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If you were stuck on a deserted island with Barney, Lindsay Lohan, Martha Stewart, and president Bush...and you were starving... what do you think would happen? I like scenaries... like who would you eat? seduce? make the leader? blah blah blah... be creative... make me laugh...

2006-09-03 15:19:49 · 27 answers · asked by Sarah 3 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

27 answers

Lindsay would hit on Barney, start a torrid love-affair that would last approximately 4 hours, then she would scream at that poor purple dinosaur and make his life hell for the remainder of the island stay. Martha would find some coconuts and make everyone coconut milk soup in coconut bowls (which also double as a hat to keep those harmful UV rays away from the face!), and George W. Bush would regress to the point of a 7-year old and sit in a tree (calling it his "fort"), whittling a stick into a pseudo-rifle, yelling "bang bang" at pretend foes in the ocean while periodically sucking his thumb and crying for Cheney. Just off the top of my head...too much Labor Day wine!

2006-09-03 15:28:18 · answer #1 · answered by rrmorris45 4 · 5 0

Name of the movie would be. Me, on an island with Barney, Lindsay Lohan, Martha Stewart, and President Bush

Me as Survivor
President Bush as Food
Barney as Food
Lindsay Lohan as My Date till I got hungry again
Martha Stewart as The Cook then later Fish Bait

Kinda sounds like an episode of The Martha Stewart Show.

2006-09-03 15:40:25 · answer #2 · answered by Myke BoDean 6 · 1 0

Well, first of all, I'd take the barney suit off of the idiot, and use it to keep whoever is keeping the signal fire going at night warm. Bush would be the Gilligan of the island. Might keep him aroound for comic relief, and plus he favors a chimp a lot... perhaps he could climb the trees and retrieve the coconuts. Martha... well, after threatening her with her life if she so much as utters a word, I'd let her be the cook and decor coordinator. Make us comfy. I can't decide if I would use Lindsay Lohan for food, or tell her to swim and find help... and she's gullable enough to do it... just to get rid of her. Oh, in the absence of food, the fatso idiot who once donned the Barney suit would inevitably become our first courses in cannibalism. In the meantime, with the threat of castration, he'd better find silence, too, cause the first time he said "I love you", I'd love him with a side of coconut salad.

2006-09-03 15:28:05 · answer #3 · answered by Jamie 5 · 2 0

First of all, I would be the fearless leader. Next, I would cook Barney like a chicken on a spit. I would get the recipe from Martha. I would make W. build the hut and then a boat so I could get rid of him before he starts his illiterate rants. Martha And I would keep Lindsay around to climb for coconuts (she's nice and young) and then we would ask her inteligence questions and as she repeatedly got them wrong, we would have a good laugh. In the end, we would ship her out, too, and talk about nothing but food forever.

2006-09-03 15:24:36 · answer #4 · answered by *Larry P. he's for me* 4 · 1 1

Barney would be the leader because he's really good at coming up with things to do to pass time and also problem solving. Plus he makes everyone in the family feel loved.

Martha would have to do the cooking and clothes making etc.

I'd seduce the President. (Hey it's better than Barney!)

I would be the food gatherer -hunting and berry collecting.

Lindsay would be working on building us a raft so that we interacted with her as little as possible and if we ran out of food we'd have to eat her. She's already been marinated in beer. Tasty!

2006-09-03 15:27:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Have Barney eat Bush and Lohan then do him in and have Martha cook me a Barney Barbecue.

2006-09-03 15:26:37 · answer #6 · answered by smart mouth 3 · 2 0

I'd not eat L.Lohan, because she wouldn't be much of a meal...I'd probably eat Bush, because I bet he tastes alot like fried chicken.
Then I'd seduce Barney, all the while plotting to pull the rug out from under him & steal his money.
Then, when he, Bush, and Lindsay were all dead-I threw Lindsay to the rabid space rabbits- I'd politely force Martha to weave us a boat with the bark from pine trees and some Big Red.
And when we returned, me and Martha would start a boat-selling business, opting to live off the coast of Bermuda in a small hut with some of the island natives and their uncles.

2006-09-03 15:25:01 · answer #7 · answered by Tee 2 · 2 1

I would keep Martha and Lindsay around (they're both pretty hot and Martha can cook) and send Barney and W off to find some terrorists. I'd put Barney in charge.

2006-09-03 15:22:42 · answer #8 · answered by Paul D 5 · 2 1

I would be very entertained because I know all the Barney Songs. Martha and I would fashion all kinds of crafts and decorate the island. Pres. Bush and I would do verbal sparring. I would be very content. Does Lohan really have to be there???

2006-09-03 15:28:42 · answer #9 · answered by Lydia 7 · 1 1

well first i would send bush and stewart out to search the island, hopefully they would duke it out in the woods or be eaten by cannibals. this would be good as they would then be less of a threat to me being in control. I would put barney in charge of watching lindsey and have them gather food and firewood. as lindsey doesnt eat that means they should bring back a pretty descent amount of livations back. if i had to eat one it would be martha she is chunky but not tough like barney. If we had no chance of leaving, then i would prolly rig barney up as a sail boat, use lindsey's bones as oars, and her body to create a smoke signal in a fire. i would use all bushes hot air to push the sail boat along. Of course i will need a sail so i'll have martha make one out of leaves before we eat her.lol

2006-09-03 15:31:50 · answer #10 · answered by TR 4 · 1 0

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