You have a responsibility to know if you have funds in your account. If the authorities believe that you were just careless it is very unlikely that you will be prosecuted. If the check was for a large amount over what was in your account it will be hard to convince anyone that you didn't know. What will come of it should you be charged is dependent on your past history. if you cashed a NSF check for less than $100 more than was in your account and you have no history it is very unlikely that you will be charged.
2006-08-29 16:38:53
answer #1
answered by ? 6
If you cashed a bad check, then you're out the money. If you wrote a bad check that's a different story. Usually both your bank & the place that handled the bad check each hit you with a $20-$30 returned item fee. Some companies require certified funds to replace the payment. You are obligated to make good on the payment. People sometimes write bad checks (it can happen to anyone), but knowingly & repeatedly writing bad checks could be a crime.
2006-08-29 16:37:50
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The store will either hold the check for you to come and make good
or they will try to deposit into their account one more time.
If it is ok then you'll probably just have to pay the bank a non sufficient funds fee (usually about $25)
if the check doesn't clear the bank the second time, you'll have to go to the store and give them cash for the check AND pay them a fee plus pay the bank the NSF fee.
2006-08-29 16:39:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If it was for a reasonable amount and your first time ,just a bounced check fee at the Bank and the store you bounced it at
2006-08-29 16:35:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
there are a few set backs to this question. first if the courts don't think you intentionally passed a bad check you are OK if you have no history of passing bad checks you are OK but if you are unsure talk to a lawyer....
2006-08-29 18:02:57
answer #5
answered by bluedanube69 5
Depends. In some states like Massachusetts it is a crime. In NH it is only a crime if you wrote it on a closed account!
2006-08-29 16:39:45
answer #6
answered by cantcu 7
Prison. 10 years. No question asked.
2006-08-29 16:36:14
answer #7
answered by fresh2 4
need to be more specific bad is very broad is it stolen ,wrote it NSF, forged, ecct
2006-08-29 16:47:58
answer #8
answered by aldo 6