first, there is no such thing as "gay" marriage
since there is no legal definition of "gay", the law can have no reference to gayness
most people mean "same gender" marriage when they say gay marriage, but of course "straight" people could use it just as "gay" people are routinely married now to people of the opposite gender
I am against legal sanction of same-gender marriage because it is pointless and enormously abuseable. If people want to live together they can already do so. Legal marriage only affects legal things, like insurance coverage.
Sanctioned same-gender marriage would require insurers to comver same-gender partners or develop new and possibly challengable policies
Same gender marriage will increase the cost of insurance
Same gender marriage will increase the use of marriage as a way to merely legalize illegal aliens, dodge taxes, or otherwise play havoc with legal systems designed with a certain type of marriage in mind
so, in summary,
same gender marriage will be costly to society
same gender marriage will lead to more abuse of the institution
in the end it comes down to why states have legal marriages at all
it is because they had the idea of supporting a unit intended for child rearing, without that idea, there is no point in states getting involved one way or the other
without that idea, the government should get out of it altogether and let people marry or not based on their culture or religious coviction, but those marriages would mean nothing legally
I am strongly against same-gender marriage
and finally, the bible does not condemn same-gender marriage (they couldn't have imagined such a thing)
what it condemns is same-gender sexual relations
today, very few people in our society believe that sexual relations should be limited to marriage, so the bible injunction doesn't really bear on same gender marriage, just on same gender sex
2006-09-01 14:20:12
answer #1
answered by enginerd 6
How about democracy? In every state where people had a chance to vote, they voted against it. Each individual had their own reason, but in a democracy we should respect the will of the people.
In California they have Domestic Partners law that gives all the legal rights equal to marriage. So there is no question of equal protection of the law.
Men and women need a type of contract that recognizes they are not the same. Marriage is understood to obligate the partners morally as well as legally to respect each other in spite of the physical differences.
2006-09-01 16:56:42
answer #2
answered by Woody 6
Marriage is "defined" as being between a man and a woman.
"the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.
Marriage is sanctioned by the government to ensure stable families and the protection of children.
That being said, I have no objection to the definition of 'civil unions' to protect other types of committed relationships. Unfortunately, what the activist gay lobby wants is to 'shove their lifestyle in the rest of our faces', forcing their sexuality on our lives, our children's lives. Most folks are neither for nor against homosexuality. What they are against is having ANY kind of overt sexuality forced into the public square.
What we should all be working towards are protections for committed relationships that are NOT marriage, for example, why not protect two elderly sisters who live together?
2006-09-01 13:46:08
answer #3
answered by Joe Rockhead 5
I as a mother of 3 children would like to raise them to be something I can be proud of by not looking down on any persons decisions on how they live their lives. That is the freedom we share in this country. I hope to allow them to make their own judgments in a way I will be proud. However, I believe it confuses children when everybody that is gay and fighting for all their rights and over voicing their lifestyles. I am not saying to stay in the closet,but does it have to be forced down our throats? Why cause such a scene? I just wonder does anyone believe in keeping their Private lives and preferences to themselves?
2006-09-01 18:02:07
answer #4
answered by Bobbie M 3
Marriage was an institution designed to create a haven for man and woman to come together to create and raise children. Our laws are designed to protect those family units and help man and woman come together and make it a bit easier to provide for and raise children. Spousal benefits, social security, etc are designed to provide what might be lacking in a family's provisions, should something untoward happen to the mother and/or father. Man and man or woman and woman cannot conceive children and so cannot be labeled as a family (I don't believe they should adopt or surrogate children to themselves either), so they do not need the "protected status" of marriage to continue their relationship. They are independent identities and are deviant of the normal definition of marriage, and thus shouldn't be labeled as "married".
2006-09-01 13:43:59
answer #5
answered by Strange question... 4
The practice of homosexuality is destructive to the human soul and God gave His warnings about this in the Bible. Supporting gay marriage is a sin because it means to support homosexuality.
Iniquities (sinful tendencies) pass down the generation line if they are not removed by the Blood of the Lord Jesus. Homosexuality is caused by iniquity and the Blood of Jesus cleanses the iniquities of all who accept Him as their Saviour.
After a person accepts the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, they are transformed and made a new creature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). So the gay person would be changed and so would the alcoholic, liar, drug addict, fornicator etc. It's the power of the Blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit in the believer that brings about this transformation.
Because mankind is incapable of meeting God’s standard of perfection necessary to abide in God’s presence (Romans 3:19-20,23), God sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the total debt for the believer’s sins and mercifully credits to his account Christ’s righteousness (Romans 3:21-28,5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). Jesus’ gracious act of atonement was complete and covers all sin (Colossians 2:13-14; 1 John 1:9). Salvation is not based on good deeds but according to the mercy of God (Titus 3:4-5). Believers are justified by faith; it is a gift by God’s grace (Romans 4:3-8; Ephesians 2:8-9). A true, living faith will result in a desire to live a holy, loving life of good works (Ephesians 2:10; Galatians 5:6; James 2:14-26), but failure to be absolutely successful at righteous living does not negate the believer’s justified status.
If you sincerely say this prayer, your sins will be washed away, you will be redeemed to God, be saved from eternal torment and inherit the Kingdom of God:
"Dear Jesus,
I am a sinner.
I repent of my sins.
Please forgive me and save me by your shed blood;
come into my heart.
I want to receive you as my own personal Lord and Savior.
2015-09-20 16:19:04
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Common law never allowed for it?
No society before 1989 has ever allowed it?
Why now?
2006-09-01 13:45:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i am against marriage between men and women as well.
2006-09-01 13:48:18
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I'm a republican but I could care less if gays got married, doesn't bother me.
2006-09-01 13:41:11
answer #9
answered by Delete System32 5