coming from someone who was once in your situation, I think that the best way to "test" whether you are or not is to try being with girls. There is nothing wrong with experimenting to see which you like better. and if you are, so what!! you are who you are, and you have no reason to be ashamed of the fact that you might like girls better. and this could also just be a phase...for me, it was. I was with a girl for 1 year in a serious relationship, and after we broke up I realized that wasn't what I wanted. honestly, you just need to date people...and at some point down the road, you'll know the answer to this question. talking to a close friend helps too...saying something out loud helps more than just letting the thought sit there in your head.
good luck
and if you want to talk, I would be glad to listen:)
2006-09-04 15:33:19
answer #1
answered by goddoesnt_makemistakes 1
We'll honestly sometimes I wonder if I'm part bisexual. I have a boyfreind that I love soooooo much. But I when I watch porn...oh man would I rather watch women porn when I'm horny, you know what I'm saying? I had a semi crush on this one girl in Highschool, I guess she was sexy, and had a very adventurous personality. If you like girls, that's fine. But just also be leary, that you might not be full fledge lesbian just because you are curious in girls, you could just be bi-curious, which alot of girls are, myself included. Only you can make that distinction.
2006-09-04 15:08:31
answer #2
answered by Green Tea Happy 3
Why do you think you are a lesbian? Iam bicurious as well...but I love men too. Thats just makes me curious of what else is out there...It does not make me a lesbian. Good luck in finding out!
2006-09-04 15:04:55
answer #3
answered by luv2blickt 1
I like women too, I guess that mean I'm a lesbian also.
2006-09-04 15:07:10
answer #4
answered by Grandpa Shark 7
I'm a lesbian in a mans body, congrats to you
2006-09-04 15:03:36
answer #5
answered by bryguy_jfd 2
Be sure to start a career in the pornography industry as soon as you turn 18. I'll be grateful as will many many other men.
2006-09-04 15:03:57
answer #6
answered by JonFugeEverybody! 2
Either you are or your not. Do you like girls? If you do,you are a lesbian, if you don't than your straight. I'ts pretty simple.
2006-09-04 15:06:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I use to think the same thing, but I need my d i c k sometimes u know....maybe we could get together and I'll test
2006-09-04 15:04:38
answer #8
answered by manque 2
If you think you are gay, then why did you answer the question about : if you had lunch with Jesus what would u ask Him, your answer was : my did the **** did you create gay people, i think you are just another gay brasher , and no i am not gay.
2006-09-05 07:45:16
answer #9
answered by MYRAJEAN 4
I think I might to watch...
2006-09-04 15:03:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous