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I'm always catching colds...and just wondering if there are other natural herbs that can be taken with Echenacea to boost the immune system. I understand that zinc also helps a great deal.

2006-08-29 05:16:56 · 17 answers · asked by davemg21 3 in Health Alternative Medicine

17 answers

Transfer Factor plus it Raise your inmune system 437%

Far-Reaching Immune Support
4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula combines our patented and proprietary Transfer Factor E-XF™ with the proprietary Cordyvant™ blend to provide far-reaching immune support for your body. The proprietary Cordyvant blend features known immune-supporting ingredients such as maitake and shiitake mushrooms, cordyceps, inositol hexaphosphate, beta glucans, beta sitosterol, and olive leaf extract.
Primary Benefits
• Combines the strength of transfer factors sourced from cow colostrum and egg yolks for broad immune system support
• Supports your body’s ability to remember past invasions, promoting efficiency and health within the immune system
• Educates naive immune cells about a present or potential danger in your body along with a plan for action
• Supports the recognition phase of a health threat
• Provides balance to the immune system
• Nourishes and supports your innate immune system, your body’s first defensive tactic against foreign invaders
What makes this product unique?
• Transfer factors are tiny messenger molecules that transfer immunity information from one entity to another, such as between a mother and her breastfeeding infant.
• The extraction processes for transfer factors from colostrum and egg sources are protected by US patents 6,468,534 (egg yolks) and 6,866,868 (exclusive manufacturing techniques), with other patents pending.
• Independent laboratory tests reveal that 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula boosts immune system effectiveness by raising Natural Killer cell function 437 percent. Natural Killer cells are on the front lines of your immune system.
• 4Life Transfer Factor products are featured in the 2003, 2004, and 2005 Physicians' Desk Reference For Nonprescription Drugs and Dietary Supplements, the standard supplement guide for physicians that can be found in physician offices, hospitals, and pharmacies throughout the United States.
• 4Life Transfer Factor® products have been recommended by the Russian Federation for use as immune modulators in hospitals and clinics. This historic announcement was a result of ten separate clinical trials and two experimental studies extolling the benefits of 4Life Transfer Factor products.

What is 4Life Transfer Factor?

It’s what you need to start doing cartwheels again.
Even if you’re not a gymnast, we think you’ll still agree that, when it comes to having energy, more is better. Your zippidi-do-dah does a whole lot more than just get you through the day. Smooth skin…brainpower…bright eyes…higher metabolism…concentration…lean muscle mass…it all takes energy.

4Life Transfer Factor slows energy drains by increasing the effectiveness of your immune system. In fact, when it comes to boosting your body’s energy, your immune system plays a vital role. A smart, fast, effective immune system contributes less energy drains and, therefore, can help you have more zip for others things.

4Life Transfer Factor boosts immunity
How? It helps your immune system do three things:

Be Smart. Be Speedy. Be Effective.

Your immune system relies on information. It needs to know (1) that there’s a problem and (2) how to deal with it. The information-carrying molecules in 4Life Transfer Factor are nature’s way of keeping your immune system informed and ready to respond. Bacteria’s secret to survival is to multiply unbelievably fast. A few minutes is often all the time unhealthy bacteria need to become a force to reckon with. 4Life Transfer Factor helps your immune system act quickly to stop bacteria from multiplying. This can reduce the strain on your system to a fraction of what it might have been. Basically, with a speedy immune system, bacteria don’t get much of a chance to start spreading in the first place. 4Life Transfer Factor educates your immune system so it can track what germs you’ve encountered in the past and how your body best dealt with them. This history of germ-fighting success helps your immune system respond more effectively, as well as more quickly, to each new event.
The Secret Of Transfer Factors
In 1988, David Lisonbee made a discovery that has changed the way we think about health—he discovered that healthy immune systems have something in common. This common element is surprisingly not a vitamin, or a mineral, or an essential fatty acid, or any other nutritional substance. The common element of strong, healthy immune systems everywhere is a daily supply of Transfer Factor.
If you haven’t ever heard of Transfer Factor before, you aren’t alone. Here’s why.
In researching an obscure reference to a little-known patent, David Lisonbee realized that nutritional experts and researchers had been looking for immune support in the wrong place. Although these experts were combing the world for exotic nutritional sources to support immune function, nutrition was only part of what the immune system needed. For optimal functioning, the immune system desperately needed information, and the information was encoded in a tiny molecule with the interesting name of Transfer Factor.
Studied first in cows, transfer factor molecules are found in the immune system of every living creature. These molecules are nature’s way of conveying a mother’s immune information to her infant, and are passed through a mother’s first milk (for example, cow colostrum). In addition, newly generated immune cells also need to be educated “real-time” and Transfer Factor continues to serve as the immune system’s educator throughout the lifespan.

Transfer factors were first discovered in 1949 by Dr. Sherwood Lawrence, once lead immunologist at New York University (NYU), but his discovery was way ahead of its time and went no farther than the library shelf. 4Life’s innovative co-founders, David and Bianca Lisonbee, licensed Lawrence’s patent, securing 4Life’s exclusive rights to an extraction process that makes manufacturing Transfer Factor accessible and affordable.

How does 4Life Transfer Factor work?
Transfer factor molecules form the core of your immune system’s intelligence. Like DNA, they provide your immune system with cellular information to perform three vital tasks:

Identify A Problem Rally Your Body’s Response Accelerate The Action

How does 4Life Transfer Factor help your body identify foreign invaders? Transfer Factor retains a memory of past threats, as well as genetic information regarding potential threats. Even if your body has never encountered a particular germ before, Transfer Factor signals the alert. 4Life Transfer Factor provides the information your body needs to know how to handle each particular bacterial or viral strain. Although the body has general information regarding how to protect itself, Transfer Factor supplies the details. Not only do transfer factors identify problems, they also trigger your immune system’s response mechanisms. A faster, more effective response means less time for bacteria to multiply.

2006-08-29 06:58:22 · answer #1 · answered by agarcia 2 · 0 2

I've seen some really strange answers to this question, but oddly, no one has mentioned Vitamin C. Linus Pauling, the only one ever to win TWO Nobel Prizes, advocated large doses of C to prevent the common cold and to alleviate the effects when you already have one.

Vitamin C is a powerful immune system support. 1000 mg/day is the recommmended dosage to prevent colds and common infections.
If you still feel a cold coming on, increase the dosage to 100 mg/ every 2 hours, combined with 2 Echinacea capsules. Take 1 zinc lozenge per day. Continue until bedtime, and if symptoms persist the next morning, continue for one more day. Symptoms should disappear.

Echinacea is an immune system strengthener but is only effective for short-term treatment. Don't take it daily. Two weeks at a time is the limit - but you shouldn't need it for that long if you are consistent about the C regimen.

BTW, humans and guinea pigs are the only mammals that don't produce their own Vitamin C. And there is recent evidence that larger doses of C can slow the aging process. Too much to go into here, but google "telomeres" to learn more!

2006-08-29 14:07:31 · answer #2 · answered by keepsondancing 5 · 1 0

One of the very best immune boosters is the all natural NutriFeron.

NutriFeron is a patented, clinically proven blend of immune-strengthening plant extracts. Take daily, NutriFeron strengthens immune response by boosting the body's natural interferon.

Patented blend of interferon-boosting plant extracts (500 mg) is an exclusive proprietary blend of natural plant extracts from pumpkin seeds, safflower flowers, plantago seeds, and Japanese honeysuckle flower buds which have been clinically proven to support and stimulate the natural immune response process at the cellular level.

Here's what one person said: "Previous to taking NutriFeron I had always been susceptible to colds and when I got a cold it would be at least two weeks long. Previous to knowing about NutriFeron, I had been on a lot of antibiotics, had my tonsils removed and couldn't remember the last time I wasn't sick at Christmas time. Winter/Spring of 2003 was exceptionally bad for me. I spent most of January to June with a cold. After starting NutriFeron, I can't believe how my health has improved. I was not ill the entire year. I have 2 young children so when they would catch a cold, I might feel a scratchy throat, but it never developed into anything. And then...I had my first cold in the fall of 2004. We were moving to a new community, and with the stress of moving I was out of routine and forgot to take my NutriFeron. The amazing thing is that once I felt the cold start, I went back on NutriFeron and the cold lasted only 3 to 4 days."

Hope this is useful and feel free to contact me with questions.

2006-08-29 06:32:16 · answer #3 · answered by JustMe 6 · 0 1

If you are always catching colds, you have a weak immune system. You don't need to boost it, you need to build it. The best immune building herbs are Astragalus and Shitake and Maitake mushrooms. If you take these for 1 year and then for 1 month of every year, you will probably never get a cold again, or anything else for that matter.

2006-08-29 13:32:41 · answer #4 · answered by herbwizard4u 2 · 0 0

Zinc does help, but if you have a sensitive stomach it will give you a stomach ache. Something excellent to take when you start to feel run down like you are getting sick, take olive leaf extract. Take the liquid, not the capsules; the capsules are not strong enough. The olive leaf extract will kill infections in your body. My friend's son is involved in sports in high school, and everytime he started to get a sore throat he would take this 3 to 4 times a day and he would be better and not get sick. There are also some vitamins I have only seen in health food stores called "Wellness Pills" or "Wellness Formula." When you are sick you start out taking like 15 the first day , then gradually taper down. You can take them regularly, 1 or 2 a day, and it will boost your immune system.

2006-08-29 05:40:05 · answer #5 · answered by gator girl 5 · 0 0

Murray's Pill Book Guide to Natural Medicines lists 31 other herbs and vitamins useful in supporting and enhancing immunity.
See also: Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine for a complete section on Immunity.

2006-08-29 14:23:49 · answer #6 · answered by Mad Roy 6 · 1 0

Glad you asked. A weakened immune system is often caused by poor nutrition. Not that you don't eat enough, you need some nutrition supplements for that boost. Since switching to America's best vitamin/mineral combo I have had no colds and feel much better. Check my story at www.gesundheit.usana.com then email or order at SHOP@. Good luck & good health!

2006-08-30 03:37:29 · answer #7 · answered by Healthy Randy 2 · 0 0

Wow, lots of answers! Herbwizard4u is great, as well as most of the others. I'm even learning stuff I didn't know. I would take all the answers and depending on your history, experiment and see what works. One note: goldenseal was recommended a few times -- it is not an immune booster -- its something you take once you get sick (like an alternative antibiotic). Anyway, keep working with it till you find the one(s) that work for you. Good luck.

2006-08-30 03:30:58 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Try Eleuthero (formerly called Siberian Ginseng), Astragalus or Reishi Mushrooms. Just so you know, Echinacea works well to mobilize the immune system, but it doesn't "build" it. It is very misunderstood and misused. It is kind of like sending the troops to the front line. Good if you are at war but not good during times of peace. So, when you are not sick, don't take Echinacea. Save it for sickness and it will work much better. Also when taking echinacea, look for Echinacea angustifolia root (not standardized) and you will be shocked at how well it works.

2006-08-29 14:24:47 · answer #9 · answered by intuitiveherbs 2 · 1 0

sambucol and Essiac 4-Herb Tea will make sure that never happens again! Trust me I speak from experience. I have all my family and friends on it as well. It's natures way of boosting your immune system. you can get it from herbalhealer.com

2006-08-29 06:33:34 · answer #10 · answered by ecofriendlygirl 2 · 0 0

Zinc supposedly helps as does Vitamin C and B

2006-08-29 05:23:11 · answer #11 · answered by elvisdan77 4 · 0 0

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