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2 answers

This doesn't excatly answer your question, but you might try wedging something thin like a washer or two underneath the shade between the shade and the body to temporarly stop the rattle until you remove the headliner. Actually, that other guys idea of breaking off a few toothpicks at the rattle source as a way to wedge the gap is an excellent idea, mabye even better than my washer idea! I have done this before myself a long time ago with something else that was rattling in an old car and it worked fine!

If no one answers your question, call or stop in the parts place at your ford dealer, or stop by a place that does headliners and ask them or go to a Ford truck page on the web with a message board and make a wanted to know post.

2006-08-30 03:00:19 · answer #1 · answered by Middy S 2 · 0 0

a long time ago toyots sold a dash anti rattle kit it consisted of a pack of flat toothpicks you shoved ihem in and broke them off

maby you could try that

or get a tube of the right stuff gasket sealer and squirt some in it wont rattle any more and you dont need to remove the part

2006-08-30 10:00:12 · answer #2 · answered by mobile auto repair (mr fix it) 7 · 0 0

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