Yes, what does checking his phone have to do with anything? Absolutely nothing. If he's cheating break up with him and find someone that will love and respect you.
2006-09-04 14:51:48
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Trust is the most important thing in a relationship, so if you cant trust him, then you obviously cant be with him, even if he's telling you to check his phone, there is a way he can still be cheating, but if he's told you he hasn't, then you should trust him
2006-09-04 21:55:30
answer #2
answered by Nessa 2
He's only letting you check his phone because he is deleting the calls off of it. If you really want to know tell him that you want to see the bill for the phone, it will have a list of the numbers called and calls received,
2006-09-04 21:51:43
answer #3
answered by ♥dream_angel♥ 6
Of course he can be. He's probably trying to get you to trust him by checking his phone when he knows there will be no evidence of cheating there. You know you can delete phone calls rec'd, made, as well as erasing text messages, right?
You have to have other reasons why you suspect him... You will catch him if he is cheating. Trust me.
2006-09-04 21:54:03
answer #4
answered by magnet4trouble 4
Of course he can still be cheating. That is one of the oldest tricks ever...He tells you he isn't and says you can check my phone to see who I call...However, he has already deleted the calls he didn't want you to see or set the numbers he doesn't want you to know he has under "secret."
2006-09-04 21:51:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
yes he can still be cheating, there is a such thing as erasing the numbers. Why do u think he is cheating anyway? What signs did u notice? What reasons has he given u?
2006-09-04 21:52:25
answer #6
answered by 2good4hem 3
Checking someone's phone is not a reliable way of knowing who's cheating and who's not...
A gurl on my job's been cheating for 8 yrs on her husband, and he doesn't have a clue....If you want to hide it bad enough, you can...
Look for other signs..
2006-09-06 19:04:36
answer #7
answered by FavoredbyU 5
Yes, he could be cheating even if you check his phone.
2006-09-04 21:52:21
answer #8
answered by Rawrrrr 6
Maybe yes, maybe no, how is anyone to know? Stay alert and don't complain without tangible evidence. If that is too much for you then back off in the relationship somehow. Take shelter somewhere somehow.
2006-09-04 22:06:37
answer #9
answered by devotionalservice 4
just because he tells you to check his phone doesn't mean he can't "erase all calls". You do need proof before you accuse someone of something like that.
2006-09-04 21:52:19
answer #10
answered by Nicole M 2