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Can anybody tell me what is the equation that makes these Xs and Ys - (5000,350) (10000,552) (15000,802)?? Because i want to get the next Ys of 20000, 25000, ...etc

How to get this equation with software or with normal mind?

2006-09-02 05:49:57 · 4 answers · asked by un-X-pected 2 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

Well, it's a real numbers and its about police departments (Population,area).. any approximate equation??

2006-09-02 06:42:22 · update #1

4 answers

Well, I doubt you're going to get an exact answer no matter what, but you need to use the slope formula
(change in y/ change in x) just make sure to use the same order!
you could do (552-350)/(10000-5000), (802-350)/(15000-5000) or you could use (802-552)/(15000-10000) to find the slope. All of those will end up giving you different formulas (this is merely making the assumption of the slope of the line based off of the ponits)
If you use: (552-350)/(10000-5000)
202/5000 or 101/2500 would be the slop and the formula be that y=(101/2500)x+350
then you plug in the values for x
y=1158 when x=20000

y=1460 when x=25000

If you use (802-350)/(15000-5000)
452/10000 or 226/5000 or 113/2500 is your slope
y=1254 when x=20000


Now for our last option: if we use (802-552)/(15000-10000)
250/5000 or 125/2500 or 1/20 for slope

y=1350 when x=20000

y=1600 when x=25000

All in all, my point is that, it depends on which two points of the line you pick, and all of those would be acceptable answers, i guarantee it.

Well, using that its based on real life, then this would be about par for course because its basing it off of the information and you're looking for an approximate value anyway.

2006-09-02 06:11:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Since you have 3 non-colinear points, any equation containing them must be a curve. With no other info, the simplest curve is a circle. Do the geometry, find the eq of the circle and plug in your new x values. Be aware that there may be no solution if they're outside the range of the circle.

Alternatively, if the points represent some actual physical process, decide what type equation (logarithmic, exponential, etc) would be most likely to satisfy the situation, put in the known points and solve for the constants. Caution: you are extropolating outside the range of the known points. Tread here with caution!

2006-09-02 13:37:12 · answer #2 · answered by Steve 7 · 0 0

the problem is that you need more information than that. If they were a straight line then the equation would be easy. Since its a curve it could be any number of things. It could be one side of a parabola. It could be the upswing of a wave function. Three points is just not enough to extrapolate the function.

2006-09-02 12:55:50 · answer #3 · answered by tlets 2 · 0 0

That's a tough one since the points you've given aren't colinear. Are you sure you have the correct numbers?


2006-09-02 12:55:56 · answer #4 · answered by doug_donaghue 7 · 0 0

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