OK ! one more time,cooking oil is cooking oil you do not convert it to BIO DIESEL, bio diesel is a fuel that requires NO help in a diesel ,just pour it in and GO! cooking oil most certainly will burn in a diesel as they were invented to use peanut oil in the first place,but the cooking oil requires some (not much) prep to run in your diesel,filtering and preheating mostly.it smells like french(i mean FREEDOM!) fries going down the road,bio diesel is derived from soy,corn etc. and cost more than diesel cooking oil is FREE,but lobbyist in calif.have made it manditory to get permit to collect and haul it -
2006-09-03 13:49:06
answer #1
answered by badmts 4
yes it is the most common thing going right now,,i own a repair shop,,in Tennessee,,and actually there is a kit you can buy that converts cooling oil to bio diesel fuel,,,and it does this fairly cheap too,,the kit is a little expensive to start with ,,but just think about it,,its a re-new able source of fuel,,here in Tennessee,,there are already some stations that have it,,and it burns a lot cleaner than regular diesel fuel does,,i hope everything goes to diesel,,eventually,,good luck ,,i hope this help,s,,and have a good labor day.
2006-09-03 13:01:17
answer #2
answered by dodge man 7
Yes its called bio diesel.
It can be made in your own garage with just some equipment and time.
Check out the discovery channel online and look for it on the dirty jobs link.
Mike Rowe did a show on that already.
2006-09-03 12:51:47
answer #3
answered by Biker 6
ive heard of it but dont know much about it and yeah it would be a great alternative form of gitup for you car if it could be mass produced
2006-09-03 12:54:55
answer #4
answered by Shorty 4