .... uh, never mind. Let's just say there are times when a girl prefers a guy who is slow, patient and is not focussed on being first.
By the way, to read the french page, use to translate.
2006-09-06 02:13:40
answer #1
answered by Jeff C 3
Of course it is ok for girls to love games. I am a girl and I love video games and I rule at most of the ones I play all the time. Sometimes when I play online and really beat everyone they think I'm a guy because I am so good lol. I would think some guys like this because a girl finally has something in common with him and they can have fun together doing something he likes.
I have GTA:SA but I haven't really tried to get the 100% completion yet because I was busy trying to get it on GTA:Liberty City Stories on my PSP.
I think it's great when girls are good at video games especaily when we own the guys.
2006-09-05 11:59:23
answer #2
answered by ☻½▄▀ ✌ ♋♔👏◎♥♣▒◘ ♒♪◄ ҉√♫ ✈☉→○¶Δ☺↕™¢®�◐ ◑ 6
Girls are good at video games I met someone who was A admin in counter strike she beat me always even if im a marksman a good shooter. And it is really ok with guys
2006-09-05 05:42:22
answer #3
answered by Darky 2
Yes, why not, girls can also be good in video games not just boys because girls can even be better than the boys and start kicking their *** if they wouls only try because i was once beaten by by my girl cousin in a video game.
2006-09-05 05:46:12
answer #4
answered by dare_renz 1
i think it's cool of girls are good or better than boys at video games and i know guys that think the same way. Any one who says different is too unsecure in their masculinity and self-confidence.
2006-09-05 05:39:18
answer #5
answered by Samantha H 2
Anyone can be good at them if they play them often enough. I can't see why a guy would mind, he'd probably enjoy a gaming partner.
2006-09-05 05:39:29
answer #6
answered by ? 2
heck ya.. i play EQ like like no other... i have 4 toons and great at them all...i group with guys who are morons an have to explain to them all the time!!! You freaking go girl!
2006-09-05 07:20:51
answer #7
answered by lover24 2
2006-09-05 05:38:47
answer #8
answered by rj_pebs 2
Yes, girls can be just as good as guys or even better
2006-09-05 07:34:58
answer #9
answered by uparmoredninja 6
With practice anyone can be really good.
I think it's fine with guys.
2006-09-05 16:22:10
answer #10
answered by Genius 2