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im 17 yrs old. so theres this girl that lives around where i live. her & her friend are always walkin past my house. the other day i was sitting outside my house & she was walking her dog, her friend was too but on the other side of the street. so i guess she hadnt seen me yet but right when she passed by me she looked over at me & then quickly looked away. so since she saw me infront of my house now she knows where i live.later that night i saw her walking her dog again but w/o her friend & i have never seen her walk w/o her friend at all.i think shes really cute & i want to get to know her.i dunno how to approach her tho ive tried smiling @ her when she passes by but she looks away or is with her friend & theyre always talking & such.one time i was walking & so were they & when i passed by them she looked down & the 2nd time i think she was pretending to look straight ahead. my friend says that maybe she has a crush on me & that she walks the dog late for a reason but i dunno. advice

2006-09-04 12:58:59 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

2 answers

you dont say if you want this girl as a friend or as a lover. either way try when she is walking her dog to lean down to pet the dog ask its name and smile a lot if she responds then say you have seen her around and ask her name. give her your name say something nice about her like her clothes or her hair. be friendly and it should break the ice. if it doesnt or she wont respond then wait and try it again another day. after that let her make the next move. smile and smile. lol. maybe her g/f is jealous

2006-09-04 13:13:45 · answer #1 · answered by jms043 7 · 0 0

this is risky but a I would approach her and talk to her. see what kind of vibe you get and take it from there

2006-09-04 20:02:18 · answer #2 · answered by dark rockchick 4 · 0 0

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