Simple! Here's why.
A) More money than brains.
B) Scared to buy a "real" high-perf. car.
C) Mindless sheep who watched "The Fast & The Furious"
D) Ego trip..."Hey. Look at me!"
E) Trying to impress their friends, all of whom will be on to the next fad soon, leaving this person sitting in a $5000 car with $20,000 worth of crap on it, that they now can't sell because no one cares anymore.
F) Any combination of the above.
Hope this helped.
2006-08-31 11:43:16
answer #1
answered by answerman63 5
some cars look good done up, but pimp my ride makes me sick, i hate mtv and also when poor people try to rice up a crap celica or even worse tercel or camry i get mad, they look like *** and should be considered eye pollution and banned. i have a mustang and its done right, just like Chip Foose does them on Overhaulin.
2006-08-31 04:09:32
answer #2
answered by Wild horse C 3
because we can!
2006-08-31 03:19:32
answer #3
answered by justme 3
for lack of sex appeal..........................
2006-08-31 08:20:28
answer #4
answered by Common Cents Genius 2