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What happens when you've been hurt so badly in love but then you find someone else that you really, really do love. It's not that you're not over yourlast breakup; you're just afraid of a repeat of last time. Things now seem to be going great, but the only thing that runs through your mind is what will happens when they're gone. When you feel like you need constant reassurance. And when you feel like you have to be with that person all the time. That is me. And I don't know what to do.

2006-09-04 15:42:47 · 6 answers · asked by isabella 3 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

6 answers

I totally understand. Been there, done that......it's just a part of life unfortunately.....either you're gonna go through all your relationships doubting, suspecting, assuming, or just say phuck it and enjoy it while you can.....that's the way I look at things. I know everyone falls in love, but I'm not gonna make myself sick worring about what my new guy is doing because of what the last one did.......

2006-09-04 15:49:14 · answer #1 · answered by KryBaby 4 · 0 0

I know exactly what your going through and you don't have to feel bad about because it is really common for girls to go through this after a bad experience from their last relationship i'm 22 and i've been with my husband for 4 years before I met him I had been with this guy since I was 14 we got engaged when I was 17 and I got pregnant well the day before we were suppose to got married I almost miscarried with my daughter so I ended up in the hospital he actually broke things off with me on the phone at the hospital and told me found someone else I also found out not only had he been cheating but he never stopped his drugs or alcohol well i'm thankful my husband doesn't drink or do drugs but you never forget the bad experience you had previously because you worry it's going to happen again and that you will get your heart broke when we were dating I was always worried about him cheating on me or lieing but what reassured me was saying to myself NOT all men are the same and that this is a different man this isn't the one who broke my heart remember that not all men are the same and remember your not with the same person and to give this man a chance don't start worrying or accusing till you have proof of something or you will be wasting your time as long as things seem to be going fine let things roll and see what happens remember who your with and that he hasn't done anything to not deserve your trust and faith be happy who your with and let it take it's course you haven't found a reason to worry so don't enjoy you and his relationship much luck to you

2006-09-04 23:03:40 · answer #2 · answered by blondeqtwitanicebooty 3 · 0 0

oh my god doesnt this suck?!!
My guy is getting soo tired of me cause i like you have been hurt and im always afraid he will leave me, and im like constantly questioning how he feels- but it is partly his fault cause he never tells me, and i could only take it soo long. a girl wants to know she is loved or pretty or special ya know?!
but yea whenever i am without him i feel like all kinds of things running through my head, but when im with him i feel happy and content and like theirs no other pressures in my life.
so that just makes it worse when im not with him.
its soo frustrating i dont know what to do either, although sometimes when it gets bad and i keep myself from constanly text messaging him-, i go and take an hour long walk and then i feel more peaceful and i can relax more and let him be the one to call me. so maybe have some "YOU" time and do special things for yourself, pamper yourself or take a walk whatever you need to do to try and keep your mind from this craziness!!

2006-09-04 22:50:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do not get into another relationship at this time. Give yourself time to "bounce back" after the last one. This will give you time to get your self esteem back as well as look at the past with clearer focus and to look towards the future with a bit of experience.

2006-09-04 22:45:50 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are being obessive and that will chase him away. Just go slow and easy. The other relationship is over, sad yes but you need to move on. Get counseling if you need too.

2006-09-04 22:45:20 · answer #5 · answered by Pantherempress 7 · 0 0

GIRL, you should open your heart to a new one. maybe you'll find your true hapiness.

2006-09-04 22:47:29 · answer #6 · answered by babytol 2 · 0 0

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