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I have a Dell computer with 2 disc drives. The second one will open but not the one with the CD I just played. What to do?

2006-09-02 08:39:24 · 4 answers · asked by nursienurse 3 in Computers & Internet Hardware Other - Hardware

4 answers

Look on the front of the CD drive. There should be a little tiny hole, just big enought to stick the end of a paper clip into. (Being a Dell, they sometimes put a faceplate over part of the drive. You may have to remove that faceplate to find the hole.) Straighten a paper clip and push it into the hole. It will manually open the CD drive so you can get the CD out. Hopefully after that the drive will work again. Sometimes the CD "shifts" and get stuck.

2006-09-02 08:43:11 · answer #1 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 0 0

Sometimes the mechanism of the CD Rom Drive gets stuck. To take out the CD Rom from your computer after you are done playing it, simply insert a straightened paper clip ' straight ' into the tiny hole that you see next to the " Close/Open " Button of the CD Rom Drive and press it gently, till the Drive Tray opens up.

This should solve the problem, but if the issue persists then probably it is time to change your CD Rom drive.

2006-09-02 15:46:03 · answer #2 · answered by ArnieSchivaSchangaran 4 · 0 0

Insert a small long pin into the small hole on the drive with the power on push in hard the draw should then release

2006-09-02 15:44:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Click my computer and left click mouse on CD-ROM it may be (D:) or (E:) try both and left click and selet eject.

Your button may be damage

2006-09-02 15:46:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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