Make sure you spend quality time with them. Don't just sit around and watch TV. Take them places- It doesn't always have to cost a lot of money- usually kids are just happy to be doing something with their Dad
2006-09-04 12:31:12
answer #1
answered by mightymight 5
I think I can answer this one. It takes heart and time and action. Ex was not very cooperative so I made it my business to never be out of contact. I was a thousand miles away and had to make the drive at first. Commuter run. Phoning from 'our' favorite places with the sound effects in the background. Fourth year Christmas I found out he liked liked marbles so I got a deal and sent him 24 pounds. The Summers were at my place and we spent all time possible with each other. The baby sitters were neighbors we liked, I'd give them entertainment money for movies, arcades, snacks. I'd play tricks on him and him on me. We're still really close because I maintained close contact in spite of the miles.
Quick version: intentional consistent communication.
2006-09-04 19:31:24
answer #2
answered by Freesumpin 7
if I could only see my father every other weekend, I would want him to have the whole weekend blocked off (no work, no women) and spend quality time. camping trips, fishing (if you have a son), stuff like that. you dont always have to spend money, like taking your daughter shopping at the mall-it wont be special, its like trying to materially purchase the lost time. just be available and do fun things that can be free too (hiking, bonfires, ghost stories) and COMMUNICATE. tell funny stories about whats going on in your life and ask about the lives of your kids.
2006-09-04 19:34:09
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
My fiance & I only get his kids standard 1st//3rd/5th weekend and a month in the summer. First we refuse to be "Weekend parents" meaning all fun and games for 2 days and no discipline. We have rules at our house and they have slite age appropriate chores. Be stable for them. Get involved in their school life. Meet with teachers and counselers, join the PTA, go on field trips. There is alot you cam still do to be in there lives, His kids love all he does for them. (Mom hate sit though, so be prepared to battle if she thinks she is their only "real" parent.)
2006-09-04 20:21:25
answer #4
answered by Liz 3
My mom only gets to see my yonger brother and sisters once a month! But when they are down we do things like go to the park, the movie, the swimming pool, or the zoo or something like that. It seems as if they enjoy themselves well enough down here becasuse everytime one of them turns of age they move down here to be with us!
2006-09-04 20:59:08
answer #5
answered by confusedbuthere 2
Father of 7 but I ended up with custody
While fighting for them I kept in contact and refused to bad mouth or down talk their mother(no matter what I really thought).
When I was with them it was about them I made them number 1 and they could talk to me about anything.
I was there for them
2006-09-04 19:33:22
answer #6
answered by jes888 1
Teach them values by living as you would want them is not about things or money but of listening and being there for them. Do go for walks visit museums and libraries.
Praise them when they do something that deserves praise and tell them you love the. Do not bad mouth their mom.
2006-09-04 19:37:30
answer #7
answered by dragonsarefree2 4
just take care of them feed them on time , bathe them , tuck em in , and spend alot of time doing things with them ,spin them in the grass , color, wrestle, hide and seek .ect take em to a park .make a big deal out of a treat your giving them. just play and have a blast. talk to them and listen to what they have to say . if ur child has a special interest look it up on the Internet and share what you find with them. good luck.
2006-09-04 19:39:43
answer #8
answered by porcelain65711 3
just be yourself! being a father is a process of learning and discovery.. make them feel special and let them know through your actions and words that you love them and that you care for them.. give them special gifts, not necessarily everytime you see them.. dont forget their bdays and dont forget to greet them on special occasions.. be supportive and let them know that you're open to anything that they want to share to you.. and show them that you're not only a father to them but aso a friend that they can lean on to whenever they need one.. enjoy every minute with them.. goodluck!!=)
2006-09-04 19:37:36
answer #9
answered by keiCh 2
if you have to ask,then there in lies an even bigger problem for you.why are you seeing them only every other week end?,their yours you have rights,I never settled for that type of crap before I got custody of my two older kids
2006-09-04 19:33:06
answer #10
answered by william b 3