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I got an email saying that planet Mars is getting closer to earth. it's first tiem in the past 60,000 years it's getting closer to earth such a distance and the message was even asking me to spread the mail to all the person whom I know because it'll happen only after 250 years or something like that, so all the peole live today can watch only this time so not to miss this chance to any one.

2006-09-02 22:41:38 · 8 answers · asked by matramkot 1 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

8 answers

Well you are right to be sceptical, but, to be blunt, the problem about consulting people on Yahoo Answers is that quite a few of them have either swallowed the hoax, hook, line and sinker, or retained bits of it alongside smatterings of the truth and cannot distinguish between the two!

Mars is not visible now as it is on the far side of the sun (and lost in its glare) at a distance in excess of 220,000,000 miles and it won't be visible again till December 2006, Next close approach is not till December 2007.

So the story you have picked up couldn't be much further from the truth and Mars could not be much further from the earth.

That e-mail has done the rounds every August since 2003. August gets called the silly season as there is not much news and so people make news up and recycle old news.

Mars was the closest (34,500,000 miles) it has been for 60,000 years on 27th August 2003, There won't be another such Very Close Encounter till 2287 but there is a Fairly Close Encounter every 26 months.

The e-mail going around before 27 August arrived (they have obviously modified it in the last few days) suggested that the close approach of Mars and Earth of 27 August 2003 (see the CNN News story below) would occur THIS 27th August, 2006. It didn't!

Such close approaches occur once every 26 months, The Martian Year is 1.88 Earth Years so when we have done 2 and a bit orbits Mars has done 1 and a bit orbits and we are close together again.

Therefore, after an August 2003 Close Encounter, the next one was in October 2005 and the next Close Encounter after that is not until December 2007,

There is no close approach this year.

Central to the hoax going around is the Baron Von Munchausen attention-grabbing fairy story that Mars will look as big as our Moon. Unlikely and untrue,

Which would you rather believe: an anonymous, unsolicited e-mail or the official NASA website?

I went to the NASA kids' website and this is what it told me:

"View in 2006
Mars begins the year as a moderately bright orange star in the constellation Aries. It will grow fainter through the end of summer, when it will disappear in the Sun's glare. Mars will re-emerge in the morning sky in late December. In March, it will pass quite close to Aldebaran, the star that marks the “eye” of Taurus, the bull. Mars and Aldebaran will look like twins, with near-identical color and brightness."

You don't need to be a genius to work out that if it is getting fainter it is getting further away, and if it is disappearing into the sun's glare that can only be because it is on the far side of the sun from us i.e. Mars' position in its orbit is 180 degrees away from our position in our orbit and we are pretty well the maximum possible distance apart in August 2006.

If you know (and you can easily look this up) that the Martian Year is 1.88 Earth Years then again you don't have to be a genius to work out that the one time it WON'T be near to us is an exact number of twelvemonths since the last-but-one time it was close to us on 27th August 2003, We will be in roughly the same place as we were 3 years ago, but Mars will only have done approx 1,6 orbits (1.5957 in fact) around the sun in that time, which explains why it is now on the far side of the sun and at about the farthest distance away it gets,

The fantastical idea that Mars could possibly look the same size as the Moon can easily be refuted. At its closest approach it is 34.5 million miles away, whereas the Moon averages 238,000 miles away i.e. the distances are in ratio >140:1.

The diameters are in ratio 2:1 however (Mars has a diameter of 6780 kms and the Moon of 3474 kms)

So, think about it: how can the number of arc seconds that Mars' disc presents to the naked eye possibly be the same as the number of arc seconds that the Moon's disc presents?

Mars would have to be only twice as far away as the Moon, i.e. less than half a million miles away, for that to happen.


(a) that never happens

(b) If it did happen, you'd soon know about it as giant tidal waves caused by Mars' gravity would sweep the Earth, making the Tsunamai look like a Sunday School picnic.

So not only can you look it up on reputable websites to discover this is nonsense, you can also work it out for yourself that it must be nonsense.

Much closer to the truth is that next March Mars will look about the same size and brightness as Aldebaran, in Taurus, the 13th brightest star in the sky, And they are both red. They will be a matched pair, but Mars and the Moon will never be one.


Earthlings revel in Mars close-up
Planetary approach is nearest in 60,000 years
By Richard Stenger
and Jeordan Legon
Thursday, August 28, 2003

The last time the red planet was this close to Earth 60,000 years ago, man lived in caves.

No wonder when Mars and Earth synchronized their orbits a few minutes before 6 a.m. EDT Wednesday -- bringing them closer to each other than at any time in recorded history -- thousands of people around the globe went outside to take a peek.

"Knowing that this is once in a lifetime that I can see another planet with the naked eye, yeah, it's great," said Rebecca Horton, a stargazer from Sydney, Australia.

Astronomers say Mars, five times closer now than six months ago, is about 34.6 million miles away, making it the brightest nighttime object except the moon.

"It is possible to get some fairly close encounters every few years," said amateur astronomer Paul Shallow. "It does come around, but not this close."

But with the far-away planet getting so close, some hopeful watchers felt gypped by Mother Nature.

In Oakland, California, where hundreds of space fans paid $11 to attend the Chabot Space & Science Center's "Mars Mania Costume Party," clouds rolled in along with night sky Tuesday. Mars was fogged out, and there were no refunds.

But the good news is that Mars will remain a stunning nighttime attraction for weeks. Most sky watchers can see the planet, presently in the constellation Aquarius, in the southeastern sky soon after sunset, high overhead during the midnight hours and in the southwestern sky before sunrise.

Backyard telescopes may coax features out of the reddish, orange blur, including dark, mottled streaks, which inspired scientists of past centuries to envision intricate canals and advanced Martian civilizations.

The rare configuration of 2003 has stoked renewed, albeit not as fanciful, interest in Mars, which on average cruises 50 million miles farther from the sun than Earth does.

About every 26 months, the two planets pass relatively close to one another, during periods now known as opposition.

What makes this one noteworthy is that Mars, which follows an extremely elliptical or egg-shaped path, is currently at it closest point to the sun during its orbit.

Those two conditions, along with a few obscure celestial variables, have produced an astronomical chance of a lifetime, or several lifetimes actually.

Mars won't pass closer to Earth until 2287, according to astronomers.

Besides awing the curious, the alignment has motivated numerous governments to dispatch missions to the red planet.

Taking advantage of the shorter trip distance, two U.S. and two European probes set off earlier this year, all to arrive at the end of the year.

"Mars fever has caught, not only for amateur astronomers, who are getting their best look at the planet ever and that we'll ever have in our life, but also for professionals, as you know, with the [NASA] Mars Rovers and other spacecraft that are en route," said David Eicher, editor of Astronomy magazine."

2006-09-03 00:21:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 10 1

The email is spam and is a hoax. Mars has never appeared the same size as the moon and never will so long as the earth, moon and Mars stay in thier orbits.

I don't suppose there was a link on that email was there? The other website probably had a sponsor that paide a few pennies for every hit. That is why so many of this idiotic emails get sent out.

2006-09-03 14:51:56 · answer #2 · answered by sparc77 7 · 0 1

What's funniest about your question is asking about it a week after it *supposedly* already happend. It is a hoax, but most folk stopped asking about it some days ago when they either were told better, or had noticed for themselves that there was no Mars to be seen.

And it never appeared as big as the full moon with the naked eye. And the closest approach was in 2003. So what was going on in your life that you didn't pay attention to it back then?

2006-09-04 02:28:11 · answer #3 · answered by Search first before you ask it 7 · 0 1

Not sure, I live in SoCal and just came in from outside, I think Mars is the lil blinky looking star down and to the right of the lil dipper, All in the East sky for me. But I think u missed it, Was a few years back that it was real close

2006-09-03 05:48:53 · answer #4 · answered by myothernewname 6 · 0 1

It is false, it happened 3 years ago!!

2006-09-03 06:04:10 · answer #5 · answered by Bobby 3 · 0 0

yA EVEN i GOT AN EMAIL REGARDING THIS. eVEN I DON' T KNOW whether it is true oir not.

2006-09-03 05:47:07 · answer #6 · answered by Alok 1 · 0 1

It's a hoax.

2006-09-03 05:50:53 · answer #7 · answered by Taiwan90851 4 · 1 1


2006-09-03 06:09:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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