I am an MD. When bird flu mutates to include an ability to spread from human to human, and then 40 million people are lying dying in the hospital, I will only consult the bible on how to deal with this problem. I am glad we have cleared this up, and I think we should all feel comforted that we finally have a solution to the problem of bird flu and other myriad diseases, and we will refrain from using any biochemistry or knowledge of DNA/RNA or anything else from now on, other than what the bible teaches.
2006-08-30 04:41:33
answer #1
answered by Sciencenut 7
This is why you religious nuts will get nowhere in life. If you actually think that life, science, and actual facts of the universe can be summed up in 30 pages written 1600 years ago (oh yeah, the Bible was compiled 400 years after the death of Jesus by Constantanoble as a control for his surging empire), you are a sad human being with no imagination and simple blindness to truth. My calculus book was over 600 pages! Don't give me that "comprehensive" stuff. Use words you actually know the meaning of.
You can have your Bible. I have my own religion... it's called science.
The better question here is,
"Are you Christian Bible-humpers afraid to look beyond the false and the hypocritical for real truth?"
2006-08-30 04:07:25
answer #2
answered by AresIV 4
Beliefs cannot be verified and science cannot exist without determining truth by verification.
The problem fundamentalists are making is that they don't understand that religion has nothing to say about science. A good deal of that comes from abject ignorance and being brain washed by religious leaders who can control them if they are kept ignorant. Fundamentalist leaders encourage people not to think or be critical of religious nonsense. They isolate the believers from any reliable reality and feed them fairy tales and make empty promises of eternal bliss.
Faith or beliefs cannot begin to even create a testable hypothesis, let alone determine truth by verification. So you cannot replace science by quoting something out of the Bible.
Neither Genesis nor any other religious text tells us anything about life or the universe that can be verified. When you cannot verify something, whether it is an idea or a belief, you cannot do science. So Genesis cannot replace even the smallest part of science.
It is the ignorance of fundamentalists that keeps them in a prison of beliefs that are not much more sophisticated than a belief in Santa Claus. A pleasant dream or wish that has no verifiable reality. It is time to wake up from your dreams and get an education!
Scientists are not afraid of losing their jobs. They are concerned about people like you achieving any positions of authority or responsibility as people would destroy civilization in the name of God.
This is what the war on terrorism is all about. It is really a war against fundamentalism of all religions. You are as much the enemy of America as the members of al Quada.
2006-08-30 04:25:33
answer #3
answered by Alan Turing 5
Quite honestly I think that alot of time science actually helps prooves the bible's truth. For example: the bible says the Earth is round thousands of years before it was recognised as round and not flat. Genesis says God created the world in 7days, but 2 Peter 3:8 says "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." It's also important to note that both science and Genesis have creation occuring in the same sequence starting with light and ending with man. If you do the research it's there. Good Luck!
2006-08-30 04:33:04
answer #4
answered by Kara May 2
I keep saying this over and over, but people don't listen.
Science can neither prove nor disprove religion, and religion can neither prove nor disprove science. One deals with morality, and the other deals with evidence and theory. They are about entirely different subjects.
Where there is crossover, there is no need for alarm. How does the big bang theory not fit in with the way the bible describes it? It doesn't really mean that it was created in 6 days, with the 7th for rest. If you think of what people could understand more than 2000 years ago when noone but the very rich could read or do math. The point was the world wasn't created in a day.
Scientists are not afraid to read the bible (for their jobs), in fact most that I know have read the bible. Closing your eyes and ears to facts doesn't make them not true.
2006-08-30 03:47:51
answer #5
answered by Loulabelle 4
Genesis is mythology, not science, so it doesn't really explain anything, and scientists have no concern about it. It is no more valid than other myths in sacred books of Hinduism, Taoism, Shintoism, Islam, Mormonism or the Church of Elvis Presley. Bishop Ussher studied the Bible and determined from it that creation was in 4004 BC. Scientists find that the universe is 15,000,000,000 years old or so. Genesis is ridiculously naive to one who is scientifically literate. Noah's Ark wouldn't hold examples of all animal species, and it'd fall apart in the sea. There is no scientific evidence of a world flood, and there could never be one, for there isn't enough water to submerge all land. I could write a book about Bible flaws. It is preachers who are afraid for their jobs, not scientists. Church leaders have long tried to suppress new knowledge. Such people as you keep them in business, of course. How much did you give last Sunday to a regular offering, special offering and building fund? My sister gives $50 per month to such stuff, while I can find much better uses for my money than buying a preacher a new suit and car.
2006-08-30 05:44:46
answer #6
answered by miyuki & kyojin 7
jointly as some say that activity became written approximately 500 years until now any of the e book written by using Moses, it talks approximately an present international. Genesis tells of the commencing up and can for this reason be the 1st e book in this regard, yet in keeping with risk no longer written until properly after activity. the understanding seem to come again from the absence in activity to the historic regulations etc recorded interior the writings of Moses. i'm previous yet i do no longer circulate back that a techniques so i will leave it to those that choose to delve into those issues.
2016-09-30 04:11:48
answer #7
answered by ? 4
I disagree with you.. I say that science and scientists have explained away and disproved the Genesis story bunkum, written in the bible!.
There is no doubt in the minds of scientists and none religious people that EVOLUTION - survival of the fittest! and natural selection are the only reason why mankind / and life in all its forms developed on this planet.
No amount of religious mumbo jumbo can change the facts.. even though in some parts of the USA a new version of the beginning called intelligent creation is being used to explain away evolution..
2006-08-30 04:05:25
answer #8
answered by robert x 7
If that is how you feel about it and believe then you should not be using the Internet or computers as they were developed by scientists. When you become ill you cannot use antibiotics or other medicines as most of them were developed by chemists and life scientists. Stop eating any foods that are not grown by yourself as most all available food items have been enhanced and processed by facilities, chemicals and processes developed by scientists. Avoid ALL vaccines as they were also developed by bio-chemists and life-scientists.
Your 30 pages are all you need to know???? Then stop being such a hypocrite and practice what you preach, be quiet and stop your pompous, holier-than-thou religious extremism. Go back to blood-letting as a cure and wish for the good old days of the 11th century.... bring back The Inquisition!!! .. Now Those guys were true scientific geniuses!!!! They found all the answers in your 30 pages ... didn't they !?!!?
2006-08-30 03:57:56
answer #9
answered by cat38skip 6
science doesn't disprove creation. In the sense that the Genesis is a symbolic book, and that there must have been a beginning - and we don't know what came "before" that beginning (not to mention the fact that "before" has no meaning because Time itself didn't exist back then).
I'd recommend for you to read Saint Augustine (Augustine of Hippo). He was a very, very smart man, and in his Confessions he discusses the Book of Genesis taking it not at face value (of course) but trying to see through the symbolism what this could mean. And very interestingly, and very impressively considering how old the Confessions are (across the 4th and 5th centuries AD), Augustine ends up using a language that is very, very similar to that of the most advanced physicists / cosmologists today.
I personally studied physics and it never conflicted with my Faith.
2006-08-30 03:43:45
answer #10
answered by AntoineBachmann 5