I have gotten these green pellets from pest control centers (the do it yourself kind)
the name is talon-g and they make it so the blood will not clot.
These are extremely effective. A pest control company will know what I am talking about.
here are some you can order along with other mice control products.
Be aware that they must be put in an area not accessible to pets or children. I open the bag and put a little peanut butter on the corner to attract them..use several in areas mice are seen or in corners. Check them often when the bait is gone, replace bag until it goes uneaten.
here are some other helpful products.
2006-09-02 00:07:22
answer #1
answered by janie 7
Cat's are more cruel to mice than mouse traps. A cat will not kill the mouse instantaneously, it will play with it and injure it before it kills. (Unless you starve the cat)
If you use poison, I think you can get delayed action poison so that the mouse takes it back to all the other mice in the den and they all die. The problem with this is that you have a heap of dead mice festering somewhere in your house.
I find that mice traps are best, and kill quickly, and the bodies of the mice are not left scattered around the house wherever the cat or the poison kills them. (Sometimes when you hear the trap go off you have to go and finish the job off, so be prepared for this)
Another way to get rid of mice, is to make sure that there is no food for the mice. Keep floors spotlessly clean in the kitchen, and all cupboards should be above floor level so the mice cannot get in.
I haven't seen or caught a mouse in a long time, but I have seen a lot of bats. I don't use poison as this would kill the bats which are a protected species. The bats cause no harm, except for bat droppings in the attic. They are actually very cute when you see them with their wings down, and hibernating.
2006-09-02 00:12:27
answer #2
answered by James 6
OK the only good answer i see on here so far is the sniper rifel. I have the same problem. only I got a cat, She is just as scared of the mice as I am.But I can tell U what will not work...
1. Glue traps are usless unless your mice are smaller than a goff ball. And they are so oooy to have to pick up with a live mouse stuck 2 it. THEY BITE!
2. The little plug in with or with out a light that makes the noise...HA.. Ya they work for a few days till the mice get use to it. Then they walk by it to eat something next to it.
3.The poison in the yellow box you get at Tractor Supply or places like that... Cant remember the name... NE way it is little green pelets. It will kill them but if you have had a mouse problem for more than a month, it wont kill them all unless you buy stock in the company. And then when it dose kill them they will climb in to your walls and die! And a dead mouse will stink like Hell for about 3 days. Unless it is cool were you are.
4.Dogs might want to kill a mouse but they are not going to catch one.Plain and simple
5. A live trap has holes that are to big to catch mice in. the will go in and come right back out.And be like " Thanks for the penut butter." They are a wast of money
6.Feeling the holes, this was a good idea, but if a mouse likes were his hole was and you fix it... There will be another hole tomarrow.
Now I'll tell you what I am doing this weekend. Here is my plan of action.If every one dose this maby we can compleetly take them out!!!(Yes I have got a little obsessed with this!But so far they are winning!!!)
1.Take all the pluggy things out and put in the middle of the kitchen floor.
2.Get calk , pelet poisen, ducktape,RAT traps, and a sniper rifel,a new jar of penutbuter,Hell we can even try the soda thing,And some smell good candles and spray and a cat that dont think he is to good(have someone shave your cat befor you bring him home.Petsmart dose it for $35)
3.As I am filling the holes with the calk or Fome spray I will mix in the pelets and repete this every day for a week.
4.I will put the live trapes in every room in every corner and around out side. with peanut butter on them and some soda to drink. if one dont get him the other will.
5.I just thought every plan needed duck tape.
6.I will use the plug in sound things to thro at the mouse if I should see him. That is all they are good for.
7.And the sniper rifle or paint ball gun or SHOT GUN! well we all know what I will be doing with that.mouse hunntin'.
8. And at the first smell of a dead mouse I will light the candles and start'a sprayin'!!
I know I make this sound all funny but I dont know what eles to do I am sick of this. but if this all dont work this weekend I am calling in the profeshionals AKA: the NATIONAL GAURD!!! no really an exterminator.That is the only thing I can think of. I have never had this prob befor and as I am sure you can tell I am obsessing about this. But befor I moved in here 5 yrs ago I had the house exterminated.I was a single mom of to little boys and never thought about it again....Till now.
Good LUCK!!! you will need it!
2006-09-02 01:04:07
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
eliminate any food/water source. try and find out where they are coming in so u can block the hole. check under your sink for holes. they have hav- a-hart traps which catch them so u can take them down the street to the woods somewhere instead of killing them. make sure theyre closed when not in use. if u just kill them which is mean others will still keep coming back. u have to find their entrance and block it. if a hole is an odd shape steel wool will work. use plain old glue for small holes. sometimes strong scents such as cayenne pepper, moth balls, or peppermint extract will work because they hate the smell. just put some around areas they go, corners, etc.
2006-09-02 02:31:43
answer #4
answered by galaxygurl 4
Buy a plug in repellent. They emit a frequency inaudible to the human ear but drives the mice mental so those boys will be gone like lightning.
2006-09-02 00:08:12
answer #5
answered by Paul O 2
I used a plug in mouse repeller at my old flat. It gives off a high pitched noise, that does not disturb humans but drives rodents mad. I didn't have any problems with mice afterwards. I got mine from Argos, but most DIY stores should have them.
2006-09-02 01:24:18
answer #6
answered by debzc 5
Dogs will kill mice too. I used to have a mouse problem at my old house, nothing worked like having a cat. Maybe you could try a hairless cat. Or, like I said, a dog.
2006-09-02 00:01:42
answer #7
answered by Kerry 7
Go round your house inside and out with a bic pen, if you can poke it into any hole, fill it. If you have no pets find where most droppings are and put bait down, until it stops going. If you have decking in the garden they like to nest under that so bait there too.
2006-09-02 00:08:47
answer #8
answered by linloue 2
Try using a "cruelty free" trap. You will need to use a few and as soon as possible as the multiply very quickly. When releasing them - take them a good distance from your house or they will dash back in. They are intelligent little creatures!
2006-09-02 00:02:04
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Get some traps and put peanut butter (not cheese) on them and then set them where you beleive the mice to be.
2006-09-02 02:39:44
answer #10
answered by Katrina 2