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is college a waste of time for a person with a felony when it comes to getting a job at a company does anyone know a person with a felony who has been to college and got a good job with their degree felony is for robbery

2006-08-30 15:33:39 · 12 answers · asked by robert 1 in Education & Reference Higher Education (University +)

12 answers

Learning is never a waste of time. It may take you a little longer than the average student to find a job but as long as you stay away from the anything that has to do with money, you should be OK.

2006-08-30 15:56:04 · answer #1 · answered by Gypsy Girl 7 · 0 0

Universities accept people with felony convictions on a case-to-case basis. There has been an on-going case regarding this at the University of Alaska, Anchorage in the Social Work department.

Basically, a man drove the getaway car during a convenience store robbery, where the clerk was shot and died. He is 45 years old now; this happened when he was 16 years old. (He was tried as an adult.)
He took his case to the Alaska Supreme Court because he was the president of the social work club, passed all of his pre-social work classes, but the SW department won't formally admit him to their program. It is presently in court; the ACLU took his case.

Sex offenders are posted online and students who are sex offenders are required to disclose if they have been convicted of a sexual offense/sexual offenses. There is even a website in the state of alaska, which makes sense because Alaska ranks first in FASD, sexual assault, and previously in domestic violence.

Employment is pickier. Some employers can evaluate potential employees on a case-by-case basis, but others are required to follow certain hiring guidelines. There is a website on the state of alaska court system, where you plug in a person's name and the entire criminal and civil records appear. A co-worker and I looked up co-worker's names on this system. (We work in an adolescent, residential, treatment facility.) DUI seemed to be OK, but other criminal offenses did not appear.

Good luck. Keep hope. I am in the MSW program and the wealth of information you do learn can lead to your own business or other ideas!!!!!!

2006-08-30 15:51:56 · answer #2 · answered by dawnsakura 2 · 0 0

It depends on your field. No one will trust you to work around money or valuables, but that still leaves plenty of areas where you can work.

FYI - a felony conviction is forever, and most companies check for at least the last 10 years.

2006-08-30 15:41:19 · answer #3 · answered by Catspaw 6 · 0 0

You only have to put a felony on your application for the last three years. So, after three years, the job is not an obstacle. Go to college.

2006-08-30 15:38:38 · answer #4 · answered by Justsyd 7 · 1 0

Anything in the legal system is out and would be a waste of time. Anything else would be dependant on the feelings of who is doing the hiring. Some would say no where others would look at your returning to college afterwards and thinking 'Hey, this person turned it around" and give you a chance.

Good luck

2006-08-30 15:37:42 · answer #5 · answered by The::Mega 5 · 0 0

It's gonna hurt, that's for sure.

Today they are checking everything.

College and a clean nose helps after a while.

Expect a lot of prejudice.

Once you get into the workplace, never open youself up to suspicison, even if it means going backwards.

If there is a problem at work, be blunt with them and ask for a transfer to some other place because you don't want to be suspect.

Ask to have round the clock supervision to make sure you are safe.

Even if it means a step backwards.

If they know you are willing to go back a step to make sure you are clean, then once they clear the problems they may restore your situation because you were honest.

Understand what I'm talking about.

Someone gets arrested for sex with minors

They live in a community and minors are getting raped

You go to the police and say, LOOK I got busted one for this, put me in jail for a while, until this guy is caught, because I'm not him. If I'm in jail I can't be him.

If they put you in jail and the rapes of minors continue, they KNOW you aren't responsible. Not if you're in jail.

Demand it. Say PUT ME IN JAIL. I'm NOT this person. If I'm in your jail cell and they do it, it proves me innocent!

I demand it!

I want to be under your supervsion!

Get what I mean.

It's called protecting your back.

2006-08-30 15:44:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

All people who hold really good jobs have a felony record. As long as its not for stealing it water under the bridge.

2006-08-30 16:38:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

college is never a waste of time. but having a felony makes it harder for people to take you seriously christ we dont even have the right to VOTE. when it comes down to it i think if someone is going to judge you on just having a felony you shouldnt want to work for them anyway.....people do change..

2006-08-30 15:42:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I do a lot of hiring and I would certainly entertain a candidate in spite of the felony. If they care enough to turn their lives around, that shows dedication and maturity. I say go for it!!! It's not like it was murder!!! Good luck to you!

2006-08-30 15:37:50 · answer #9 · answered by amoroushotmama 4 · 1 0

Background checks bro, they are killer. Really I would say it depends on the company itself but more and more are steering away from felons(unless you are a GD Illegal immigrant)

2006-08-30 15:37:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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