The reason so many civilians were killed in Lebanon is that Hezbollah violated numerous international laws and stored their weapons and arsenal in people's homes and garages! They did this purposely so that Israel would target their weapons there and then Hezbollah could complain that Israel is killing lots of Lebanese. How many Hezbollah family members were killed? None, of course. They were all evacuated to safety. To Hezbollah, most Lebanese lives are more valuable dead than alive.
2006-08-31 16:24:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The rockets that were used by Hezbollah were not very powerful or accurate. The main reason that the U.N. is talking is because they know what they are saying is irrelevant. The reason I say this is, because while Israel was decimating Lebanon, and killing all those women and kids, the U.N. was powerless to stop the aggression. Now, the U.N. wants to show the world that they are something, when in reality they are all show and no go. And in my opinion , they don't even put up a good show.
2006-08-31 20:05:37
answer #2
answered by MAD MEL 4
Israel is a country and Hezbollah is not. That's the first thing you should know.
Secondly, Israel was using a lot of banned weapons, such as gas and chemicals whose sole purpose is to cause great damage to civilians. Another agenda is that Israels technology is far more advanced than that of Hezbollah. Israeli missiles can hit precise targets from very far away, so how come if their missiles are so accurate, how come so many civilians got killed?
2006-08-31 20:12:45
answer #3
answered by Borna F 2
Seeing as Israel is a pollitically stable country and has many political relations, the U.N. can tell them whats right and wrong because they should know better. Hezbollah is an extremist group and not a country, they are stubborn and polliticaly isolated what can the U.N. do? Reprimand them only to have the Hezbollah laugh them off and continue to kill innocent people.
2006-08-31 20:08:57
answer #4
answered by O00-ACE-00O 3
Cluster bombs are a far more insidious weapon,
In the rockets,small steel balls project out from an explosion and increase the amount of damage from the point of impact as shrapnel.
In a cluster bomb 500-1000 baseball sized bombs are released before the delivery vehicle hits the ground and completely saturate a large area. This kill zone is filled with hundreds of devastating explosions. This is a horrendous weapon that the United States would refuse to supply if they believed that it would be used in this manner.
As much as 5% of these sub-munitions fail to detonate and remain a hazard to rescue workers in the rubble and curious children.
So now you understand that there really is no comparison.
2006-08-31 20:21:49
answer #5
answered by famousblue11 2
Its not the same. To begin with, Israel is the agressor using clusters against civilians. A steel ball is probably less damaging than shrapnel. Try to be objective.
2006-08-31 19:56:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Israel has also used the outlawed white flourescent gas as a weapon. Not to mention that Israel has two hundred nuclear warheads, and points guns at women and children.
Israel should be reprimanded for much, much more.
2006-08-31 19:56:47
answer #7
answered by Link 5
Pure hypocrisy.
2006-09-01 04:26:47
answer #8
answered by composertype 5