Some institutions pay a little more to a BSN. If you wish to climb the corporate ladder, a BSN puts you closer. BSN is closer to advanced degrees, so you could go back for a master's so you can teach, or go higher in the corporation, or specialize.
Associate degree is generally cheaper, perhaps closer to home. You get the basic education. It used to be harder to finish with an ADN, then go to university. Now, programs at the two cooperate, so you do not have to repeat courses, because the university wanted their share of the money, or that they didn't like the course taught at Comm. Coll. Bridging over, getting credit for practicing for awhile before you go to university is easier. And there is always that argument that only BSN"s or more are really nurses, the professional organizations think that is so. 3-year hospital based programs teach that they are the only professional nurse.
But when it is all done, ADNs and BSNs and diploma graduates take the same state boards, and are all legally called nurse. My friend and I went to two different places, he to university, me to Comm. coll, we did the same course of study at the same time. He took one patient in a clinical setting,did little or no no bedside care, and did this big hairy write up. I took several patients, and did smaller workups, and did bedside care.. He was being groomed for administration, me for the bedside.
Hope this helps.
2006-09-02 07:54:43
answer #1
answered by riversconfluence 7
I think it depends on your financial circumstances and what level of nursing care you want to provide. For instance, if you are a single parent who needs to get into the work force quickly to support your family then I would say AA is the best. BSN is good for supervisory level nursing such as charge nurse or patient education or even specialized care such as critical care, cancer, pediatrics,ER, etc. Wages and exactly where you want to work will determine what level of education you want to obtain. Good luck.
2006-09-02 14:47:06
answer #2
answered by n8vemom 1
there are many more advantages. GO FOR IT!! dont think about how much long its going to take. If you really like, it time is going to pass by flying. If you do, you will have more job opportunities and that means more $$$.
2006-09-02 14:52:56
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
why woul you want to waste you time doing an associate degree?
Do the first degree instead.
2006-09-02 14:35:10
answer #4
answered by Pinada 3
2006-09-02 14:37:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous