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4 answers

TiVo uses standard hard drives. You should be able to install it in your pc and format it,

2006-08-31 18:21:38 · answer #1 · answered by gp4rts 7 · 0 0

As long as your computer uses a PATA hard drive and will accomodate two drives. Save the information that is on it before you format it in case you want to put it or another drive back into your TiVo.

Some of the newer computers are following Apple and going to the faster SATA drives.

2006-09-01 18:03:18 · answer #2 · answered by mda2000 2 · 0 0

Sure. A HD is a HD no mater what it's used in. You may have a problem finding drivers for it unless you can identify the OEM, etc.
One clue (when all else seems to fail) is you can use the FCC id# that is on it to find out who made it, etc.

2006-08-31 17:24:49 · answer #3 · answered by Dusty 7 · 0 0

dude, never complaint that it is too hard. Haven't you seen you seen all those commercials

2006-08-31 17:43:26 · answer #4 · answered by Tim D 4 · 0 1

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