im guessing that ur talking about her camming with someone online and showing them her breast, or she has pictures of her breasts online, and she's showing them that way.... ummmmm whats stopping u for erasing the pics, or throwing away the cam?? heck whats stopping u from changing the pass code on the computer all together to where she cant get on the pc to do this???
These are all things id do if i having similar issues with my husband, if all else failed then id trash the computer, my marriage is more important to me then the pc..
2006-09-02 13:39:12
answer #1
answered by brwneyedgrl 7
She is looking for attention. Her personality must not be enough so she is useing her body. Kind of like Paris Hilton....
If this is a long term marriage with kids I'd try to find a way to fix it. If its a fairly new marriage I would think about going my won way and trying to find a more respectable, secure woman that you deserve instead.
I've been married for 23 years now. Hobby and I have been thru alot together.....thats normal to have ups and downs but she is going to far in myy opiinion and needs help or the highway!
2006-09-02 13:28:50
answer #2
answered by ? 4
maybe she's looking for attention from you,trying to make you jealous have a talk with yr wife and don't make any harsh conclusion about the all situation
2006-09-02 13:12:28
answer #3
answered by jolie minouche 2
If your wife is howing her body to other men you two should seriously have a talk about it.
2006-09-02 13:35:18
answer #4
answered by Monie D 3
The man or her breasts??? I would name them and give them both roles in my next box-office hit BOOB WARS!
2006-09-02 13:12:00
answer #5
answered by budlowsbro420 4
I'd talk to her about it first and if she denied it, I'd put a password on the computer and then haul her *** to either therapy or divorce court.
2006-09-02 13:10:45
answer #6
answered by Lucy_Fir 3
I don't like to be in the way.
I get out of the way so that she could have who she wanted.
2006-09-02 13:19:42
answer #7
answered by DM 4
This is not a marriage..Remember your vows? You deserve better....If u don't have kids I would think hard on this one sided marriage...Good luck
2006-09-02 13:12:17
answer #8
answered by sweet_thing_kay04 6
ask her does she love you or them, ask her does she want to be with you or not, ask her how much does she respect you, herself, and the marriage ,ask her is it worth losing me, ask her why, ask her to stop it, if she doesnt show her the divorce papers
2006-09-02 13:19:15
answer #9
answered by teresa d 4
um..... i am a girl, but if i i knew someone that did that i would think they are a freak show... i mean seriously, that is kinda weird you gotta agree!!!!
2006-09-02 13:10:33
answer #10
answered by HaiHai 2