'Hole in the ground' by Bernard Cribbins- It's got everything; Class struggles,rage against the system,murder and a nice bit of tarmac to finish off with. Should be re-released. Write to your local MP.
2006-09-02 02:37:12
answer #1
answered by misterviv 3
The Beatles; Here There and Everywhere
Yes; Owner of a Lonely Heart
Jethro Tull; Another Harry's Bar
Or any other songs by the above.
2006-08-29 05:53:40
answer #2
answered by thesingist 2
'Yesterday' by Guns and Roses. It is very true and reflective in our lives. For example, verse one reflects that we live and learn in our lives -
Yesterday, There was so many things
I was never told
Now that I'm startin' to learn
I feel I'm growing old
The chrous, however, shows that yesterday has little relevance after we had lived the past:
'Cause yesterday's got nothin' for me
Old pictures that I'll always see
Some things could be better
If we'd all just let them be
Yesterday's got nothin' for me
Yesterday's got nothin' for me
Got nothin' for me
I suppose that's the reason why, lyrically, that is the best song for me.
2006-08-29 06:47:04
answer #3
answered by VRS 2
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
2006-08-29 05:55:15
answer #4
answered by slowlearner 2
Come with me
Dont give hate a chance
I like 2 move it
Pump it
Holding out for a hero
Black is the colour
Dancing in the dark
I wish I was a punk rocker
That's just a couple of the top of my head !!!!! ("p)
2006-08-29 05:47:20
answer #5
answered by Jellybean xOx 3
I bet you look good on the dance floor
I dont know what you're looking for
you look like something from 1984
I'm in a bang with a bang ho
oh what a scandle
she's too much to handle
stop making the eyes at me
and I'll stop making the eyes at you...
that song.
it sound like he's in love with a punk to me.
I just don't know who sang it.
2006-08-29 05:47:39
answer #6
answered by KU 4
Baker Street by Gerry Rafferty
2006-08-29 05:38:39
answer #7
answered by paul b 2
Driven Under, Seether
2006-08-29 05:39:39
answer #8
answered by Texas_tangent 3
Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderfull Life
2006-08-29 05:40:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
well i could tell you some i wish id written,
"friday im in love" by the cure
"how soon is now" by the smiths
"reaching out from here" by the boo radleys
"nothing else matters" by metallica
"dont cry" by guns and roses
"with or without you" u2
"electrolite, everybody hurts, leave, i remember california, country feedback, ebow the letter" all by rem.
"here there and everywhere, a day in the life, michelle, girl, while my guitar gently weeps" all by the beatles.
"river" by joni mitchell
"autumn leaves" i cant remember who by, but eva cassidy sang it.
"gold dust woman" fleetwood mac
2006-09-01 23:10:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous